Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Good morning, everyone! I’m up early because I’m heading to a pool party down the peninsula (I seem to be ending up there a lot this summer! First the CMU thing, now this) But it should be quite warm, which sounds really nice! </p>

<p>zoosermom - that sounds great for your D! I have to admit, I am so jealous - the one thing I know for sure is that I’ll have an 8:30 am calc class. No way of getting around that one! </p>

<p>My mom and I are flying out to Pittsburgh a couple days early. My sister is off at camp, and my dad will be staying home.</p>

<p>Welcome wanttob! CONGRATS to your S!!</p>

<p>acm: How nice that your D has maintained the closeness with her friends. I know that I will miss several of D’s close friends when they are at school. Looking forward to sending a care package.</p>

<p>parent56: Sounds like your S is having a wonderful time. And how thoughtful to send you the coffee. Can’t wait to try it next Saturday! And LOL re: his comment about all the added things to purchase since it’s “tax free.” Gotta love 'em. :)</p>

<p>Not much going on here except for maybe a trip to Target to just scout around (for me, not D). D is enjoying time with friends, including a dinner last night with others attending UPenn…friends of friends. Networking is nice. All seemed to have a great time.</p>

<p>We also have an alum reception in a couple of weeks for students in the area. We and D are looking forward to it.</p>

<p>ETA: Enjoy the pool party CaliD! Hope you have lots of sunshine.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Just wanted to say good morning to all. But it’s not really morning any more. Ah well. No real news here. S bought some new, warm hiking boots this AM, check! I think he may get his room/roommate info on Monday. Since it does not have an impact on any shopping or decisions here (the dorm rooms don’t differ all that much, and he already has a refrigerator), it’s more a matter of curiosity than anything. AT least for me. I think it will make it more real for him. Registration for classes won’t take place till late August, and since his assigned registration date is fairly late, I’m guessing he won’t get exactly what he wants. But there are lots of wonderful courses to take, and it’s all part of the process.</p>

<p>Hope everyone is staying :cool:</p>

<p>Just a quick post. I haven’t been able to catch up with all the posts. </p>

<p>Spent Monday & Tuesday at orientation, then flew to Las Vegas to celebrate DH’s brother’s birthday tomorrow (will be 61). </p>

<p>While here in Vegas, I went online to order a mattress topper I’d seen on sale at Boscov’s back at home. I found out they had a college sale with free shipping through today. Also a Twin XL shop.</p>

<p>I though I’d pass along the info in case anyone is interested.</p>

<p>Hi, everyone. </p>

<p>I finally dragged D out to shop for some dorm stuff today. Yes, I said dragged. I must have the one D that is not excited about shopping for college. I think she will be, once she has her roommate and housing information, but I’m anxious to get started - and she doesn’t need her to know her roommate for everything.</p>

<p>Welcome to our new posters, and congrats to acm’s S and BengalMom’s S on their great AP scores. Also, congrats t anyone I missed. Not sure how much info my brain retained, since I had a number of pages to catch up on here.</p>

<p>ACM - congratulations on your anniversary! What a sweet husband you have! </p>

<p>KS - wishing your S a very happy 21st birthday! Congratulations to you and Mr. KS as well! </p>

<p>Hope your trip to Target was a success?</p>

<p>zoosermom - yay for your D being happy with her school and her fall classes! My D won’t be able to register for classes until after move-in day. :frowning: She took all of her online placement tests, but they don’t get their results until move-in day. Not sure of the process after that, but I imagine she’ll go over the results with her advisor and select her courses then. </p>

<p>CalDancer - have fun at the party today. D is attending another grad party tonight. I suspect they’ll be going on all summer.</p>

<p>ETA: Welcome back, Kate! We’ve missed you. Glad your visit to Northeastern was a success!</p>

<p>back from the beach, will catch up later. Just needed to let you all know it is now cocktail hour :D</p>

