Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I am going to have my kid mention the Presidential Scholar nomination in some updates she will be sending at the end of the month. She has a EA deferral to a T-20 school so it might shift the needle a wee bit, who knows?

Congratulations to your child! IIRC, there are two more selection phases - candidates to finalists and then finalists to scholars.


Regarding Richmond, my colleagueā€™s jr daughter is considering Richmond and Emory among other SE and SW universities. I looked up Richmond and Emory and they respectively have 32-34 and 32-35 middle 50% ACT ranges.

Richmond is a tough school to get into and a very rigorous program with D-1 basketball. Itā€™s much less diverse than Emory and skews on the wealthy side with only 63% receiving financial aid. $72K COA at UofR vs. $73K at Emory. Very strong business school and liberal arts. Congrats to future Spiders!

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Wow ā€“ I hope GT puts out something official regarding their admissions stats. Itā€™s hard to judge, but they have a page to view admission stats over the years and it looks like their early admission rates this year are really, really low for OOSā€¦ (It looks like admits for OOS Comp Sci were around 1 percent, if Iā€™m looking at it correctly). So, even more kudos to those of you who have kiddos admitted EA2!! Just a brutal year for OOS. eta: overall EA2 acceptance rate around 2.1 percent!

@tristatecoog According to Richmondā€™s 2019-2020 common data set, only 41% of students received need based financial aid. That means 59% were full pay. So I think youā€™ve got the numbers reversed.

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Thatā€™s amazing! Congrats!!! I wonder if there are other criteria since S21 got 36 ACT and hasnā€™t heard of this.

@RockyPA Congrats to your daughter! Tell her we welcome her to the society of women in engineering!!!


From my link in Richmondā€™s entering class of 2024:

63% of Undergraduate Students Received Financial Aid

39% received need based FA.

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I donā€™t think there are other criteria. My son got 1590 on the SAT. If the student checked the box to not share scores, they may not have been considered. Also, I didnā€™t know my son was invited until I googled the list. There is a PDF of students who are invited to apply on the department of education website listed by state. Also, it says that if you believe your student should have been invited to apply and wasnā€™t for some reason, there is a phone number to call to give them your info. Sounds like it is definitely possible to be added to the list.


One can see that only 350 kids out of 850 were determined to have financial need. Thatā€™s around 40 percent. So, right, around 39 percent got need based financial aid. Not sure what they mean when you see 60-some percent receiving FA. They donā€™t give that many kids merit aid.

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I wonder if they include private scholarships in that 60 some percent? Just throwing out a guess. Small departmental scholarships?

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Maybe they are counting students who take out federal loans who have no financial need according to the university?


Seems right. A few merit scholarships plus federal loans, work study, etc. Even 63% with any form of financial aid is a bit low but itā€™s a great school so people will obviously full pay.

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I think there will be more kids accepted who are deferred this year. From my kids school (OOS) around 8 kids go to GTech every year. This year only 2 acceptances so far from EA2.
It looks like schools are ultra conservative with acceptances this year.

Hoping to see more smiles on kids faces instead of anxiety in the next 2 months.


At many schools including many NESCACs, 50 percent of the families are full pay.

Iā€™m thinking that will be what a lot of schools do this year. More deferrals and less rejections. Common app reported that there were less students applying overall, but they were applying to more schools. That said, when everything settles, the same one student that may have applied to 15 schools, canā€™t attend 15 schools, so these schools have to protect their yields and be ready to take kids that they deferred in the regular round and more kids in the regular round I suspect will be put on waitlists than in the past.

My son didnā€™t get his GT ED app done in time, and wasnā€™t sure he wanted to even apply, but ultimately submitted a RD app. I suspect odds are slim in any case. We are OOS and only about 1 kid gets in from our school per year. He has similar stats as prior acceptances, but this year is like no other and those were probably all EA applications whereas his is not, but either way itā€™s a long haul to wait.

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S21 didnā€™t get his 1st choice major at UT :frowning:

Oh, no! Iā€™m so sorry. Any chance he could ever get into it once heā€™s there?

Doesnā€™t look like it from everything that I have read. He does like the 2nd major so UT is still a possibility, have to see how his RD apps turn out.


We have family that were just at Williams and able to walk around campus.

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But students arenā€™t back yet. Maybe thatā€™s why.

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