Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>^mom2inma: Just makes me think of the bottom line…“business is business.”</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>ETA: zooser: The quilt sounds lovely! :slight_smile: My D’s is paisley in soft colors as well ;)</p>

<p>Our bills aren’t even posted. Why is Stanford so slow? Ugh.</p>



<p>That sounds beautiful! I debated between cream/chocolate/teal and grey/black/green (decided on the first). My quilt is reversable, chocolate brown on one side and cream on the other with “painterly flower” accents in several colors.</p>

Quarter system schools will post bills later. </p>

<p>S2’s is due 8/2.</p>

<p>Our first installment is due around August 11. DS will get the notice by e-mail. I have told him it’s his responsibility to give us the details. I will be pleasantly surprised if he does, lol!</p>

<p>Gotta love bureaucracies. A few months ago, California told us DH could take the structural engineering exam out there if he had three references from MAINE. Now a different woman, who actually reviews the applications, says they’re very strict that the references have to be from California! I guess they don’t want any east coast engineers working out there! Oh, well. We’ll consider it a door closed and go from there.</p>

<p>Good Afternnoon Everyone!</p>

<p>sewemma, I hope you are doing okay today.</p>

<p>PAO2008 and mdemvizi, I bought my son the North Face Surge for his birthday. He had researched backpacks and decided this was the best (for him anyway). He is very satisfied with it so far.</p>

<p>ML, I can’t believe your husband and son did the Grand Canyon hike in one day; they must have had plenty of water. We did a rafting trip on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. That water is really cold; I bet they didn’t swim too long. I have a similar hiking story with my husband and son, except theirs was into a snow covered mountain in Yellowstone. </p>

<p>As far as bills go - I made my son check last week and it wasn’t up yet. I guess I should make him check again. We are supposed to defer it the first time until they post his scholarship in August, at least that is what I was told. I’m a rookie at this, so I hope it all goes smoothly.</p>

<p>We had to pay D’s room and board for the semester on June 1st. I told H at least she has somehwhere to live and something to eat…Ha…Her tuition is due on August 11th. We have been told that many students don’t pay it ontime and thier schedule is dropped… that’s when you can go in and drop/add classes that might not otherwise have been available…D has a history class on Fridays from 1:00-2:00 that she would like earlier…so we shall see. I keep telling her that she is a freshman and thus will not have a perfect schedule…</p>

<p>Sewemma - My prayers and thoughts are with you and your Family :heart::heart::heart:</p>

<p>Hi all! We had a sever summer cold sweep into the house so we were all laid flat over the weekend. I know I probably missed a ton, and will try to catch up later. Just wanted to chime in on the bill - we received D’s first bill last week. It had all the scholarships/loans in, so there was actually a few hundred dollar credit (I padded my parent loan by a few hundred dollars on purpose). We will get an updated bill with any in a few weeks, and I think it is officially certified the first day of classes, so we can get a check the following week for the overage.</p>

<p>Staying :cool:</p>

<p>sewmama - thinking of you. thank you for sharing.</p>

<p>as always - soooo impressed by the kindness of this group of non-stranger-strangers.</p>

<p>SWTCAT, DS has such a full schedule that it was hard to come up with a good one. He has MWF classes at 8 am, LOL!!! I’m glad I won’t be there to stress out about his waking up on time.</p>

<p>lol ML… my son does too! and he is definitely not a morning person</p>

<p>We got notice of the bill end of last week I think - and right now it just shows what is due but then if you go in the account is shows expected contributions from aid/scholarships so fortunately when I tested the system by clicking “pay now” it showed we have a $5 credit. I’ll probably still stalk it daily to make sure it goes smoothly! Of course D’s account still shows her missing her final transcript so we’ll have to have her call her HS and confirm it was sent. I seem to recall it took a long time for them to update the accounts on mid-year transcripts so I’m not worried about it. And her final transcipt looks exactly like her mid-year so no problems there!</p>

<p>S’s first payment came out of my checking account last week, before the e-bill even arrived! I just got the e-bill for -131.50? So confusing!</p>

<p>Quick what would you do question: I was sitting on the beach today reading my Kindle when I noticed a child in a diaper (so pretty young) and those blow up floaties on his upper arms playing in the ocean up to his knees, he was getting knocked down a bit and no adult was nearby, I couldn’t tell who he belonged to. He kept getting pulled further down the beach. I put my Kindle down and kept my eye on him while waiting for someone to claim him. I am not kidding it seemed like no one was watching him. Eventually he came out of the surf and ran past me and up the beach to a family. I had noticed this family but I didn’t think anyone from this group was watching him. It scared me to death. We do not have lifeguards on BHI. I did not say anything to the parents but I was really disturbed. Would any of you have said anything?</p>

<p>i know i should say, yes i would have talked to them…but realistically probably would have done exactly as you did…watch the child and not say anything… but if i saw them again tomorrow i would say something</p>

<p>I believe I would’ve said something right away thinking that if something happened to the kid, I’d feel awful! But thank goodness, that didn’t happen in our case, ACM.</p>

<p>I would have watched the kid but probably should say something to the parents cause it’s not my job to watch the kid and suppose I don’t? Accidents happen so quickly.</p>

<p>Son’s bill shows we have to pay a bit but the NM scholarship hasn’t posted yet so I guess by the time it is actually due (September) it will be updated. I hope. :)</p>

<p>We live in northern virginia, I work in something economics related, DW is an english major who has been part time on and off and will be looking full time once summer is over.</p>

<p>DD has accepted enrollment in the 5 year B Arch program at RPI. She will be attending the Nativ College Leadership program in Israel from Sept to May (which means her intended date of completion at RPI is not till 2016, by which time I am hoping there will be a market for architects again) </p>

<p>Her job plans for this summer did not come together (long story) and she is spending the summer socializing, learning life skills, reading, spending time with us, and “chilling”.</p>

<p>ACM, check out my post #1900 in <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; for parents who leave their kids unattended at the beach.</p>

<p>Welcome, Brooklynborndad!</p>

<p>Hmmm, we have already made two payments to Swarthmore for DS#2, and one to Northwestern for DS#3. We elected the 9 or 10 payments plans with each, and the way they are spread out, you have pretty much paid for the full year by the beginning of the second semester.</p>

<p>My DH was visiting with his mother yesterday and came home with an afghan that she had made for DS#1, who lives in Chicago. Haven’t figured out how that’s getting out there yet. Anyway, DH tells me that she is already finished with an afghan for DS#3 and is working on the one for DS#2. However, he says that they are in “fruity” colors-think orange, yellow, light green. :eek: He doesn’t know what she was thinking. (She’s 87 but has her full mental capacity, or so we thought. ;)) I guess those lovely afghans will be residing on their beds at home…I know, I know, it’s the thought that counts. Anyway, DH started it and she’s HIS mother. :D</p>

<p>Welcome, Brooklynborndad! I, too, spent my formative years in Brooklyn. ;)</p>

<p>Welcome Brooklynborndad! My H went to RPI (many years ago and not architecture)…He LOVED it! All the best to your D!</p>

<p>momof3sons: Love the afghans from your boys sweet “grandma.” In this case, the “loveliness” will probably be wasted on them, though I’m sure they’ll appreciate the thought and love that she put into it. :slight_smile: They may brighten up the “Daddy Gap” room. ;)</p>