Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Ok, here’s a question for you— how do you explain to a grandparent that times have changed and that getting into college is not just about doing well in school? I have asked my dad to back off after making some comments to D that were really annoying. She didn’t even want to tell him that she got into Macalester because she had a sense of his reaction. And she was spot on— during the next phone call he made a comment about their acceptance rate being high. She is trying to manage his expectations that all the schools she is waiting to hear from are reaches.

I think I need a NYT article that spells out the craziness to him. Also, just needing to vent to all of you.


I’m pretty sure my son is going to do the same re: his deferral to Michigan. He’s not jumping to write the LOCI which tells me its not a top contender for him.

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Haha! It’s virtually impossible for them to understand. My Dad tells everyone how he filled out a paper, went to UCLA, walked on campus & someone asked if he wanted to be on the rowing team. It was just that easy. Isn’t it still? :flushed: I feel your frustration & have no ideas to remedy, but can comiserate.


The cost of college: $75,000/yr

Grandpa’s reaction to the cost: Priceless


OMG exactly! Thanks for that. She goes to a large public HS and was explaining to him how few kids get in and then he was asking her about the private schools. When I was your age any private school student with a pulse would get into an Ivy! Was his reply. Ok dad.


same with my son and Michigan. I’m pretty sure at this point he’s like another F@#$#^$ essay!!! He’s soooooo done with the essays. Especially on top of all of his other school work.


Best of luck to her with Trinity!

The crazy thing is it really was that easy. It was a lot cheaper, too.


Just know you are not alone! My mom and dad don’t say anything outright but I know they are puzzled as to why my S didn’t apply to Cal and Stanford. They will probably be even more puzzled if he chooses an out of state flagship. :grinning:


People here were floored when the 36 ACT athlete Eagle Scout didn’t get into Stanford. Most were pretty sure that 36 is a golden ticket into your college of choice. If you haven’t been in this world for the last 10 years, you are completely out of touch. For your dad, what 50 years? He’s 2 degrees removed from out of touch.

My problem is the opposite. In-laws can’t understand why S19 went to an Ivy when he was offered an athletic scholarship by the nearly open admission State U 2 hours away (in their defense, large numbers of our family including myself and my wife are alums). D21 is headed to Amherst, which is even more perplexing to go so far away for a small school when we have several (completely non-selective and exorbitantly expensive) options in state. My 8th grader is currently applying to boarding schools mostly 1500 miles away. We have told no one. If she gets in my wife may inherit some money early, because I’m pretty sure it will finish them off when we tell them.


Thankfully my inlaws had kids a decade younger than my husband, so they knew how much more difficult colleges got between 1991 when my husband went and 2001 when my brother-in-law went. My mom worked at a university for decades, so should she have still been alive, she definitely would have known how difficult it was.

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Vent away!! That is why we are here supporting each other during this :crazy_face::exploding_head:process!!!


Interesting article, CSULB is giving vaccines to all their staff and eventually students.

I’m not sure how they are able to do so outside of the current 65+ and healthcare CA guidelines but it’s a good sign that hopefully more colleges will be able to have ‘vaccine pods’ as they call it to administer doses to the college community.


Oof Tufts rejecting some high stats kids ED 2. :roll_eyes:. Apparently not going with the deferral approach.


I guess that’s the advantage we have from my being the only college graduate in the family. My Dad has no idea what or where Mac is, he’s just geeked up that she will be a college athlete! Although I noticed the color leave his face when I told him about tuition!


@flyawayx2 same, my daughter was irritated that they want her to write another essay!


My guess is that tufts can outright deny these ED2 candidates because they have some sense already of the strength of the RD pool. They also have a better sense of what institutional needs they still need to fill post EDI.


Now you know what many applicants whose parents are not on CC experience.


S19 is at Northeastern and they have said they hope to have everyone including students vaccinated by the end of the spring term, which ends late April.


Congratulations, we loved BC!!