Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Sheesh. Glad my D21 passed on applying to any UCs.


UCB and UCLA led the way with 28% overall increases with OOS (incl Intl) growth of 34% and 35% respectively.

UCSD 18.4%
UCSB 16.2%
UCD 13.3%
UCSC 12.2%

For comparison, UT-Austin had a 15.4% overall increase with 39% growth OOS. Their 41K in-state apps are less than UC-Riverside at 45K.

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Why are OOS kids applying to UCs?? They are all remote. Can’t get a tour. CA is so locked down and would likely a state that will have the most conservative response for the fall. I know they said they will be in person for fall but (1) that announcement didn’t come until after apps were due and (2) I’m not sure I believe them since you can’t even eat outside there right now. Add on that you can’t take a gap year from a UC ad I really don’t get it!


Test blind?


Actually, you can eat outside in many counties now. This just happened this past week.

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Ah ok. But still. Clearly, CA has been more locked down than almost any other state. Outdoor dining shut down? It was never shut in Illinois and it’s cold here. I think the test blind thing must be it or people just are not paying attention to what it’s like in CA right now.


Most. Applications. Evah!!! (lol if we don’t laugh we will cry)


UCB and UCLA and both up about 25% in-state. Much more significant that OOS numbers.

But, I’m with you, I don’t get the attraction to UC schools, especially for OOS, and we live in California. They are expensive, with huge class sizes, crappy dorms, and it’s often difficult to graduate in 4 years.


Most of the state is purple tier where you can eat outside. That went into effect on Monday.

The increase is depressing. I thought everyone hates CA. Ya, I agree with @homerdog. Don’t come here. :grimacing:


California dreaming
 expensive for OOS but similar to the Ivy trend - TO made the “impossible” into a “really long shot”. I also think that though the UC app is painful, once you fill it out, you can apply to a bunch of great schools with just a checkmark.


Because they are the top public institutions in the country and many people have been on campus before. We don’t know what the future holds, so what really is the risk of $75 to go to one of the best public universities in the country? I’m a glass half full kind of a person.


For our HS the UCs are very popular with full pay kids. Great schools but pricey for OOS, but if you’re looking at $80k for a LAC in the NE it seems a bargain. Plus the kids here are far more interested in California compared to the NE.


OOS apps almost doubled for UC Merced. Have “you” (the royal you) been to Merced, CA?

D checked off more UC’s than usual or D18, so that may play into that increase #.

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I know everyone’s experience is different, but with some planning early on in the process it is definitely possible to get out in 4. My daughter is a dual aerospace and mechanical engineering major at UC Davis and she has worked hard, but will graduate in 4 years with a normal load of 4 classes at a time.

I just wanted to provide our experience in case someone believes it is really impossible to get out in a reasonable time.


Oh, yes, I did not mean to imply it was impossible. Just that it often happens. We know a lot of students who were stuck taking an extra quarter or two or three, personally.


I think this is a sign that a lot of the increase is applicants applying to a lot of schools they know very little about. My guess is a lot of these are internationals.

139,000 apps to UCLA.

What’s the Vegas line on the UC’s pushing back they’re decision and SIR dates?


I really hope they don’t. I just want this whole process to be over with!


I’m going to have coronary now.

At least UC at Eugene, OR may still be taking apps in May. :laughing: