Parents of the HS Class of 2017 - 3.0 to 3.4 GPA

D17 got an acceptance to Lawrence on Friday (didn’t realize it until this morning). She got more merit than we expected ($19K/year vs the 15K/year the NPC spat out, plus an additional $1K/year scholarship (the More Light Scholarship). This bumps Lawrence up from most expensive on the list to middle of the pack. I really like this school, but wonder if it will be a good fit for D, since it’s so heavily geared toward the conservatory and music students. With it being a small school, the impact of such a strong focus on something D isn’t really there for may make it hard for her to find her place. Definitely some thinking to do on this one. One RD down, two to go!

D’s first official tour was at UMass-Amherst last February, and while her feelings about it started high and then dipped a bit, it’s back among the schools in serious contention. We did an official tour at a school in Rhode Island in the fall of junior year, and it was an “official” tour in that there was an info session and a tour, but no official interest in the school, just a low-stakes testing of the water, if you will–the visit did nothing to make D want to consider it seriously.

Hi all! I’ve heard back from most of my colleges so I thought I’d do an update.
GPA: 3.2 UW
SAT: 1200
Accepted: Hofstra University, Hawaii Pacific University, CU Boulder, Ithaca College Park School, Louisiana State University, Temple University,Westfield State University, University of Denver, University of San Francisco, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Oregon :slight_smile:
Still waiting to hear back from: University of Puget Sound, University of Delaware, and California State Long Beach (out of state)
I’m very happy with the schools I’ve been accepted to and I really hope I get to attend UO, I hope this thread shows people you don’t need a 3.6 to get into good schools!

@klinska Congrats on Lawrence! Really nice about the merit offer.

@rolani88 Awesome news, sounds like you have some great choices and good luck with UO, are you waiting on financial news to decide?

Congrats @klinska and @rolani88 on the good news.

Our first official visit we took was to UVM at the end of sophomore year. Son17 went to a lacrosse camp and afterwards we stayed for a tour. He didn’t quite know what to think about it at the time. He was young, tired, hot, and did not want to put much effort into thinking about college at that point. We ended up visiting again unofficially and he liked it a lot more. I think he appreciated it more after seeing some other colleges to compare it to.

He ended up applying an has been accepted. I think it’s a decent choice for him, but UVM might be better suited for my younger son. I think son17 could go there and do well and enjoy himself, but I don’t think he’s going to end up choosing to attend.

@klinska congrats on Lawrence and @rolani88 congrats on that long list of good choices!

First official visit here was to University of Redlands. It’s a very nice campus and we had a good tour and were left with positive impressions (though at the time had nothing to weigh it against). He did apply there and was accepted; I’m not sure how exactly he feels about it (or anywhere!) at this point.

D’s first official visit was a women in engineering event at CU-Boulder. She’s done a number of summer camps at CU and also been dragged there to her sister’s dance shows, so it kind of didn’t count. We then visited Oregon Tech which looks more like an office park than a college. After that was our spring break trip to visit six or seven schools, so Clarkson was the first unfamiliar school that actually felt like a college.

@klinska, Congrats on Lawrence! I can see your worry about a mostly music/conservatory school. More research required I guess…

@rolani88, that’s a great list of schools – looks like you’ve got some whittling down to do!

Between my 2 boys, I’ve only actually done visits to 4 collleges–SUNY Buffalo (once with S15, once with S17, S15 was more impressed than S17, but still went elsewhere…), SUNY Brockport (S15 school of choice–he did 1 visit with us & another Scholar sleepover where we dropped him off & DH managed to talk himself out of a speeding ticket on campus…), SUNY Albany twice–once for S17 as prospective student & then last week for Scholars Days Accepted students), and MSU last spring (and another set up for later this month…). My guys have been pretty efficient in their college searches. :slight_smile:

Oh, and more fun facts about Albany… 1) For dorm suites, they have cleaners come in weekly to clean the kids’ bathrooms. 2) The Dean of the Honors College lives in one of the 2 Honors dorms with her 2 cats, and she invites students to visit often. 3) With AP credits for World History and US History, S only needs to 2 more History classes for a History minor–he loves history, so if he chooses Albany, that’s a no-brainer.

weird how you had a bad experience with touring christopher newport. I toured there and they let us see the inside of the DSU.