<p>I just worked out so I am pushing cocktail hour back a bit! We are heading to the BHI Club for dinner with friends, H has to leave tomorrow :(, back to work.</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny: Hi! Happy Saturday!
sewemma - Continuing to pray for your sister and your family. :heart: and {{HUGS}} to you.</p>

<p>momof3sons - Yes, parents are invited. We will be a party of four, as his friend’s parents can’t attend and she will join us. </p>

<p>1sttimemom - Happy shopping! Keeping fingers crossed that all the financial aid goes smoothly.</p>

<p>anothercrazymom - What a nice post. Thanks for sharing your happiness. And congrats to your son on those great scores. And like kindredspirit, I’ve got my virtual beach towel ready at a moment’s notice.</p>

<p>Welcome, LoisHK - I always hate to give advice, as I know every family’s situation is different. Both my husband and I will take our son (16 hour drive) to college. We want to help him move in (on a Saturday) and make sure he has everything he needs. There are parent activities scheduled until noon on Sunday. Then we will make the long, and probably quiet, drive home. </p>

<p>WhirledPea2u - Congratulations to your daughter on those AP scores and good luck on the registration project. Fingers crossed. And congratulations on being the owner of the golden ticket! Lucky you.</p>

<p>jackief - Relax and enjoy! :cool: Wait! It’s already cocktail hour? Please make mine strawberry. :D</p>

<p>zoosermom - Nice! I’m glad you had a successful orientation day. :)</p>

<p>More congratulations to your son, BengalMom, for those great AP scores!</p>

<p>Welcome, want2babuckeye! Congratulations to you and your son! (I am a Gopher fan…)</p>

<p>shillyshally - It is so nice that your daughter is able to remain friends with her middle school friends. Our son’s two best friends graduated from different schools, too, but they have been friends forever, and will be beyond, I am sure. Our daughter has had many groups of friends as she has grown up, but she still sees those middle school / high school friends as often as she can. :)</p>

<p>parent56 - Thanks for the virtual coffee, the only kind I drink. Really looking forward to your virtual special coffee next Saturday. I wonder if we can get kindredspirit to make some doughnuts? I’m glad your son is having a good time. :)</p>

<p>CaliforniaDancer - I hope you had a great time at the pool party. Your trip to CMU with your mom will be really nice. I know how proud she is of you.</p>

<p>kindredspirit - I am happy that your dear daughter is making some more connections with UPenn students. How nice! I’m glad they are having a great time getting to know each other. We received a list of graduates and college choices from our daughter’s old high school this week. There is one student listed for Vanderbilt. We knew his family (through his older sister) years ago, so it will be nice to reconnect. BTW, how was Target? </p>

<p>To all my Yankees fan friends: Our paper had a lovely tribute titled “Boss honored with walk-off” today. It sounds like it was a special day in Yankee Stadium. There is a picture of Mariano Rivera wiping his eyes. So sad. </p>

<p>Our son is off getting his back-to-school haircut. He’ll need a trim before heading off. He has had the same barber forever and it will be hard for him to let anyone else cut his hair. Wondering if he will wait until Thanksgiving… </p>

<p>Have a good evening. Stay safe.</p>

<p>Staying :cool: :cool:</p>

<p>BT-you raise an excellent point about haircuts. DS#3 will be ~800 miles away and he likes his “corporate” hair cut every 4 weeks with the same person. I’m sure this thought hasn’t crossed his mind. Then again, he also hasn’t thought about checking his college email to read everything he’s supposed to be reading, hasn’t thought about checking on the online web chats they’re having with advisers from his school, hasn’t thought about taking the online placement exams…:rolleyes: I am trying to remain :cool: and not nag him.</p>

<p>Thanks for your Yankee comments. It was a pretty unusual night at Yankee Stadium.</p>

<p>momof3sons - I try not to nag, but I am not as :cool: as you. Our son just :rolleyes: at me. Some day he may appreciate me. :smiley: I won’t hold my breath!</p>

<p>Hi all! Sorry I missed cocktail hour Jackie! Hope it was fun!</p>

<p>Donnagal: Hope you and DsS enjoyed orientation! Also hope you enjoyed Vegas. Nice to have the mattress topper purchase done and on sale is always great!</p>

