Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Thank you! I will this to my D.

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Thank you for all the information and the support.

Have to agree with this for the most part. My daughter returned to school on Monday for her mandatory 4 day quarantine into NY and per the school requirement. She of course forgot her hat and as I pulled it out of her drawer as she also wanted me to look for a sweatshirt she can’t find, I saw all the college sweatshirts we bought from our various college visits. At home she wears them all the time, but taking them to school. Nah. Instead of buying college swag for a school you don’t know if they’re going to, why not start buying gift cards for them to Amazon, Target, Uber, food places, etc.

our GC a year ago told us NOT to apply to UNC bc “they haven’t taken anyone from our city in years”. He told us honestly not to apply. He said he has no idea why but not to waste our time applying.
Note: we’ve had students accepted to LOTS of great schools; and other competitive high schools in our city report the same issue.


I wish I knew about this. She wouldn’t have applied then. Her school didn’t tell her. Here in Mississippi, most students go to school in state and therefore counselors don’t have much information or idea about out of state schools.


Also is U Michigan the same story like UNC for OOS students?

I know the private HS in our town has been successful with Michigan acceptances. And to be honest, there has been no negative FB about applying to Michigan at our school (unlike UNC-CH). Attending school in Michigan hasn’t been desired though as much as attending in NC. (I assume bc of the distance to FL and the ahem, weather?!)

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My daughter just asked me to help her clean out her closet. I now have a small pile of college gear that she’s collected over the years as she’s visited schools that she told me to get rid of! :woman_facepalming:

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UMich has a much higher percentage of OOS students than UNC.

As others have said due to limitations on OOS % at UNC and the high volume of OOS applications, getting into UNC OOS non-legacy is practically ivy league level.

I have watched college decision reactions videos and a lot of kids OOS don’t get into UNC, but get into some of their T20s or other colleges around UNC rankings, so tell her not to worry.


Right. S19 bought a sweatshirt at our very first tour (Beloit) but then decided he wouldn’t buy anything until he chose a school. When he bought his sweatshirt at admitted student day, we knew that was it. Since then, he’s bought quite a bit of Bowdoin swag and has had a fair amount given to him from the XC/track teams too. We all have swag as well
 D even has a Bowdoin Sister mug. Lol. She hasn’t bought any college swag except a Harvard sweatshirt when we walked through campus but that was more like a souvenir.

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Thank you! You are so nice to tell this! With UMich decision expected on Friday, it is her next hope even though it is also a very selective school.

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Michigan has a higher percentage of OOS students compared to UNC. Not sure what it is, but I want to say around 40%? Maybe someone knows and can share.

I know it’s a big reach, but one reason UNC gets so many OOS apps is b/c it meets 100% of need-based aid for all out-of-state students, unlike most flagships that primarily direct need-based aid to in-state students
 And even at full pay, OOS cost it is less expensive than other top public universities (I’m looking at you UCs and Michigan!)

Good luck to your D! I know the WL is tough but whether she lands at UNC or elsewhere, it will be fine. So many great colleges!


Oh! I never knew that they give so much need based aid. It is very encouraging to know that UMich accepts that many OOS students.

Found this for you from a Detroit News article – I didn’t do the math but eye-balling it, it looks like OOS first-years are more like 46 or 47%!

Broken down, undergraduate and new freshmen exceed out-of-state students. In-state undergraduate students numbered 16,653 versus 14,613 out-of-state students. Among new freshmen, in-state students total 3,496 while out-state students number 3,334.

Thank you very much! It is very sweet of you to take your time and look it up for me. You are all like a second family (virtual!) for me.


This exact same thing happened to one of my daughter’s friends.

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In addition to the difference in OOS %, UM is a much bigger school. They can accept more than double the students that UNC can.

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How many students do they take in UNC? AlmostThere2018 mentioned the they take roughly 3500ish in state and 3500 ish out of state freshmen at UMich.

I think UNC’s first year class is about 4500 total.

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I see that they offered to 15000 students and of that 6600 joined.
Huge difference. Thank you for brining this to my attention.