@klinska - yay! Congrats to your D on getting into Lawrence, and with nice merit! - of the endless stream of recruiting emails, I thought Lawrence really stood out with some creative and funny notes. Almost enough to get me to nudge CoyoteSon to apply, but just a little too hard to get there from VA. Good luck with your research on fit.

Congrats to you too @rolani88 - that is a great long list of acceptances - good luck with making your decision!

Whew - I helped CoyoteSon craft his “cold e-mail” to a grad student at GMU, asking about volunteering to intern on Fridays after spring break. It had been six days without a response, so CoyoteSon sent a polite follow-up today. Turns out the grad student was out of touch for personal reasons, but is now back, and CoyoteSon has a meeting in his office on Wednesday to discuss possible projects. It is looking like this will all work out, which is good - the kids who don’t find their own internships wind up fetching coffee/running other errands for the high school principal - working at the GMU Observatory sounds much more rewarding!

Hey gang. I’m updating the master doc tonight before the next big wave of RD acceptances. I’ve heard from 4 folks with updates…if anyone else has any, PM away!


@klinska , great news on Lawrence! (Is that another school I have to worry that we didn’t explore?)

Nice work on the acceptances, @rolani88 !

@CoyoteMom , I’m so impressed at CoyoteSon’s internship progress. TacoSon’s school has a couple of weeks of externships (mostly to keep the kids off the street, I suspect) and I’ve been telling him to reach out to his current employer so he can get a combo of paid and unpaid hours. GMU Observatory will be a huge feather in the CoyoteCap; wtg.

@cheer1998 , not sure if you were responding to my CNU tour post from a few pages back. Clearly we got bum guides that day!

TacoSon stayed home today with a fever that I was worried may be the flu. Since he didn’t seem to get worse over the course of the day I’m taking the chance it’s just a random bug, so we didn’t have him tested. He intends to return to school tomorrow so he won’t miss calc.

@Hankster1361 And therefore much easier for those of us in CA. There is a UC GPA right on our transcripts, and the classes are all in the system. Although I admit even in state parents/students can be very confused by the an A in a higher level language can “cover” a D in a lower level class. Usually they only find out if they are trying to remediate a D.

** First College toured ** Well if you don’t count on all the colleges he was dragged to when he was 11 when his sister was looking at schools… Cal Poly… we really like it at the time but I was convinced he couldn’t get in. (And he didn’t.) It helped a LOT since DS was able to articulate what he liked about the school and we looked for that elsewhere.

@rolani88 Great to hear you got accepted at all those school. And pleased to hear you made it into UofO. Now you have to decided where?

@tacocat333 that’s bizarre - my S stayed home yesterday with a fever too (also worried it was flu) but seems to be better now and also doesn’t want to miss calc so is at least going to attempt school today.

First real tour for youngest S (he attended several along with older brother) was North Central College on what ended up being the coldest day of that year. He applied but it was never seriously in the running. It doesn’t have as much of a campus feel as he wanted.

@smakl70 Guess something is going around. My son caught my cold. Missed Monday, ended up going yesterday but skipped his after school EC. He decided he needed to stay home again today. He’s old enough I leave that to him… it’s very hard at our school to even miss one day and not get behind on your classwork.

Tomorrow is the Physics Field trip to an amusement park so he really doesn’t want to need to miss that.

My kids were both home today. Severe headaches, fevers and nauseous, generally feeling awful. No true cold symptoms.

Congratulations to all, and thanks for sharing your good news! Still healthy here in windy &y freezing upper Midwest Hope your kids are all healthy and enjoying the rest of their senior year, soon. Sent S16 results to date to @eandesmom, but we are still awaiting the last 4 schools, and Fin Aid decision from Willamette.

