Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Aah. Sorry I missed that.
I’d personally wait until they decide for the same reason as someone indicated above (not ever wearing it even if they say otherwise if they end up choosing somewhere else to attend.)

Exception: if YOU like the swag and would wear it even if your S ended up somewhere else! :sunglasses:
(I wanted S to buy swag at the campus bookstores when we would visit but he was a stinker and refused to do so at all places…except one…and even then it was the school’s law school spiral notepads and folders he wanted, not the undergraduate items!)


I bought a car sticker decal from every school he applied and I give it to him when he gets his letters. This way he’ll have it for the car but I can put the others in a book with his letters as a keepsake


@GetCollege19 – Congrats to your student too!!!

And for all those on WL for UNC, good luck. It’s a wild year, and anything could happen!


I would find it hard to buy swag for the University of Richmond Spiders. No one in my family will go close to one.

Transylvania University Bats would be a close 2nd. :grinning:


I assume that UC Santa Cruz Banana Slugs come in 3rd. :laughing:


With D18, we bought shirts at schools where she attended accepted student days (i.e., just the schools she considered attending). It worked partly as a congratulatory gift and partly as a memento of a fun trip. You usually get a discount for purchases at the book store on accepted student days, which is a nice bonus. She does still wear these shirts today.


Pffft. Google Scrotie, the unofficial mascot of RISD (Rhode Island School of Design).


I have one of those sons… I would ask if you could listen in (hidden in the background!), so you can both discuss it afterwards. I find when I ask for a report of some webinar I don’t get many details.

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Oh, we have a family connection to UC Santa Cruz and LOVE the Banana Slugs! My kids got little slug stuffed baby toys as kids! One had a pull string and would vibrate – a big hit! Don’t be dissin’ on them, lol! :wink:


Newbie parent to the College World here…

Please correct me if I am wrong, Swag is the school T-shirts and sweaters?
Thank you :slight_smile:


Swag pretty much anything with the logo/name on it. Kids might call the stickers the colleges send in the mail swag.

Our unofficial rule was you can get a college shirt if we visit but you only get the hoodie when you commit!


Not getting in ED hampered my merch purchasing and Xmas purchase plans :slight_smile:


I have a junior in college, and my observation is they don’t wear other colleges’ swag much. So my vote is wait until they commit and then go crazy!

We got a couple t-shirts to start and then 50% of my D’s Christmas her first-year in college was really nice sweats, hoodies, etc. for her college – that she picked out, of course. LOL


My son loves college tshirts, usually the XC/Track team ones. He has a ton college tshirts since we usually stop and visit schools if that are near to where we are visiting and people usually send him a T-shirt from schools around them or that they visit for bdays/holidays.

When I was in college, I wouldn’t have been caught dead in another college’s gear. I might bend the rules now as a mom.


Yep… I also have a son like this. I would ask to join him, particularly if you can’t get the info from the school website or googling.

Re: swag - D21 was admitted ED1 to Hamilton College back in December. The school sent a bumper sticker when it sent her admission paperwork, but it only says “Hamilton.” D won’t put it on her car because she thinks everyone will think she just loves Hamilton - the musical. :roll_eyes: We have a huge online cart from the Hamilton bookstore waiting and waiting because she can’t narrow her choices and I’m not spending $400 on swag. I will, however, get her the $6 bumper sticker that says Hamilton College. That one meets her approval.


Ok, everyone who thinks they have an embarassing mascot needs to take a step back. RISD is the winner, and it isn’t close.

I would post a link, but I’m pretty sure it violates the TOS.


Reposting this from a parent thread on the prep school forum. I had no idea.

@Momoftxtwins our public high school sounds similar to yours, with the notable exception of in-person learning 4 days a week. We have two cohorts who are in-person every other day and remote days where work is assigned and must be completed by the end of the school day in order to get credit. All in-person classes have assigned seating, and seating in the cafeteria is also assigned. School sports and club sports are being held. Most positive cases at the high school are from exposure at sporting events and students must quarantine for 14 days and produce a negative test before returning to school. At this point, it is our new normal and I am grateful we have as much as we do, compared to many here. There is a push to move to in-person full-time by the end of this month, but it depends entirely on the disease metrics. No one knows exactly what the benchmarks are, but we are hopeful.