Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>mathmom- same school so, same boat. It would be nice to have a little more information at this point. I don’t know how much dorm stuff to buy, since we don’t have any idea about the dorm or roommate. Also, it would be nice to be able to order some books -maybe cheaper than the school bookstore.</p>

<p>On the bright side, AP scores finally arrived and they were all 5’s :D</p>

<p>On wisdom teeth - I had 8 and I had to beg my surgeon to give me more than just novacaine (since my dentist told him my weird pain threshhold makes it so he rarely uses anything) but given I had 8 (I was born with a complete double set of adult teeth) and didn’t want to be aware of the procedure (not a fan of the smells/sounds of dental offices) they gave me something that didn’t knock me out or make me loopy but I can’t recall what it was. I also have TMJ issues, likely from my crowded mouth along the way, and sometimes waken with my jaw locked and unlocking it involves a pop that makes everyone cringe. It also pops loudly when eating certain foods but ultimately doesn’t hurt.</p>

<p>I was the only creature in my house to notice the quake this morning, then again my family are not aware sleepers :)</p>

<p>I ordered D her comforter today as I saw a 20% code for the company store. I think aside from odds and ends and a microwave we have the big items accounted for though I am sure I am forgetting something! I’ll have to check the great organizer lists.</p>

<p>Hope all are enjoying a relaxing afternoon….</p>

<p>BengalMom: We experienced a similar response with dorm shopping when my S went off to school as a freshman. Same reluctance/grumpiness (also "pretty ugly”) initially and then some engagement/interest in the selection/purchases. And then complete refusal to do anymore and leaving it to “I trust you” mom. Turned out that he really did care, as we put back many things when picking up at the BB&B at school. From that point on, he has taken complete responsibility for anything he needs. Once it became “real,” his maturity kicked in. You’ll be amazed how quickly your S takes charge when he needs to.</p>

<p>jc40: Also sending good wishes for your orientation/vacation. And hope the dreaded packing went well. Hope your D and family enjoy it all!</p>

<p>Momof3sons: I love the DS#1 story! When I was pregnant with D, my S (then a little over 2 yrs.) was asked by a relative if he wanted a brother or sister. His response, “I want a baby clown!” Okay….Though sometimes it has seemed like a circus, D would not fit that description. He did accept his sister with open arms (except when he asked when she was going back after about an hour of being home from the hospital). And that S will be 21 on Sunday! Where did the time go?!</p>

<p>YDS: So nice that your S got his first choice seminar. Even though you don’t have any of the other yearned for school info, let’s just take it as a good omen. ;)</p>

<p>Showmom: the tye dye sheets and comforter sound great. And YAY for making your reservations for your trip to the Big Apple.</p>

<p>RobD: Hope your H’s wisdom teeth extraction went well! No stories on that front here.</p>

<p>BT: Thanks for asking….though still really hot and humid here! It’s a definite day to stay indoors. Re: the late news about the Vandy reception/send-off, I agree with momof3 that it’s not BlessedSon’s fault if Vandy didn’t notify him, though I’d be having a similar GRRR moment, along with the requisite nagging. Sorry about the frustration. Though hope it all works out and that S enjoys the event.</p>

<p>I can identify with some of the frustration of not having “all the ducks in a row” re: aspects of housing, courses, textbook buying etc. D has her housing and roommate, though waiting to know of courses after registering (won’t know actual classes granted until sometime mid August – I think!).</p>



<p>YDS: Good approach! Though my “need to know” has always prevailed in times of helpless uncertainty!</p>

<p>Shillyshally: Glad you are feeling somewhat better. Yikes about the wisdom teeth! And congrats on the comforter purchase. I LOVE coupon codes!</p>

<p>Momof2inma: CONGRATS to your S on his fabulous AP scores!</p>

<p>Acm: Hope you are enjoying a wonderful anniversary day and dinner.</p>

<p>Wishing all a great night! Stay :cool:</p>

<p>kinidredspirit-LOL at the “baby clown” comment! :D</p>

<p>I will “third” the frustration of “not knowing.” Neither son has a dorm assignment, roommate assignment, class schedule, etc. I feel like I am treading water and getting nothing particularly accomplished other than making lists…</p>

