Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

While there’s lots and lots of college type threads on Reddit, there are other threads related to hobbies, TV shows, anything really. I follow a couple myself that are exercise-related.


Thank you. Sounds like a potentially useful rabbit hole.


The app is nice. You just put in the topic you’re interested in. You can also flag pages. I was on orange theory for awhile until an injury sidelined me and covid but yes, definitely a great source.

People talk tv shows, etc like @sushiritto said, really for anything you want.

@NoReason04 Yes, I found a whole thread of people talking about how much they hated a particular character in a particular series (who I also hated, so it was glorious).


Wide-ranging indeed … I did see a thread here about binge-worthy shows. My 2 cents there is definitely Succession. S1 had maddening moments … “who is writing these awful people ? I object.“ etc. however It’s all just setting things up. S2 is simply perfection. Casting, story line, wardrobe, locations the whole thing WOW. The finale on the Croatia coast was beyond brilliant.

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Fabulous. Was the character meant to be hated ? If so, they did a great job at least !

Oh Succession, great show! When is that coming back!!??

@rbc2018 Which show?

@NoReason04 Actually I think she was supposed to be quirky but I found her unbearable (and much of it was due to how the actress played the character). Finding a community of fellow haters was very validating :grin: :wink: But yeah, rabbit hole.

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@srparent15 Virgin River. Apparently there are books (and the character is fine in the books), but I’ve only seen the show. It’s like a cheesy Hallmark movie with some drug gang violence thrown in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Not exactly intellectual content, but a nice diversion.

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Oh don’t know it. I know the big one people are talking about these days is Bridgerton. The big adjective they keep using is that it is “spicy”. Lol. I’ve never used that to describe anything except food. It’s on netflix and I’m too cheap to get that, so if I want to watch it, I have to use my kids netflix account or my siblings.

I really need to figure out a package that has HBO, Netflix, Showtime, all in one and get rid of some of the other junk we have.

Not soon enough … thought I heard rumblings they have begun filming ? Adored S2. Probably to a very unhealthy degree lol. Oh geez, may have to watch it again ! So many good quotes. Some funny “All hail the king of edible leaves, his majesty the spinach”, some heartbreaking … “he only loves the broken you” gave me chills.

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D21 in at Furman with $30k Bell Tower Scholarship! It checks some boxes but not all but we are thrilled to see merit coming in with her TO application. I’ve been doing more research on it. We will see if it comes into play once RD decisions start rolling in. :smiley:


Congrats! Go Paladins! (had to look that and the location up)

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S21 also accepted to Purdue with 10K presidential scholarship !!! This is our first acceptance and are very happy. @srparent15 Congratulations to your son too!!!


Bridgerton is based on a romance novel and lives up to its book! lol. Spicy is very apropos!


Congratulations on all of today’s acceptances!

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Today lot of kids from my daughter’s school also got into Purdue. So happy for all of them.
Congrats to all you son’s and daughter’s who got in today.
Good way to start the week-end


Wow awesome, congrats!!

Thanks! My son said a bunch of his friends were also accepted. Good news for our OOS school! A lot of these top kids applied to the same schools so hopefully this is a sign of what’s to come.

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