Thank you, @eandesmom, for your detailed and thoughtful reviews of you and your son’s campus visits! All the time you, and others, have spent providing information on this thread will surely help parents of kids in this 3.0 - 3.4 GPA category realize that there are many good options!

@curiositycat333 – regarding making UCs more accessible to CA students, its’s as it should be. :wink:

Went this morning during son’s break to get him fitted for his tux for prom----Yikes!!! Where did the time go??

**** - OUTCOMES A-Ch - **
*ADELHPI UNIVERSITY ** AR 72% GPA 3.49, ACT 19-24 *

Techmom99’s S Theater tech production, GPA 3.43 UW, ACT: 27
Other: Strong Theater EC’s, 2 honors, 3 AP”s active in scouting and a gallon blood donor.
COA: $50,805 | NPC $9,5000 + possible theater scholarship | Merit: TBD

**ALLEGHENY COLLEGE ** AR 72% AVG GPA 3.75 , M 520-630, CR 520-620, ACT 22-32

  • Accepted*
    Coyote-son EA History/Computer Sci.
    GPA 3.8 UW, ACT: 31; SAT: 1360
    Other factors: moderate ECs (Robotics, some community service, internship)
    COA: $58,920 | Actual merit $28,000
    eandesmom’s S: EA | GPA 3.45 UW, ACT: 25C superscored, 26 W
    Other factors: 6AP’s, 3 honors, founded school club, member of another, student council, strong music and theater EC’s, Presidents Silver Award community service 10/11th grade, 2 jobs, involved in local politics
    COA: $58,920 | NPC merit $20,000 | Actual merit $24,000 + $2,000 Music Scholarship
    klinska’s D: : EA Political Science/College of Arts & Sciences | GPA 3.66 W, SAT/ACT: 1270 new SAT single test
    Other factors: 6AP’s, 10 honors, limited ECs
    COA: $58,920 | NPC merit 22,000 | Actual merit 26,000

**AMERICAN UNIVERSITY ** AR 35% GPA 3.66, M 560-650 CR 590-690 ACT 26-30

  • Accepted *
    klinska’s D: ED | Political Science/College of Arts & Sciences | GPA 3.66 W, SAT/ACT: 1270 new SAT single test
    Other factors: 6AP’s, 10 honors, limited ECs
    COA:$61,360|NPC merit $10,000 | Actual merit: $0]  
    **APPALACHIAN STATE UNIVERSITY ** AR 66% GPA 4.14 W, M530-620, CR 530-620 ACT 23-28
  • Accepted*
    **MomStudent2017’s S ** \ GPA below average, M within 50%, CR within 50%, ACT within 50%
    Other: 4APs, 2 honors, several school ECs & awards, volunteer service @ 100+ hours
    COA: $33,438 (out-of-state) | Merit: unknown
    **lakeviking’s S ** GPA 3.2 UW, 25 ACT
    Other factors: 4 APs, and very good ECs.
    COA:$33,438 OOS| Merit: $0

**AUGUSTANA COLLEGE ** AR 49% GPA 3.29 M510-690, CR 530-640 ACT 22-29

  • Accepted*
    **brindlegreyhound’s D ** EA | GPA 3.1 UW, 3.6 WT, ACT: 29
    Other factors: 7 AP’s
    COA: $51,858| Actual merit $24,000 + $750 early fliers award

**BELOIT COLLEGE ** AR NA, AVG GPA 3.45 , M 540-645, CR 540-645, ACT 24-30

  • Accepted*
    Coyote-son RD (but submitted 11/1) History/Computer Sci.
    GPA 3.8 UW, ACT: 31; SAT: 1360
    Other factors: moderate ECs (Robotics, some community service, internship)
    COA: $57,506| Actual merit $27,000
    93pilots’ S EA | GPA 3.3, ACT 32
    Other factors: 4 AP’s, regular ECs
    COA: $57,142 | NPC merit $23,000 | Actual merit: $22,000

**BERRY COLLEGE ** AR 55% GPA 3.81, M 520-61, CR 530-630, ACT 24-29

  • Accepted *
    **lakeviking’s S ** GPA 3.2 UW, 25 ACT
    Other factors: 4 APs, and very good ECs.
    COA: $48,484 | Actual merit: $9,500


  • EA Deferred to RD *
    **stlarenas D17/b Major: Undecided | GPA 3.7, no SAT, ACT 30 (31 superscored)
    Other: 6APs, 11 honors, 2 varsity sports only Jr. and Sr year, Paid job at Kumon, few volunteer hrs, Student Council cabinet member Sr. yr only (really no activities, sports, or job in 9th and 10th grade)
    COA $68,064

CATransplant’s D: Psychology , GPA about 3.59 UW, 3.82 W, SAT is 1440 (780 English, 660 math)
Other factors: 6 AP’s, 2 honors, moderate ECs (soccer 2 years, track 2 years, volunteer at soccer camp for underprivileged kids 150 hours, proficient in Circus Arts - trapeze, silks - and some volunteering at camp for kids in that area)
COA: $26,076 In State
**curiocitycat333’s S /b Major: CS | GPA 3.24 (W) 3.5 (UC GPA), new SAT 1520,
Other: 4APs, Concert Band (4 yrs), Marching Band (4 yrs), Color Guard, Robotics Club (4 yrs), CIT (2 summers)
COA: $26,076 In State

**CARTHAGE COLLEGE ** AR 71% GPA 3.3, ACT 21-27

  • Accepted *
    smakl70 son EA Computer Science | GPA: 4.75/5, ACT: 25
    Other factors: 1AP, lots of honors, 2 sport varsity athlete (not recruited), robotics
    COA: $51,240 | NPC Merit $15,000 | Actual Merit $17,000

** CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY ** AR 36% AVG GPA N/A, M 680-770, CR 620-720, ACT 30-33

  • Accepted*
    Taco-son EA | 3.6W GPA (school only weights IB and AP, not honors; UW is probably 3.4?) |33C ACT (31 E, 33 M, 33 S, 33 R, 27 W)
    Other factors: School is IB and he has been in almost all AP (just Calc A/B and USGov’t offered) and IB classes since 11th grade; some honors before that, ECs almost all music.
    COA: $63,404 | Actual Merit $0 + Decent FA Offer
  • EA Deferred to RD *
    **Snoozn’s D ** EA Electrical Engineering | GPA 3.9 UW, 4.4 WT, ACT: 30 (E: 27 M: 33 R: 32 S: 27)
    Other factors: 3 AP’s, honors (AP/honors only in STEM and English), 4-year high school engineering program, weak EC’s

**THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA ** AR N/A AVG GPA 3.38, M 510-610, CR 510-620, ACT 24-29

  • Accepted*
    Taco-son - Honors College 3.6W GPA (school only weights IB and AP, not honors; UW is probably 3.4?) 33C ACT (31 E, 33 M, 33 S, 33 R, 27 W)
    Other factors: School is IB and he has been in almost all AP (just Calc A/B and USGov’t offered) and IB classes since 11th grade; some honors before that, ECs almost all music.
    COA: $60,462 | Actual merit $21K, + $1K alumni = 13K

**CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE ** AR 66% GPA 3.20, ACT 19-24, SAT M 510-630 CR 520-630

cameo43’s D EA | GPA 3.7 W, ACT 26, SAT 1320
Other factors: 2 Aps, Honors Math & Science classes, 4 year Pre-engineering co-curricular program at all-girls prep school Lots of ECs: Robotics, Music (3 vocal ensembles), JV and Varsity sports, co-founder 2 clubs, Community Service, student ambassador for school’s admissions office, numerous leadership positions, fulltime work experience during summers and breaks.
COA: $56,896 OOS | Actual Merit: $17,000