<p>mathmom, the Tufts bookstore online has course listings up if you want to see what different courses require. For the Intro to IR course, they use Palmer’s Euro book-- which S2 has, only in hardback, and it covers more than since 1815. The paperback version online refers back to the hardcover. Would be nice if we didn’t have to buy a new one!</p>

<p>Seriously, if you know your S is going to continue his language from this summer, it might be worth it to get the books online from a cheaper source. My guess is that they will make sure there are enough language sections for IR kids since they’ve gotta have eight semesters!</p>

<p>waving hi to everyeone, off to the cape after the severe thunder/wind/hail storm passes by!</p>

<p>:D :D</p>

<p>jackief-~~waving back~
Enjoy the Cape! I hope you don’t hit any traffic going over the Bridge!</p>

<p>Hello, Friends!</p>

<p>My name is Kate and I’ve been coming here for over a year. In a nutshell, my son would not be at the college he is so excited to be starting in the fall without College Confidential. It was here that we first learned of this college (Northeastern University, class of 2015) and it was here that we learned what his PSAT score meant and how to navigate the National Merit system that lead to his scholarship. </p>

<p>I get tears in my eyes everytime I tell that story! </p>

<p>I’m happy to be back after taking an internet break. We’ve already been to Boston for the NEU orientation and it was a wonderful experience. My son is in classes he is excited about and he is in touch with his room and suite mates. I had to leave him in New England as he is a counselor at a camp in the Adirondacks this summer. We’ll fly back up to get him from camp and then take him to Boston. I’m so thrilled for him…yet struggling with the empty nest. It will all work out, I know that.</p>

<p>Here’s to the class of 2014 & beyond!</p>

<p>waving hi to pmk! I am not worried about the bridge, but about severe weather going through the state right now. waiting until it has passed before leaving. Hear the thunder now…</p>


<p>Glad to see you found us and joined the new thread!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Re: my earlier post about the college send-off. The kid actually didn’t need too much pushing. He emailed, got a return email, and emailed a thank you. And now he is gone for the evening. :)</p>

<p>LOL, shillyshally. Our son is getting a little laundry practice, but could use some more before he leaves. Yikes on the wisdom teeth! You poor girl. Way to go on the 20% off coupon! :)</p>

<p>kindredspirit - I am rolling on the floor laughing about the baby clown story. And what a special weekend for you - your son will be 21! :heart::heart: Wow. </p>

<p>jackief - Back to the Cape? Lucky you! Enjoy! And stay safe.</p>

<p>pugmadkate - HI! I am glad your son is happy. Knowing how happy he will be will make it easier, but I know you will miss him like crazy. But as you said, it will all work out. {{HUGS}} and :heart: to you.</p>

<p>Have a great evening, y’all. I’m off to visit with a dear friend. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>BT-hope you enjoy(ed) your evening with your good friend! So, are parents invited to the “send off?” :wink: </p>

<p>PMK-welcome to our little corner of the universe! Oh, how I would love to be a student in Boston again. My nephew and his bride-to-be both graduated from NEU and are following their chosen careers which NEU’s wonderful 5 year program helped them prepare for.</p>

<p>kindredspirit-Happy Birthday to your DS! Any special celebration planned?</p>

<p>YDS, Maybe I’ll try the denial thing to save my sanity, but being the realist that I am, I’m usually not very good at denial… :)</p>

<p>We hit the road to California in 34 days. :eek: It’s all happening too fast!!!</p>

<p>ks, yes, I keep waiting for that maturity thing to kick in, but I’m not holding my breath! :)</p>

<p>Small world. Went dorm supply shopping today with D, her roommate, and her roommate’s mom. They live about 25 miles from us. Turns out roommate’s mom works with my next door neighbor!</p>

<p>PMK, I know a few kids going to NEU. D’s BF is one of them.</p>

<p>CountingDown I didn’t know there was a link to the Tufts bookstore, but I found a link to a Tufts site that rated professors and it looked like they use the same books for Arabic he had this summer. He’ll probably start from the beginning. He did very well on the midterm, but by the time the final rolled around today he was totally lost. He’ll take the placement test when he gets there - he might have learned a semester’s worth of material, but I’d guess it’s more likely somewhat less than that.</p>

