Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>@Lois - we’re taking our D to school but a) it’s only a five hour drive, and b) there is orientation for three days, the first two of which have programs for the parents. If she was going cross country, I’m not sure we could afford to join her.</p>

<p>good morning all…help yourself to coffee</p>

<p>glad you are having a wonderful time acm…what a nice thing for your H to say!!</p>

<p>1sttimemom…good luck with the financials. </p>

<p>welcome back PMK!</p>

<p>welcome to the board LoisHK… i will be driving in my car, son in his for move in…but he is only going to be about 2 hours away. when my son went to nyc for college, i flew up with him, shipped his stuff by fed ex ground to arrive the next day. I personally like going to the move in but it isnt absolutely necessary… usually once the stuff is in the room,(meaning you have helped lug it all up the stairs etc) the kids are ready for you to leave LOL.</p>

<p>PMK, welcome back!</p>

<p>LoisHK, we are driving down with our son, it’s about 6.5-7 hours away. I think we will stay 2 nights, the night before move in and then there is a reception for parents the evening of move in. I think there are some other parent events, but we’ll skip them.</p>

<p>I can’t believe I am fully caught up. I always seem to get close, then I get interrupted and don’t finish!
D got her AP scores and was very satisfied. Unfortunately, she may be learning about tough scheduling way too early. She had to wait for her scores to come in to be able to sign up for classes, as her scores decided whether she needed the prereqs or not. Now she is closed out of the class she really wanted, so she will have to call her advisor on Monday to get it all worked out. Wish her luck. She is in the honors program, so this should not be a problem in the future, because she will have first crack at scheduling classes.</p>

<p>In shopping news, we have not bought anything except bed risers. However, I am happy to report that I am a proud owner of a “golden ticket”. We are going to schedule a day to travel to Sawgrass Mills, which has the biggest BB&B I have ever seen. We should be able to bang it all out there.</p>

<p>Welcome back PMK, I was wondering where you were hiding. Anyone seen Queen’sMom lately?</p>

<p>Sewemma, I have your lovely sister in my thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>thanks for the coffee p56, sitting here on wonderful cape cod having a mug. Will head to the beach later, I am just very tired today, the drive was a little harrowing. Have a nice day all!</p>

<p>happy belated acm.</p>

<p>Lois- we are driving but some friends of ours from Seattle have a D going to American and they are not going with her. I think there are several in that situation, whatever works best for your family.<br>
:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Hey everyone. I’m going to catch up later but I wanted to let you know that D had orientation yesterday. It was hot as hell, but it was a successful day. She made friends, picked her dininig plan, met her advisor and picked her classes. She got everything on her wish list and the earliest class is 11 am. Life is good!!</p>

<p>acm, I’m glad you are having such a nice time on your vacation, it sounds heavenly and oh so relaxing. Aaahh… The beach bum martini sounds great, too. :)</p>

<p>Morning, all. About to run out to see ds’s game, but wanted to pop in and say hi.</p>

<p>jackie, glad you got there safely. Have fun.</p>

<p>zmom, how wonderful! Glad things are working out so well for her. What a relief for you!</p>

<p>Lois, dh and I will be flying 1000+ miles to get ds to school, but because of flights/work we have to leave before the parent orientation programs really get started. I understand your concern, but I’m sure you and I won’t be the only parents who won’t be at the big ceremonies. :slight_smile: Both of us going with him to move in means no one is going to parents weekend, just not enough money. You do what you can do.</p>

<p>Welcome, LoisHK! We are driving our son to college (650 miles) in a large SUV because there is no way we could ship the mounds of stuff he is taking. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>WhirledPeas, Sorry your D was shut out of the class she wanted, but I hope her advisor can work it out for her. Have a good time at the huge BBB with your golden ticket. Could be a long day, better take a water bottle and snacks! ;)</p>

<p>lois - taking a day to drive D from FL to DC & staying in a hotel that night. the next morning is move-in day for her early-start pre-program. need to be done with the move-in by 3:00 so i can take her (and whatever suitemates are around) to an early dinner before their events start at 5:00-ish. then i’ll stay that night in the hotel again and tie up any loose ends before leaving the next day at 7 AM to drive back to FL. hoping to take D to breakfast & say goodbye just the two of us. we’ll see what happens. </p>

<p>because of the expense and time off work for the move-in, i’m not able to go up for parent’s weekend or for a visit… will have to wait to see her at thanksgiving. :frowning: it’s all about trade-offs.</p>

<p>there are as many ways to handle all this as there are families. do what makes sense for your family. :)</p>

<p>zm, life is good indeed! I’m glad your D is so happy, which makes it all better for mom. :)</p>

<p>jackie, glad you made it to the beach safely. Now you can relax and enjoy!</p>

