Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I haven’t had time to read all the posts I missed in two weeks - over 100 pages! Has anyone updated the college list? If not, I can go back and do it. I did see want2babuckeye’s son!</p>

<p>We LOVED Arizona! There were so many highpoints, it’s hard to pick just a couple. The thing that impressed me again, as it did in high school, was that the landscape changes every five minutes when you’re driving! Literally! DH intended to study while I drove, but there was too much to look at.</p>

<p>DH and DS’s highlight was their hike down into the Grand Canyon. They intended to go down three miles and then come back up. When they were TWO AND A HALF HOURS late, I freaked out and filed a report at Park HQ. While I was still at HQ, DH called to say they’d gotten back. Long story short - they kept going after three miles - and going and going and going, until they got to the BOTTOM of the canyon!! 6.9 miles one way! There are warning signs everywhere NOT to attempt that hike in one day, and they did it in 8 hours, 30 minutes! You should have seen the steam coming out of my head! They were quite proud of themselves, and happy they got to swim in the Colorado River. Sigh. At least they’ll have a great memory of their time together. And DH is fully aware that he will never go on an unchaperoned hike again.</p>

<p>My favorite part was the Rock Art Ranch. south of Winslow. The 73-year-old rancher, a month older than my dad, moved there with his family in the late '40s. He found his first Indian pot when he was 11. Since then, he has found more pots as well as arrowheads, jewelry, cooking utensils, etc. He also has lots of pioneer and cowboy implements. There is a narrow canyon on the ranch with thousands of Indian rock etchings and paintings - the largest number of drawings in one location in the world. We had to make reservations to get a tour, and it was really cool being the ONLY people in the long canyon, surrounded by Indian artwork thousands of years old.</p>

<p>Sedona was fabulous, too! The red rock formations are so beautiful they don’t even look real. We spent a week there and still didn’t have time to see everything.</p>

<p>So DS now has 29 days until he leaves for school. I get a lump in my throat whenever I think of it.</p>

<p>It’s good to be “back!” I missed everyone. I didn’t have any computer access, except for a couple of hours, and DS needed the time to finish registering - he finally got all his classes arranged in a decent schedule!</p>

<p>It has been a difficult weekend to say the least…Friday night I prepared dinner for my best friend and her family as they were leaving the next day for a move to the Midwest. I am not good at saying goodbye. </p>

<p>Yesterday evening our area was hit by devastating floods. We were spared but so many have lost all of their personal property. Houses were pushed off their foundations, cars swept away and most tragic, two are confirmed dead and several others are missing. </p>

<p>Today we took food to some families and then we spent the afternoon helping my sister clean up after the storm. Tomorrow I am going to help the youth of our church pack and deliver bag lunches to those helping with the clean up. I am very proud of this group as they were to leave tonight for a trip to the beach and they chose to give it up to help others. Awesome group of kids (mine included).</p>

Thank you again for having the courage to share your family tragedy with us. You did NOT hijack the thread. We already had one hundred+ pages filled with mostly “nonsense” :wink: and will have hundreds of pages more to discuss all the little stuff. Continued thoughts and prayers are with you and your extended, loving family.</p>

<p>sewemma, I am honored that you chose to share your sister’s story with all of us here. I am inspired by your up-beat attitude following your devastating loss. What a wonderful way to honor your sister, who seemed to be so full of life. You have been blessed to have her in your life.</p>

<p>sewemma, How truly heartbreaking your loss is, but what a wonderful blessing your sister’s life must have been to all fortunate to know and love her. Thank you for sharing such private and touching details of your sister’s goodbye to her dtr and your mom’s loving and painful vigil seeing her dtr off from the life she brought her into. I am honored also that you shared this with us. I will keep you all in my prayers and continue to love and appreciate my sister, dtr & mom all the more for being reminded how truly fleeting life can be.</p>

<p>sewemma, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Your sister sounds like she was a special person, and my heart goes out to you and the rest of your family. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs!!</p>

<p>KYParent - I hadn’t heard about the floods in your part of the country. I’m so sorry, and will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers as well. It’s wonderful to hear about so many people, especially the kids, pitching in to help those harmed by the flood.</p>

<p>ML - welcome back from what sounds like an amazing vacation. We missed you too. :)</p>

<p>CalDancer - yes, D is going to Harvard, and like your friend, getting a little impatient to receive housing/roommate info - though she’s not as impatient as her mom. ;)</p>

<p>LoisHK – Welcome. I think that it is a matter of personal preference whether you do / do not go with your S to school. Our D is going a week early for an optional program too and then officially moves in a week later. The general consensus among parents is that there is no consensus. Mostly, it varies by distance and mode of travel. Some are going out for the early move-in, some for the “official” move-in, some both, and some neither. We are planning on trying to do both, but it will mean a couple of long weekends since it is about a 7 hour drive one-way. If it was Pacific Northwest → Vermont, it would be a whole different story. Parent56 nailed it… with our D1, after you are done pack-muling the stuff you become persona non grata anyway… at least until they need something.</p>

<p>ShillyShally – We were talking to some friends of ours that dropped off their youngest at college a few years ago and had to take 2 cars. The mother was explaining how hard she was crying. The husband then chimed in… “I guess that’s why you didn’t see that state trooper.”</p>