**** - OUTCOMES Ch – Go - **
**CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY ** AR 48%, AVG GPA 3.69, M 550-650, CR 550-640, ACT 25-30

  • Accepted*
    **93pilots’ S ** EA | GPA 3.3, ACT 32
    Other factors: 4 AP’s, regular ECs
    COA: $66,932 | NPC merit $0 +| Actual merit: $16,000

**CHRISTOPHER NEWPORT UNIVERSITY ** AR 60% GPA 3.76, M 530-620, CR 540-630, ACT 23-27

  • Accepted*
    **MomStudent2017’s S ** ED | GPA below average, M within 50%, CR within 50%, ACT within 50%
    Other: 4APs, 2 honors, several school ECs & awards, volunteer service @ 100+ hours
    COA: $28,366 -In State | Merit: TBD
    Taco-son EA | 3.6W GPA (school only weights IB and AP, not honors; UW is probably 3.4?) |33C ACT (31 E, 33 M, 33 S, 33 R, 27 W)
    Other factors: School is IB and he has been in almost all AP (just Calc A/B and USGov’t offered) and IB classes since 11th grade; some honors before that, ECs almost all music.
    COA: $28,366 -In State | Merit: TBD

**CLARKSON UNIVERSITY ** AR 68% AVG GPA 3.6, M 560-660, CR 520-620, ACT 24-29
**Snoozn’s D ** Electrical Engineering | GPA 3.9 UW, 4.4 WT, ACT: 30 (E: 27 M: 33 R: 32 S: 27)
Other factors: 3 AP’s, honors (AP/honors only in STEM and English), 4-year high school engineering program, weak EC’s
COA: $64,000| NPC Merit $28,000 | Actual merit $29,500

**CLEMSON UNIVERSITY ** AR 51%, AVG GPA N/A , M 560-690, CR 560-660, ACT 27-31

  • Accepted to Bridge program (affiliated school Freshman year, direct to Clemson Sophomore)*
    **lakeviking’s S ** GPA 3.2 UW, 25 ACT
    Other factors: 4 APs, and very good ECs.
    COA: $47,296 OOS

COLLEGE OF WOOSTER AR 55% AV GPA 3.7 M 560-680 CR 540-670 ACT 25-30

  • Accepted*
    kt1969’s D EA: Computer Science | GPA 3.25 UW new SAT 1230 superscore
    Other factors: no hooks, 1 AP and lots of accelerated/honors, minor ECs, pt job
    COA: $59,800 | Early Aid Calculator merit $26,000 | actual merit $26,000 , Poor FA
    klinska’s D EA Political Science/College of Arts & Sciences
    GPA 3.66 W, SAT/ACT: 1270 new SAT single test
    Other factors: 6AP’s, 10 honors, limited ECs
    COA: $59,800 | NPC merit: $27, 000 | Actual merit: $27,000

stlarenas D17/b Major: Undecided | GPA 3.7, no SAT, ACT 30 (31 superscored)
Other: 6APs, 11 honors, 2 varsity sports only Jr. and Sr year, Paid job at Kumon, few volunteer hrs, Student Council cabinet member Sr. yr only (really no activities, sports, or job in 9th and 10th grade)
COA: COA $66,400 (private very need aware)
** 93pilots’ S
EA | GPA 3.3, ACT 32
Other factors: 4 AP’s, regular ECs

**COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY ** AR 81% AVG GPA 3.59, M 520-630, CR 520-620, ACT 22-28

  • Accepted*
    ** Snoozn’s D ** EA Electrical Engineering, Honors College | GPA 3.9 UW, 4.4 WT, ACT: 30 (E: 27 M: 33 R: 32 S: 27)
    Other factors: 3 AP’s, honors (AP/honors only in STEM and English), 4-year high school engineering program, weak EC’s
    COA: $26,402 | NPC merit (merit not in NPC) | Actual merit $3,500
    **lakeviking’s S ** GPA 3.2 UW, 25 ACT
    Other factors: 4 APs, and very good ECs.
    COA: $42,630OOS| Merit: $0

