Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@purplemama agree. I would like to see great early round kids accepted though since many kids are going through so much this year. If they see someone pretty great, I hope they just pull the trigger even if it’s EA and not ED. I have an interest in that since S is applying so broadly. I hope the focus is on filling the seats and not so much on protecting the existing yield rate.

Yesterday I introduced the concept of deferral to my S. He said “I don’t like it.” Then I said “well, it’s better than a deny” and he said “barely” (with a smile) I think because of his current mood. Since it’s our first time, I’m grateful to get this information. We could use some encouraging news this month though just the same.


I am so, so sorry for your daughter and the girl’s family. How horribly shocking and awful. Hugs to all of you.

@123Mom123 The waiting game is brutal, for us and our 21s. I hope the ED decision works out for obvious reasons, but also I can’t wait to get off the roller coaster of nerves!

@dadof4kids such a devastating loss of two young kids. I’m sorry for your son’s loss of his friends. Just awful!

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Exactly. So many reasons it would be nice to be done soon.

Including the fact that we need to start determining younger child’s school plans for next year. (He’s preferring online but would need to see best options to pursue that…and his current private school would need a heads up, etc.)

And…for a pitiful reason in scheme of things but one I would be ecstatic about is to remove all the files, emails, notes from zoom seminars, etc from our house!!!

I’m getting antsy for spring cleaning and it’s not even mid-December!

New here from Raleigh are of NC. Stress levels are high. Waiting on one ED binding and 2 EA both non-binding. These are her top choices. Accepted into 6 schools, 5 with merit scholarships. Only 1 with a real strong interest maybe as no 1 or 2 if her top schools don’t work out. School-based scholarship applications as well as fellowships and outside scholarships underway now. Stress made worse by teachers and counselors not sending recommendation letters in time. I know we are all going through the same things. Have been reading posts here for a while. Now as a member, hoping to connect with others in same boat. Hugs to all of you. I think I’m more stressed than my daughter.


Welcome, @MandoorBust!!! It is a very nerve wracking business, and ED and EA waiting on top of completing the other scholarship and merit essays means lots of ball juggling. And we’re not even talking pandemic, etc as additional variables.

So, that’s great your D has some acceptances already. But the waiting is brutal. Every day feels like 3.

My S has really been digging his heels in the ground regarding any more essays right now. He’s really hoping ED comes through. He loves the ED school, don’t get me wrong, but he also really wants to be DONE.

As does hubby.
The dogs. (Just kidding.)

But this is the mental state we are at right now.

I, too, think I’m more anxious than S. He’s showing some signs of weariness which is very atypical for him. He’s usually quite chill. But I think it’s because he’s optimistic…and really again, not wanting to even imagine writing another essay for RD round.

I ramble.

Welcome again!!!


@NateandAllisMom @123Mom123 @yearstogo I interpret that ‘defer prediction’ language differently, although of course I don’t have full context. I think the post says that kids who might normally get denied will instead be deferred since admissions people don’t know what enrollment numbers are going to do. This last spring after covid hit, schools started pulling off of waitlists like crazy to make up for the lack of international students, kids deciding to do a gap year, kids deciding to stay close to home, etc. The quoted post talks about the possibility of lower retention, financial hit, etc., which all would point to needing more students in the class than usual. Based on that, I don’t think ‘more deferrals’ means kids who would have otherwise been accepted will instead be deferred; I think it means that kids who otherwise would have been denied will instead be deferred…thoughts??


@rbc2018 - I read Clark’s comments the same way. Schools will accept the same amount or more, and then defer more too. The deferred kids will be their buffer/contingency.

Like everyone above, my D and I want this thing over! :crazy_face:


Welcome! Also from Raleigh and understand your frustration with counselors. Good luck to your D!

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@rbc2018 I think you are correct that more may be eventually accepted. It’s hard to tell though if he thinks there might be as many accepted in the early round as before. The mentioning of yield concerns makes me nervous as far as EA goes. His intent is to prepare students & parents for dealing with deferrals. Didn’t bring this up to cause anyone extra stress. I just like to share news since it’s so unpredictable this year.


I like reading news on the subject bc I’m obsessing anyhow and it helps pass the time. :nerd_face:

Question to all:
Do ED schools give any indication of their decisions to GCs prior to official announcement to students?

Just curious. I’m assuming no. Just wondering if there was any tea reading happening from that angle in the next couple weeks.

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Welcome @mandoorbust It sounds like your child is very well organized!

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In most cases no, but I have heard of the elite privates and boarding schools getting notified.

If you need a laugh…

McSweeney has a faux letter from Yale Admissions to a rejected student:


@Momof0ne This is such sad news. My heart goes out to your daughter, you and to the family of the friend. I agree with others that consulting with a professional therapist might be wise. These kids are managing so much as it is, and this is a devastating loss for everyone. Hugs to all of you.

My niece applied to Wake Forest, and she received an email confirming that she would not be applying for FA. I was conflicted this time if my seniors should apply for FA. We received nothing the years we had two in college, but we will have three in college for several years now. My kids are only applying to matches and safeties.

Glad to hear it isn’t just us. Daughter is also getting weary. One of the things that really helped was we created 6 essays based on certain tenets or areas of focus. We recycle those as needed for whatever may be required for admission and scholarships. So now, when we need an essay that could work, all she has to do is modify it to meet the specific need. We also have secured digital recommendation letters so that in cases where we can send them, we just do without needing to wait on anyone. She recorded and About Me video she has used to send as supplemental material where optional. I also have her working on tasks from 4 different excel spreadsheets. I KNOW she is tired of me more than the process. But I believe when all is said and done, she will be glad she was prepared (as much as possible) and also glad that she had an overbearing mom who kept her on task. It is so easy to give in to the COVID world depression and anxiety. What a layer on top of the normal stress of all this. Last night I gave her a card to tell her how proud I am of how she is handling things with a gift card to Starbucks so she can go get a treat when she really wants to punch a wall. Thinking of you and your son. I hope he gets into his ED choice. Hugs.


@Momof0ne Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to her about your D’s friend, that is devastating.

@dadof4kids Another tragic story, so sorry for you guys.

Nice to hear from other first generation kids - I am glad I am able to help a little and was so happy it seems to have had an impact.

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Thank you and thank you. I’m not sure “organized” is the word my daughter would use. :rofl:

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Makes sense that private GC’s might get a little heads up.

I’m (over-analyzing) an email from S’s GC hence, my questioning. But he’s a public school kid. :laughing:

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