Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

While the entire CSU system is down, SLO is up 4%.


@homerdog in Selingoā€™s book he notes that UW and Berkeley have part-time readers. UWā€™s were grad students and mainly retired people making $25/hr. A counselor in a northern VA HS was described as a part-time reader at Berkeley. As long as the PT folks are trained well, and they arenā€™t the only decision maker, Iā€™d be fine with it. Large public Us need to economize more than small LACs.


Also, if Tisch then a lot of those require audition tapes so that may also be a way to easily eliminate some.

But I assume some people are automatically declined just off their grades. It is interesting though how many people still want to be in NYC and that IMO is a great sign.

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That seems utterly insane to me. Will read it. The good news is there are 100k optimistic applicants out there. I am curious how those look broken down regionally. Itā€™s all so interesting if nothing else. Right now the absolute last place mine want to go to school - zero offense to the U itself but being realistic in their holistic assessment of schools and fit. Same thing with Chicago (and Iā€™m FROM Chicago but itā€™s not the 90ā€™s anymore) ā€¦ not ideal on a variety of levels for my particular girls in this environment. Hey, whatever makes one happy !

And itā€™s not even March !! (as in ā€¦ Madness)

Many schools use part-time/seasonal application readersā€¦a few more I know of that have used readers at one point or another: UCLA, CMU, LMU, U Rochester, U Miami, Cornell, William and Mary, JHU, Macalester, Duke, even Questbridge. Iā€™m sure there are many moreā€¦the volume of apps is just so high at so many schools.

Typically people with juniors or seniors canā€™t take these jobs, regardless of where your kid is applying, but it could be a good gig for some of us after our kids are done with the process (although these jobs donā€™t pay very well).


Every top 100 school uses some sort of temporary help for app season. Itā€™s impossible to have that many people working in the admissions department all year just for 4 months of work.

Most schools commit to having at least one full time employee review/read every app though.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s true. I doubt top LACs have part time people reading and I know for a fact that at least ten of Dā€™s AOs have told her they will be the first one to read her app.

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A good friend who spent 10+ years as an AO at 2 top LACs left to be a consultant, and in the interim, was hired as a part-time reader at at least a couple of other top 20 LACs. He wasnā€™t the only one screening, but he was one of the first readers. I remember him saying that each school has its own system, but the people they hired were already skilled readers, they just needed to understand the schoolā€™s process.


Did I miss something or is NYU giving out $100 gift cards to the Apple store with each submitted app? :smiley:


I know! And NYC is Covid ground zero so I do not get the appeal.


Just saw on Reddit that Duke received 49.5 k
applications (includes RD and ED) for class of 2025.

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That must be mainly RD because they only got about 5k for ED. That is crazy though!

Purdue is out. Our stress levels decreased slightly. Son accepted to CS, OOS. Yay.

2-0-1 (1 = deferred). Now he at least has some options as opposed to only 1.

ETA: This had always been a likely as we were told by our school college counselor but after apps had been going way up everywhere, every school in my mind started to become a reach. This helps big time to ease my anxiety.


Is it scarier that I donā€™t even know what Reddit is ?

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Hahaā€¦itā€™s hard to explain but itā€™s mainly college students but has gone more mainstream the past few years, but it has all different threads and topics. You can literally find out anything on there if you search.

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Thatā€™s awesome. Weā€™ve got some smarties on our block who went to Purdue for comp sci, loved it, and came out with amazing jobs!

Srparent15 explained Reddit well.

Itā€™s a place to kill time and find random forums that you may find appealing (including memes, lol).

I like to follow Reddit for its forums on different colleges, or the towns/cities they are located (like restaurants, vibes, happenings, etc). And, someone on another CC thread got me hooked on their ā€œAm I the AH?ā€ forums.

(I first heard of Reddit when Serena Williams married. Her husband was one of Redditā€™s founders.)


Itā€™s also good for just staying up on stuff for your kidā€™s own university, like when people ask about apartment info or safe places to live, good classes to take, stuff like that.

Sometimes professors come on it too which is pretty cool.


Wow. Sounds like quite the source ! Thank you.

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