<p>LIMOM: Glad you got some dorm shopping started. I am also one that just likes to get it done. I’m sure your D will be well into the spirit when she gets her roommate/housing. It does make it more real. It sounds like she’s on top of everything else and I’m sure it will all fall into place right on schedule……Thanks for the birthday wishes for my S!</p>

<p>I did not make the trip to Target today (and thanks for asking also, BT). I think we will be venturing out to BB&B tomorrow. Hope my eyes aren’t glazed over by the end of it. I’m thinking it will be fun?! Hoping for happiness and good times. :)</p>

<p>BT: Thanks for your kind thoughts. D is really enjoying connecting with new friends. I’m sure your S will make similar connections, either from old friends and certainly new ones. </p>

<p>Thanks for your thoughts and acknowledgement re: the Yankee game yesterday. As momof3 said, it really was a special time honoring “The Boss” and the amazing walk-off win.
And as someone with that nagging bent/gene (okay I’m blaming my mother), I understand the frustration at times. Though I am SURE your S already appreciates you! My kids don’t like my nagging when I let myself slip, though they know it comes from love. I know your S is Blessed to have you!</p>

<p>Re: the haircut (and to momof3)….My S also had the same barber forever before he went to college….and did not want anyone else to cut his hair. Miraculously (yes it happens!) he found someone at a place at school who he likes even better! And now he complains when he’s home that he misses the new person cutting his hair. :slight_smile: Sometimes perception is enhanced by necessity. :wink: (And his hair looks great whenever he comes home from school!)</p>

<p>Momof3: I’m sure DS#3 will get it all done when he needs to. Everyone at their own pace. Nice that you’re staying :cool:</p>

<p>And BT, I’d be happy to make the doughnuts to go along with parent56’s virtual coffee. Taking orders now! ;)</p>

<p>Wishing all a good night!</p>

<p>ks, since you asked: I’d like two chocolate glaze doughnuts, one sprinkled with coconut and one with peanuts; a cinnamon roll, and an apple fritter. Man, good thing these are virtual calories.</p>

<p>We fried today during ds’s double-header on what was the first day the temp reached 100 degrees here this summer. Thankfully, I thought to bring a pop-up canopy.</p>

<p>Ds is going to a party tonight and then a sleepover at another guy’s house, so I told him he had to get all the online advising stuff that he’s been putting off done before he left. Amazingly, it’s done. :slight_smile: Plus, he wrote the dean of students with a question about an incomplete on his student checklist, and I think right now that he’s finishing this online alcohol questionnaire he has to do. Woot! He’s on a roll.</p>

<p>Ds’s hair is so thick and grows so fast. He’s not picky about the cut, I just hope he bothers to get one.</p>

<p>We’re back from our quick trip to Santa Maria. H and his friend did a 60 mile bike ride. I headed to the dunes and did some nice hiking there. Lots of solitude with the roar of the ocean … didn’t even hear the beach patrol go by and saw them later way down the beach.</p>

<p>We took dinner at an El Salvadoran cuisine restaurant, nice. We also noted the huge amount of acreage plants in wine grapes. H said no wonder there’s a glut on the market. I said we’ll have to get working on that demand side of the equation.</p>

<p>We got lucky on the drive back. Our direction was fine, but those coming N towards Santa Barbara on the 101, tough going! Typical for that area, which is unfortunate. I think we’d take more weekend breaks this direction but for the traffic.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Good evening everyone! I’ve been having some insomnia issues and slept the day away today. Oh dear. </p>

<p>zoosermom - I am jealous of your D not having classes until 11AM. I have an 8AM class two days a week and a 9AM class the other three days. My schedule is also spread out too. I failed at making a schedule which is flowing since I have blocks of time where I don’t have class.</p>

