Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>SWTCAT, thanks for the heads-up! At orientation, they said assignments would start rolling out the middle of July, but it wouldn’t happen all at once. We’ll see!</p>

<p>aliceinw, my son’s build sounds just like your son’s! He still wears some size 14 shorts. It’s impossible to find him pants that are slender enough. I hadn’t thought of a tailor - maybe we should go that route.</p>

<p>The real world is already rushing in! DH needs to register for a structural engineering exam in California. Thank goodness he remembered that the deadline is TODAY! I would have totally missed it. The application is a bear. So I’d better get back to it!</p>

<p>Oh, I forgot about DS’s AP scores. He got a 3 on Spanish, which was actually a pleasant surprise since he just audited the class this year and did NO work. He got a 4 on Modern European History, a 4 on Physics, and a 5 on Calculus. He didn’t study much for any of the exams, so I was surprised! It makes me feel better that he will do OK in his engineering courses.</p>

<p>My laptop is coming today.</p>

<p>Does anyone know anything about “Anytime Updates” for Windows? I need to update to Windows 7 Professional and I can do so for $30. I didn’t know my laptop would be here this week and as a result, uh, I don’t have $30 (well I can). I was going to start transferring music and files from my current laptop to my new one, but I don’t want to do anything if I have to do everything again after I upgrade.</p>

<p>Welcome back Queen’sMom. I have been wondering where you were!
Glad you and ML had nice vacations. We took an Alaskan cruise this year with all 3 kids and it was really awesome.</p>

<p>D called the advisor and was able to get the calc class, but it looks like she will have to wait to take physics.</p>

<p>Just had a fun tennis clinic and now I am off to lunch with a friend. Have a great day, folks.</p>

<p>ML- no one has updated the college list. All the vacations sound fab, I’d love to do an Alaskan cruise someday! </p>

<p>Wow, what a hike in one day! My D2 did that hike last year in two days each way, and they started before sunrise each day. She had no problems with it but in this heat you need to be careful! If your D ever wants to go on the GS destination to the Canyon I highly recommend it.</p>

<p>My D2 still wears some kids size clothes and my H had his mom take in his pants until he moved out. </p>

<p>WP- any chance at all getting into physics during drop/add? If not, hope there are enough other classes she can take to continue to move forward in her progress. Sounds more important that she got into calc, so good for that.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>I spent the morning having quality time with the dog! He woke me up at 5:00am. I did go back to sleep for a little while then we had our walk and then we did our island errands. The dog loves the golf cart, we can’t have cars on the island, trust me you instantly feel relaxed cruising 18 miles an hour in your cart, a dog panting away at your side. My H drove home yesterday, he left on the 6:30am ferry and then spent the next 10.5 hours driving back to NJ. </p>

<p>My son is very slim as well, he insists on buying 32" waist pants because he needs them for the length. He also buys 32" shorts and surf trunks. So far no one has been flashed. Thank God for belts! </p>

<p>He moves into school in 32 days, I hope he is taking care of what needs to be done since I can only nag him long distance!</p>

<p>Sewemma, you certainly did not hijack this thread! I feel like I know a lot of you better than I do folks in real life (at least I talk to you everyday) and I know I’ve been moved by your sharing of your sisters story. Sending continued prayers as you and your extended family continue the process of honoring your sisters life.</p>

<p>As I have often felt this year, I think that D’s college journey has hit another milestone first on this thread: her first term bill has been posted! I had forgotten about all those deposits that got sent in over the past 6 months or so, so I was pleasantly surprised to see that the bill was a little less than I expected. I am deeply grateful to both D for her hard work and for UA for their generous scholarship. As my DH put it, we’ve never been so happy to pay a bill of that amount.</p>

<p>good morning all!!</p>

<p>hope you were able to get some rest sewemma!!</p>

<p>RobD yep i think you are first to have a bill!! i think mine posts first of the month… only 21 days til he starts!!</p>

<p>Re: bills. We had to pay the first installment last week. I just closed my eyes and pressed “pay now”. Next one is in two weeks! OUCH!</p>

<p>We actually have a $400 credit balance!! It won’t last long but we’ll enjoy it while we can!</p>

<p>I got S’s bill last week and D’s bill was posted online a few days before that. His is due 7/28, hers is due before 8/6. They start classes the same day.</p>

<p>S’s school sends paper bills and only accepts payments that are sent by mail.
D’s school doesn’t send anything on paper - bills are online, and you can pay online or in the mail. Kind of polar opposites.</p>

<p>think first payment will be due aug 26th here, financial aid will post to account on the 17th. so should just be meal plan and parking permit as far as i know.</p>

<p>Lafalum: D’s school is all electronic; nothing gets mailed. 1st due date is August 6th (2 days before she moves in…her countdown board now says 20 days)</p>

<p>Got that bill too RobD - better than I had expected but still want to go over it closely as far as fees etc. Three weeks from today we’ll all be home here minus one! :(</p>

<p>RobD: How nice that the bill was less than you expected! I’d love you to have the honor of the first bill on this thread…Ours was received in May (amazing since D decided at the VERY END of April where she was attending). It was due June 1st!</p>

<p>ouch ks!!! that is really early</p>

<p>Wow KS! Really? Had they already registered for classes? Or is it a flat fee? I guess if the charge is the same no matter if they’re taking 12 vs. 15 credits they can bill that early. </p>

<p>Isn’t it crazy how every school does stuff differently? I didn’t realize at the beginning of this that there would be such wide variations in non-classroom stuff; that some kids find out their roommates in March while others don’t know until just before move in, etc.</p>

<p>We paid the semester bill this morning and are planning to do the payment plan for subsequent semesters. </p>

<p>Spent the entire weekend bedding shopping. Bought one set that was just awful and, thankfully, returned it yesterday. Finally ended up with a sage and cream paisley quilt with chocolate brown accents. It’s pretty nice.</p>

<p>^ Yeah! And I forgot to mention that even though we decided to pay over a few months on a payment plan, the first payment due on June 1st included May AND June!..It is what it is!</p>

<p>RobD: D hadn’t registered for classes…apparently their payment plan lets you pay over “10 months” and they start payments effective May 1, 2010. It ends Feb 1st that covers the full year. Looking forward to a nice Valentine’s Day when it’s done!</p>

<p>Our first bill was posted 7/7 and is due 8/2. We signed up for the monthly payment plan last night and immediately had to submit 3 months of payments… apparently the monthly payment plan runs from May to February.</p>

<p>ETA: cross-posted with KS. My D still has not registered for any classes or gotten a dorm assignment. I guess all the prices are “fixed”.</p>