<p>I can’t believe they still use Palmer! That’s the book I used in AP Euro in 1973 - we still have my copy in the house - somehow I think that one might be too old. :)</p>

<p>mathmom, I googled bookstore on the Tufts website. It’s the same klunky B&N search mechanism UChicago’s bookstore uses to get to the booklists.</p>

<p>The IB program here recommended that the kids buy Palmer at the beginning of junior year (they ordered in bulk so we got a good price) and they used it for both years of the HL Euro class. S has the 10th ed. hardcover, but it includes before 1815. It is the first book S2 had on his list to take with him to college and is still regarded as the benchmark in its field. (Palmer went to UChicago, FWIW!)</p>

<p>The current Vol. 2 paperback edition doesn’t have a table of contents posted online so we can see if the pages/chapters are the same. I can just see massive confusion ensuing if S has a different version and reads the wrong stuff for an assignment.</p>

<p>He lucked out with HL Bio, too, in that the teachers didn’t teach much, but the textbook was Campbell.</p>

<p>Lafalum: know what you mean about small world. Just saw that a college friend of mine from GA is FB friends with one of my cousins from Michigan (currently KY)! Am waiting to hear how that happened!</p>

<p>I am curious if everyone is taking their kid to college. My son is heading to Bennington VT from the Pacific Northwest. He is heading out early for an optional trip. My husband is not sure that it is necessary for one of us to fly out for the first day & make sure he has everything. I guess that I just assumed that one of us would be there.</p>

<p>Is anyone else sending off their child & shipping their belongings?</p>


<p>mornin’ all!</p>

<p>waking D up to head to Kohl’s before she goes to work. super sale today.
cross your fingers to the Jeans Faries that she finds something that she likes. she’s SO picky… and will for sure need jeans in DC this winter!</p>

<p>she knows her dorn room, suitemates, and has registered for classes - so all of those are relatively known quantities.</p>

<p>most of the professors haven’t listed their text books online yet… very frustrating. </p>

<p>what remains unknown - and therefore makes me PLENTY nervous - are the financials.
her entrance counseling and MPN for the Staffords are done.
entrance counseling and MPN for Perkins aren’t availble from GW yet.
information on PLUS loans also not yet available from GW.
i’d so much rather have all those loose ends tied up. can’t have money surprises.</p>

<p>it makes me incredibly nervous that the financial aid gets disbursed to student accounts on aug. 30 - the same day the first semester bill is due (and also the first day of classes). </p>

<p>a few BBB visits already - mesh drawer unit, swivel desk chair, mattress cover. more today.</p>

<p>Good Morning! Thank You for all the wonderful anniversary wishes, we had a great beach day, we even took the dog for a swim and a game of fetch! Love NC beaches, we can’t take our Lab to the beach in NJ until the off season. It is also a lot easier with a wet dog on a golf cart then my SUV! Dinner at the beach club was wonderful. I even tried a Beach Bum Martini. S worked as a bus boy at the NC beach club 2 summers ago and was very well liked so we get treated like the parents of a celebrity whenever we eat there! S had dinner there when he was down with his friends and we heard all about from the staff last night! He is a quiet kid, very hard working with a sly sense of humor. As a mom it feels so great to know he makes a good impression. I always say you look at your child with love goggles, he is so handsome, smart and funny! But wait, so is the kid down the block at least to his mom as well, hmmmm I don’t see it so maybe I am wrong about my son! I am always relieved to hear positive things about him!</p>

<p>He finally got his AP scores, Art History-5 (which he expected, the AP Art History at his school is an amazing teacher, no one has ever gotten less the a 4 in his class, ever) Psychology-4 (he was disapponted, was feeling a 5) calc ab-5. The 5 in calc was funny, he was afraid to tell us, because he claims to dislike math but always scores well on tests and we tell him he is good at math and he says he isn’t. H laughed at him and said we aren’t forcing you to major in math, you’re just good at it! </p>

<p>H and I were having a drink in the harbor the other night and he looked around and said, “do you ever have moments in life when you are perfectly happy? when you know nothing is better then this?” It was nice, I am glad he can relax here. This little island really is special. Wish I could share it with you!</p>