<p>S got his AP scores last week, and we were all very pleased – 5 in Biology(Hurray for the bio major!), 5 in English Lit (a surprise to all of us), and 4 in Stats. It’s nice to know he did well, even though he won’t get any credit for them. He has taken 7 APs, but Pomona only gives a max of credit for 2 classes out of the 32 required courses. APs also do not automatically qualify you for a more advanced course because there are placement tests all freshmen take in math, chemistry, and foreign language (if applicable). S doesn’t care about the lack of AP credit because he doesn’t intend to take a lighter course load anyway – there are too many classes he wants to take.</p>

<p>ouch ouch…back from online textbook shopping… just spent over 700 and thats not all the required books. i caved and went with new for bio and chem (although could have got alot cheaper used) For whatever reason he wants new ones…and as that and meal plan are our only expenses i gave in</p>

<p>hmmm still no ap scores here…wonder if son had them sent to his bs?? lol if thats the case…we may not know until august…cant use them anyway</p>

<p>Morning all! A bit late, but still morning here….</p>

<p>Jackie: Enjoy the Cape! Hope you avoided all the storms and had a safe trip. Have a great weekend.</p>

<p>Pmk: Welcome back and so happy to hear from you! I’ve been thinking about you and am so happy to hear that your wonderful S (and you) enjoyed the Northeastern orientation. Looking forward to his continued happiness and success. We’re all here for you. :heart:</p>

<p>BT: Glad it worked out with the college send-off reception. They do what they need to do and then they are off! :wink: Hope you enjoyed your time with your dear friend! :slight_smile: And thanks for the birthday thoughts for S. Wow is right!</p>

<p>Momof3sons: Thanks for the B-Day wishes for my S. Re: any special celebration planned? He is gone for the weekend celebrating with his friends! We hope to have a small family celebration sometime this week.</p>

<p>BengalMom: Hang in there! That maturity thing really will happen! And nice AP scores for your S, even if he can’t use most of them.</p>

<p>1sttimemom: Good luck with the shopping!

….I can SO identify with that! Also sending good and calming thoughts that all the financial stuff works out. I’m sure if you just keep in touch with GW and follow the needed steps it will all be fine.</p>

<p>LoisHK: Welcome! We are driving our D and staying in the area for a couple of days. D is only 2 ½ hours away. I do have friends that have had children attend school thousands of miles away and some have accompanied them and some have not. It really depends on what works best for you and your family.</p>

<p>Acm: So nice that you had a wonderful anniversary dinner and that you are enjoying some special, relaxing time with your H. And Congrats to your S on his AP scores. It sounds like you have many reasons to be proud! Wishing you more happy days at the beach. I’ve got my virtual beach towel ready at a moment’s notice. :)</p>

<p>p56: Thanks for the coffee! Wonderful as usual! Have another cup after that textbook shopping. Maybe it will take some of the edge off! I am bracing for similar costs for D with science textbooks as well. And she also wants new ones!</p>

<p>WhirledPeas: Waving! :slight_smile: Nice to hear from you and so glad that your D’s AP scores brought satisfaction. Hope it all works out with the course she wants. And YAY for the “Golden Ticket!” Happy shopping!!</p>

<p>Zooser: So happy to hear about the great orientation for your D. Nice to hear you say that “Life is good!” Keep that thought going. :)</p>

<p>Wishing all a wonderful day!</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>This is ‘want2babuckeye’ and I am the mom of a son going to The Ohio State University!</p>

<p>We’ll be driving D to UVA but it’s only about 2 hours away. We were just planning on taking 1 car but now we have a very large fridge box and I’m thinking we may have to take 2 cars. No biggie but I really want DH in the car with me on the way back since I know I’ll be in a funk. Ah, we’ll see when we get to that time! 5 weeks, ACK!!!</p>

<p>I need to have her check out what text books are needed so we can get those ordered but I’m feeling broke at this point of the summer. At least all her student billing has finally posted and my plus loan was credited so that’s good to go. </p>

<p>She leaves in a week for 2 weeks at the beach but she’s going with her best friend and family who I am so happy they are still so close (went to separate HS). Tonight she’s spending the night with this friend and 2 other friends that were all best friends at the end of middle school and have all remained very close (only 2 at same HS). I have a picture on my desk at work of the 4 of them from MS graduation and I told D to get a picture of all of them tonight so I could have an updated photo.</p>

<p>welcome want2b!!! congrats to your son!!</p>

<p>Welcome want2babuckeye (and everyone else I’ve seen but forgot to welcome this week!)</p>

<p>ACM - wanted to say happy belated and what a sweet thing for your husband to say - love it!</p>

<p>ks…may take more than coffee!!</p>

<p>son seems to be having a good time on his trip…one grandfather taught him to use a lathe and today other grandfather is teaching him how to use a pottery wheel. sounds like he is being fed all my favorite foods as i was growing up so i am jealous! </p>

<p>told him about the taxfree weekend to buy his computer (visions in my head of saving money…) his reply…“great then i can get a keyboard, mouse and monitor so i can set it up as a desktop too and you cant complain” </p>

<p>he must still love me though as he went to Tim Hortons and bought me 6 cans of coffee and has already shipped them to me!!! boy wait til you guys try that next saturday morning LOL</p>