**DRURY UNIVERSITY ** AR 65%, AVG GPA 3.8, SAT NR, ACT 20-31 (26 AVG)

  • Accepted*
    **stlarenas D17/b Major: Undecided | GPA 3.7, no SAT, ACT 30 (31 superscored)
    Other: 6APs, 11 honors, 2 varsity sports only Jr. and Sr year, Paid job at Kumon, few volunteer hrs, Student Council cabinet member Sr. yr only (really no activities, sports, or job in 9th and 10th grade)
    COA: $35,500 (private) | Actual Merit: Trustee ($17k/yr)

**DUQUESNE ** : AR 73% AVG GPA 3.66, OLD SAT: M 520-610, CR 510-600; ACT 23-28

  • Accepted*
    **LuckyCharms913’s S ** School of Business | GPA: 2.97, ACT: 27
    Average rigor and ECs
    COA: $50,422 | Actual Merit: $14,000/ + $4,000/yr R&B award (only valid for years living on campus)

Multiple Mom’s D Accepted Major Nursing, Invited to Honors: GPA 4.2 (W), 3.4 (UW), 1380 new SAT
COA: 17,667 In State

**ECKERD COLLEGE ** AR 73% AVG GPA 3.38, M 500-600, CR 500-610, ACT 23-28

  • Accepted*
    Queen’s Mom’s D: EA | GPA 3.3 UW, SAT/ACT: 1200 new SAT superscore
    Other factors: 4AP’s, lots of honors, URM, founded and president of school club
    COA:$57,164 | Actual merit 17,000
    93pilots’ S EA | GPA 3.3, ACT 32
    Other factors: 4 AP’s, regular ECs
    COA:$57,164 | NPC Merit $17,000-$19,000| Actual merit 19,000

**ELON ** AR 54%, AVG SAT CR 550-600; MATH 550-650

  • Accepted*
    ** roycroftmom’s D **
    COA: $46,670

**ELMHURST COLLEGE ** AR 68% AVG GPA 3.32, ACT 21-26

  • Accepted*
    smakl70 son EA Computer Science | GPA: 4.75/5, ACT: 25
    Other factors: 1AP, lots of honors, 2 sport varsity athlete (not recruited), robotics
    COA: $45,178 | NPC Merit $16,000 merit + $2000 housing | Actual Merit $17,000 merit

** FURMAN UNIVERSITY ** AR 65% GPA NOT REPORTED, M 550-660, CR 550-660, ACT 25-30

  • EA Deferred to RD * * Accepted RD*
    **lakeviking’s S ** GPA 3.2 UW, 25 ACT
    Other factors: 4 APs, and very good ECs.
    COA: $63,018

**GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY ** AR NOT REPORTED, AVG GPA 3.66, M 520-630, CR 520-620, ACT 23-29

  • Accepted *
    Coyote-son EA History/Computer Sci. - Honors College
    GPA 3.8 UW, ACT: 31; SAT: 1360
    Other factors: moderate ECs (Robotics, some community service, internship)
    COA: $23,000 In State |No merit
    Taco-son - Honors College 3.6W GPA (school only weights IB and AP, not honors; UW is probably 3.4?) 33C ACT (31 E, 33 M, 33 S, 33 R, 27 W)
    Other factors: School is IB and he has been in almost all AP (just Calc A/B and USGov’t offered) and IB classes since 11th grade; some honors before that, ECs almost all music.
    COA: $23,000 In State |No merit

GONZAGA UNIVERSITY AR 73% AVG GPA 3.72, M 550-650, CR 540-640, ACT 24529

  • Accepted*
    ** Snoozn’s D **EA Electrical Engineering | GPA 3.9 UW, 4.4 WT, ACT: 30 (E: 27 M: 33 R: 32 S: 27)
    Other factors: 3 AP’s, honors (AP/honors only in STEM and English), 4-year high school engineering program, weak EC’s
    COA: $ $55,310| NPC merit =?| Actual merit $18,500