<p>OK, please skip this is you can’t stand ranting. I have to rant.</p>
<p>I must have my head in the sand enough to not even know how to check what profs ds has the choice of! He doesn’t have any “classes in mind” as some of your precocious children have (and I mean precocious as a compliment!!!) I think given that he bombed the calc AP test (2!) and that chem is his only “maybe” to place out of within the engineering curriculum that has little if any wiggle room in terms of what he is taking. He takes exactly what every frosh engineering major takes. He will have about 13-16 credits going in I think but we’ll see what actually happens at registration. He registers next wk and I suppose then he will be able to (HA, making a joke here) look into quality of profs. </p>
<p>His bank account we have discovered has $75 in it. He has flown through around $2500 in lifetime earnings with eating out, gas, movies since getting his license about 15 months ago… Mom (that is me) expected that money to go towards his daily college extra-expenses, maybe books even. I have made that clear since the account was opened. Originally we thought it would pay for his car and car insurance (another pipe dream). I railed into him yesterday when he was dawdling through thank you notes and making it yet another in the string of procrastinations…arrrrrghhhh! I said the bad things you are not supposed to say. He is polite most of the time but he has this edge to him this summer - smacks of entitlement. Yes, smacks is a good word because that is what I am thinking of doing if I hear any more of it.</p>
<p>Last night, dd1 makes a bunch of noise (as she is heading to bed) at 2am. It seems that the last weeks of school where she stayed up late doing homework have become a time-clock she can’t or doesn’t want to change. So she goes to sleep at 2 am and wakes at noon. That is one problem. Waking her up in the am to get her to change back over to normal hours is impossible, I have tried, it is worse than waking the dead.</p>
<p>So I am up at 2 am because of this and go to the hall to adjust the a/c. Ds is not in his room? I go back to bed saying to myself “he’s a big boy and I don’t have to micromanage his life. What right do I have to manage how he spends his summer?” I fume for about 1/2 hr before I go to find him, in the basement, watching tv - or actually asleep on the couch (he could’ve been faking that part). Are you all able to keep people to civilized time schedules? I am such a light sleeper and I fall asleep by 11:30 so it is very very hard to not wake up during the night with these teens coming and going. </p>
<p>OK - rant over. </p>
<p>Ohiomom - I am so sorry, I think pneumonia can be so very tricky with elderly. They just want to go home and be well enough to be left alone. I hope she gets the care she needs and gets back to what she wants when that makes sense to drs. I always think it is hard to get better in a hospital. And I am always trouble to the medical profs who just want to cya with tests. I am sure she is glad to have you advocating for her, (although she might not show it.) Sending big hugs to you.</p>
<p>Pepper - Hugs to you too - it must be so difficult to see dementia progress. My mom had moments but not so many that anyone saw it besides me and my Dad. Why don’t you make ds go do his own shopping, Target was decent for 99% of what I ended up getting. Bedding was the real time kill, ended up finding some decent boy things from Nautica. In the end, since I was doing most of it, it felt like I was once again the only one invested in this process, much like college apps.</p>