<p>Hey, everyone! Just have a few minutes to check in with everyone before heading to bed. Arrived in VA safely. DH and DS got to see DD’s new school as well as the town. D and I had a meeting today with her coach – went well. Afterward, we went over to see if we could possibly gain access to her dorm so we might be able to take measurements and see what side the room faces. We couldn’t; however, we were able to talk with a student worker in the housing office. We were told that we could see a sample room on Monday to get all the measurements we need that aren’t on the website. While there, we asked if she knew which side D’s room faced. Remember, D was placed in the dorms she DID NOT want (about a 40% chance this would happen)…today we found out that her room has a lovely view of – wait for it – the CEMETARY! :frowning: The past few months have brought SO much of the unexpected and disappointment. We’re now just laughing…it’s become a joke as to what else can go wrong. Our guess is that the next thing that will happen is that she’ll get none of the classes she needs on Tuesday (strong probability). God is certainly trying to build and stregthen her character and resolve. </p>

<p>zoosermom…WOW! That’s fantastic that the schedule worked out as well as it did. WTG!</p>

<p>kindredspirit…I’m glad your D is making connections at Penn. D has a friend going there. It’s a great school.</p>

<p>ShillyShally…SO happy you’re starting to feel better. When you have your “cram session” for Laundry 101, can my D enroll? :)</p>

<p>BT…so did your D go to Vandy too? Is your son the only one from his school going? I’m glad he’ll know someone – that always makes the transition easier.</p>

<p>Lois…we’ve decided DH will drive the SUV and small trailer (about 20.5 hours), and I will fly out and meet him there. It was going to be more expensive to ship things. In the spring, we’ll rent a storage unit and store her stuff over the summer; hopefully this will prevent us from having to ever make the drive again.</p>

<p>CaliD…have fun with your mom at CMU’s orientation! Let us know how it goes.</p>


<p>jc40, the cemetary on my campus is gorgeous… I would love to have a view of it! Maybe the cemetary is dumpy or your D finds it creepy, but I get a pleasant mental picture when I hear the word “cemetary.” LOL.</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone! I had a nice time at the party, and it was indeed very warm. </p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 - If I remember correctly, your D is attending Harvard? One of my good friends is also attending, and she’s getting very impatient about roommate info and everything as well!</p>

<p>Well, I’ve been offline for a few days and can’t seem to catch up on this thread. Not too much news here. With both kids away, H and I have been working a lot. We took Thursday off and headed to NYC where we had a great day. Wish we could do that every week! That reminds me, when is the NYC get together? Not sure I could make it, but thought I would check!</p>

<p>Saw some friends today whose 2 kids are already in college. The one showed me her North Face Surge backpack. I want to get D a good one for carrying the new laptop (that we have not bought yet!). Anyway, I ended up ordering one on ebags, using Ebates because they had them on sale with free shipping. Now I just have to hope D likes it when she sees it. It is hard getting this stuff done with her being out of town! But ebags seems to have a good return policy if I need to send it back.</p>

<p>As for registration and buying books, D will not get to register for classes until she arrives on campus in August. I guess at that point we will scramble around to see if we can get discounted books online or if she’ll need to buy them full price at the school bookstore.</p>

<p>Have a good night and rest of the weekend.</p>

<p>PAO2008 I am thinking of getting a bag from ebags too. I’ve already bookmarked a couple but the North Face bags look nice too. Did you get her the Surge?</p>

<p>evenin’ all!</p>

<p>well, it’s been quite a day. </p>

<p>Kohl’s super sale this morning. 3 pair of jeans that “will do”. some alterations needed… we’ll see what our dry cleaner can do for us. </p>

<p>after work it was off to BBB for a whole cart jammed full of towels, matress pad, cube units, mini shelves, desk lamp, etc, etc, etc. </p>

<p>then off to meet grandfather at the Apple Store at the mall. laptop and all the acoutrement (sp?!) were courtesy of mema and poppy. unbelievably and unfailingly generous. </p>

<p>i’m not sure which will happen first… it’s a pretty close race so far… will the car tbe too full to buy anything else to take to DC or will the money run out?<br>
i’m betting on the money running out.