Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>wow, i wouldnt like that bengalmom…son knows what dorm, who his roommate is, layout of the apt, only thing he doesnt know is actual room number… textbooks needed are online ready to be ordered, schedule of classes already registered, meal plan ordered. and i ordered his parking permit today</p>

<p>hope your H does well with wisdom teeth extraction RobD</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:
Hi, y’all. Happy Friday!</p>

<p>Wisdom teeth… our daughter was 21+ when she had hers taken out. Two funny things: While she was in the recovery room on the cot she insisted that I lay by her. When the assistant came in to check on her, she giggled. About 1/3 of me (read my butt) was hanging off the side of the cot. Also, while she had many funny comments, the one I remember went something like this… “I’ve never been this drunk before!” LOL! Wishing all with extractions this summer all the best!</p>

<p> :heart::heart: Happy Anniversary, anothercrazymomanddad! :heart::heart: Glad you’ve arrived safely. I hope your beach day is fantastic! I know my son has a different idea than I do about clean.</p>

<p>CaliforniaDancer - I’m sure you’ll be right. Our son, in consultation with his advisor, chose his class. He did not take the placement test, so I hope they were right.</p>

<p>GSharpM7 - :heart: - Love that Valentine’s Day story.</p>

<p>Keilexandra! Congrats on those great AP scores.</p>

<p>Great to hear from you teenage_cliche! Glad you’re having some good family time.</p>

<p>mdemvizi - Hope all is okay. How frightening!</p>

<p>parent56 - :heart: - Sweet. :)</p>

<p>psychmom - :heart: </p>

<p>Oh, SWTCAT, shivers… so sad.</p>

<p>Too funny, BengalMom. I would buy a hot pink desk lamp and just leave it where he can see it. It would be worth the trip to return it just to see his reaction. :smiley: Our son won’t know any dorm or roommate information until August. It doesn’t bother him, but I want to know. ;)</p>

<p>jc40 - Enjoy the orientation and vacation!</p>

<p>BUandBC82 - :eek:</p>

<p>LOL, momof3sons. I wished for twins both times I was pregnant. My grandmother was a twin, my cousin had twins, I just hoped. However, if I had two eighteen-year-olds right now… let’s just say I would probably not be making :heart:s and :)s. </p>

<p>kindredspirit - I hope your heat and humidity are not too bad today. TGIF!</p>

<p>Youdon’tsay - Enjoy! Lunch with dear friends is one of my favorite things to do. :slight_smile: I’m glad your son got his first choice seminar. Yay!</p>

<p>showmom858 - That sheets and duvet set sound like they will be great.</p>

<p>Late last night, our son tells us there is a send-off in our town next week. He has received nothing from the college, but his friend forwarded it after asking if he was going. I told him he needs to contact the rep to find out what he needs to do to RSVP, etc. Let’s see, the ‘party’ is next Wednesday, so he should take care of it Tuesday afternoon? GRRR! :frowning: I’ll be going into ‘nagging mode’ after I post here.</p>

<p>RobD - Hoping your husband is a better patient than mine is. ;)</p>

<p>Working on :cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Hey, BlessedTwice-it isn’t your DS’s fault that Vandy messed up their guest list. But, in this case, I would also be in “nag mode” to make sure that he uses the info to contact the rep and explain what’s happened, find out if his parents are invited, ;), etc.</p>

<p>Bengalmom, the seminar choice is the only thing we know. No roommate, sked, books, dorm, nothing. But I think the dorm and roommate stuff will come next week or the week after. The joys of small schools. :)</p>

<p>Lol Yds. Yeah… I guess so. But it’s driving me a bit nuts. S won’t meet with his adviser and register until after his orientation trip (a Saturday), then classes start the following Tuesday. No time to look for cheaper books online, etc. At least this is the only semester with registration right before classes begin. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>YDS, when do you guys head up to Northfield?</p>



<p>Ahh! I’m jealous. No room/house/roommate. No schedule of classes(not even a clue of what I’ll be taking)
I’m antsy!</p>

<p>hi rocket! when will you find out?</p>

<p>I’m jealous too. We don’t get housing information until August 9th and I won’t even have the faintest idea of what I’m taking until mid-September.</p>

<p>I like not knowing. It helps with the denial. ;)</p>

<p>We fly up Labor Day weekend. You, Bengal?</p>

<p>We were supposed to get room/housing stuff yesterday by email. But, no one got it, so we’re in limbo til July 20th (the latest date it would come)
and we register in September</p>

<p>Hey rocket and applicannot. My S is in the same boat you are. He finds out about the living arrangements in late July/early August. Class registration is during Wildcat Welcome beginning Sept 14.</p>

<p>Since H and I will be on vacation to New Mexico when the residence contract becomes available, I reminded S to be on the lookout for it. One can’t sign up for a move in time until the contract is signed (electronically) and I want that 8 am time, figuring that it will be kind of a zoo as the day wears on.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>^Oh no, rocket, that’s terrible that no one got it :frowning: I hope you can at least find out something soon!</p>

<p>I fly out 4 weeks from yesterday! I currently don’t have a schedule yet because I haven’t made my schedule :smiley: It’s funny, because each of the different colleges within CMU has a different process for scheduling, so for some people, your adviser just makes the schedule for you - not so for me and the rest of CIT (my college).</p>

<p>S is finding that working with elementary students is satisfying in a different way. He says some of them are pretty bright. At dinner last evening, H did ask him how he was finding it. Sometimes it’s more difficult for people who grasp mathematical concepts easily to teach it to others.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>maybe we just seem so far ahead because the school starts sooner? son has a retreat starting on the 12th for sci/tech honors, and classes start on the 15th of August. seems you aren’t starting until september?</p>

<p>D has all of her classes as the musical theatre students get to sign up first because they have to be able to get all their classes after 11:00 am because they spend the morning everyday at the dance studio. She does not know her roommate or other suitemates yet and will not get that information until the beginning of August. She does know what kind of a dorm room she has so we have been able to shop some. D does not start school until the Tuesday after Labor Day which is the same schedule she always had her in SoCal.</p>


That would be an accurate statement for the woman who claimed to be a math teacher at our son’s school. I’m sure she could do the math, but she couldn’t explain it to the kids. The kids hated being in that class. :(</p>

<p>ETA: The parents weren’t too happy, either.</p>

<p>Parent56: I think you may be onto something; D moves in on August 8th to start the optional weeklong honors program; freshman girls planning on participating in sorority recruitment move in that day too. Classes don’t start till the 18th though. I’d be seriously twitchy if the ducks weren’t getting in a row yet. Patience is not one of my virtues; I’m making mental notes about this for summer 2013…</p>

<p>I need to go back and catch up but I thought this was funny. I made it in to work today (still not 100% but home sick with 3 kids doesn’t always help one feel better either!) and my D’10 called because one of the dogs was sick on my bed comforter so I told her to rinse it in the laundry tub and throw it in the washing machine - realizing at that moment that she was the one we still needed to train on laundry so I told her to ask her 13 year old brother for help :slight_smile: He’s the most domesticated of my 3 and he’s the youngest! Will definitely though do a more comprehensive training in the next few weeks!</p>

<p>r6l, my son is in the same boat. Registration doesn’t happen till he gets to college and that isn’t till September 1st. He won’t hear where he’s rooming until early August.</p>