<p>FAP – Ah, the 101. It doesn’t seem like just a week ago that we were there. I managed to do 30 miles on my bike today, but it is hotter than the hinges of Hades in VA today, so I had to give up.</p>

<p>Jc40 – Welcome to the great state of VA. Sorry that the thermostat is broken. The cemetery view actually sounds kinda cool. </p>

<p>MLH - Welcome Back!</p>

<p>D2 received her college, residence hall, roommate info. late Sat. night (11:30PM+) and was initially quite disappointed, especially with the “… Your roommate is _________________________” part. Yep, blank, no roommate. They put her in a single. She really wanted a suite with roommates. She is concerned that she may not be able to make friends with a single. I explained to her that there are still plenty of people on the hall and she has to go down the hall to get to the bathrooms and showers. I told her that it isn’t like they put her in a turret all by herself and she has to let her hair down for someone to climb up and see her. I also explained that she might like to be able to shut the door and have a quiet place to study sometimes and at D1’s school, you had to pay extra for a single. We spent a fair amount of time Sat. night (technically Sun. morning) trying to get a good look at her college / hall on the school’s website and Google maps. She is happy and very excited about it now and did get the Residential College that she wanted. Of course, this means we have to buy everything for the room… fridge, rug, etc. I told her that the real bonus of having a single is that she can get an air mattress and DW can come stay with her anytime. :slight_smile: Her response… “I did think of that for other people.” :)</p>

<p>I’m off to the doctor’s office today to have D2’s physical form re-signed. The doctor signed / dated the original, but forgot to check the box saying that he had seen her, so the form was returned. Ergh!</p>

<p>I am truly sorry for your loss. God give you and your family the strength to deal with this sad and difficult time. Remember the good times and be glad her suffering is over and she’s now in a better place.</p>

<p>Woke up early to check my lottery number - 987/2000. Second selection day out of four so it isn’t too terribly bad. I am hoping the person I am thinking of rooming with got a lower number. Now I am incredibly nervous :eek:</p>


LOL! Good thing I didn’t have a coffee in my hand yet.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>sewemma …</p>

<p>If there’s anything else we can do for you here to ease your way in the next few days, please let us know. In the meantime, I’ll be your bartender. Your wish is my command.</p>

<p>Keep remembering your sister’s life. As you describe her, her heart touched many others.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>sewemma: Also adding my appreciation for your courage and love in sharing the loss of your sister and a small part of her vibrant life. I agree that the comments were a tribute to you and your sister’s passing. May you continue to find comfort in the love of your family and that of your sister that will shine on through eternity. </p>

<p>My appreciation for this wonderful community was further enhanced by the outpouring of support for you and your family. Thank you everybody for always remembering what is truly important. </p>

<p>KY: So sorry to hear about the floods in your area. Hope you continue to stay safe and sending thoughts to your community.</p>

<p>ML: Your trip sounds amazing! Welcome back!</p>

<p>Mdemvizi: Your dorm shopping trip sounds like a great start! Good luck with your room assignment. :)</p>

<p>Wishing all a peaceful and reflective day…</p>

<p>sewemma - I too appreciate your sharing the painful news about your sister with us, as well as a bit about the special person that she was and how your family supports one another. It did indeed give all of us a chance to pause and remember what’s really important (as important as XL twin sheets may seem at times). We are here to provide virtual drinks and to listen to whatever you care to share.</p>

<p>Had a busy but still low-key weekend at our house. We did confirm that it is still as hard to buy pants for S as always. When he was little, I remember looking at size charts and determining that for waist he needed size 2, but for length, size 8 or 10. Now he needs a boy’s size for waist, but definitely men’s for length. Alterations, here we come.</p>

<p>I think he will get his room/roommate assignment today . . . will he be rooming with YDS’s S? Stay tuned.</p>

<p>alice, ds got his room number, but he didn’t see his roommate’s name!!! PM me if it’s different for your ds.</p>

<p>His room assignment is the exact floor and hall he did his overnight in, where he had such a good time. I’m almost moved to want to shop!!!</p>

<p>Our D is counting the days til move-in (31). I think we have everything we need. She finds out room and roomie on Friday. Our son (Ds twin), who will be attending a local CC, has moved into our guest house that we have been remodeling for the past 6 months. The house is starting to feel a little empty.</p>

<p>sewemma - you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you peace.</p>

<p>Good morning everyone! It’s a new day/week. In many ways, I love how this thread moves so quickly. It’s much like the conversations my girlfriends and I have over tea. Stories and comments are fast and furious! But then when a friend is in need, we pause to listen and comfort.</p>

<p>Have a great day everyone, especially you, sewemma!</p>

<p>Good Morning Everyone~ just quickly checking in and waving hi to you lovely people!:heart::heart::heart:</p>

<p>{{{{sewemma}}}} thinking of you</p>

<p>Good Morning All! I am moved to tears once again by this thread this morning. Sewemma…I hope you and your mother and brother in law are comforted by God’s love today as you make the funeral arrangements for your dear sister.</p>

<p>Welcome back ML…we are getting closer to our departure to Austin :slight_smile:
I think your S might find out his room assignment today? That’s the word on the street :cool:</p>

<p>…just came back from vacation (had a great time). Sewemma, I lost my sister at the same age and I empathize with you. I am very sorry for your loss. Make sure your niece gets lots of hugs. She’ll need them.</p>

<p>D’s APs came in very disappointing. Oh well…</p>