Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Between the UMich deferred discussion and the how to explain to grandparent discussion, some may be interested in this bit of history.

In the 1800s college entrance was largely based on examination. In 1871, UMich started a program whereby the university began accrediting high schools that provided a high standard of education. Students from those high schools were than accepted to UMich on the basis of their diploma alone and without having to take the examination. Basically, they were an automatic admit. Can you imagine?

I am not sure how long that process continued before the number of applicants from accredited schools exceeded the number of students UMich could take, but will say it was well before my time graduating from one of those schools (small hometown high school). The accreditation program apparently continued until the 1990s, but I am not sure what being from a UMich accredited HS meant by then.


@kbm770 Thank you for your advice. My daughter really wants to start withdrawing applications to give other people a shot, but I really think it is too soon to withdraw as much as I hate to hold onto anything.


Glad to hear this re: Northeastern! I remember you and I had a back and forth in the fall about my S and Northeastern. He decided against going ED and was thankfully admitted EA through the program (for those who don’t know, it means starting the first semester abroad and then starting on-campus in the spring - a program the school has had since 2007). We were quite surprised since many others in his class (small private school and many full pay) were deferred but I figured he hit the “sweet spot” of having decent stats but not so high that they thought he was using Northeastern as a “safety.” Plus, he was willing to consider and demonstrated a good amount of interest. S. is considering the Boston option (introduced as an option this year and continuing due to Covid). We will see if we can visit Boston during spring break at the end of March. So it has come down to 3 schools: Temple (in-state and with merit), Drexel (with merit) and Northeastern (no merit). Most likely it will be either Temple or Northeastern.


Congratulations! I know a bunch of kids that loved the NU in London program. There is an active Facebook parent group that has been a wealth of information. I am not sure if they are doing tours, but I know you can walk on campus.

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The UVA EA thread is blowing up with all the guessing about the portal changes. :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


So, my D18 had the opposite experience. She was accepted Michigan EA and when it came time to write the LOCI/essay for a T20 school, she said, “Meh, no thanks, I’m a Wolverine baby!”

In terms of the vaccine, I heard this AM that the Moscone Center in SF will be a vaccine site now. Here we go!


Interesting – WPI didn’t say April, but they seem to be moving pretty fast to vaccinate students and staff and doing it themselves. Wonder if MA is somehow prioritizing colleges?


I think Northeastern is offering small planned in-person tours - not sure. And I already joined 2 parent FB pages: parents class of 2025 and N.U. parents class of 2025. The Tulane parents group is amazing and I don’t know how I could have survived with D21 without it. In a way I wish S would consider London if it is happening, but also would be worried with Covid. If he decides on Northeastern and chooses Boston, there will be some comfort in knowing he will be only driving distance away. Thanks for your help!

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DS has several acceptances and was able to decide that as much as he liked three of them, he knew he would not attend, so he withdrew. We saw no point to hold on to a school that he decided to not attend


Maybe also spent a chunk of their financial aid budget ED 1 too. It’s a bit scary for RD if they think they have a strong RD pool.


Apparently they invented doing that for yield protection since it got nicknamed Tufts Syndrome


Let me talk to your in-laws! :joy: #tusksup :purple_heart: :heart_decoration:


I’m also hoping for Spain for my S19 in spring 2022. Fingers crossed! They have had so much of their precious four years affected, so I really hope it can happen for them.


My son just got accepted to UVA Engineering. His first top acceptance after being deferred to his ED school, waitlisted to UNC, and deferred to Michigan last week. Now more research to be done since his college visit there last year was cancelled.

In follow-up to earlier posts about holding acceptances, this is his third acceptance and with this one in hand, I am pretty sure he will now withdraw from his safety which was Miami, Ohio and hopefully give someone else a chance at admittance there as well as the opportunity to give someone all the money they offered him. Ouch for us if he goes to UVA on the other hand.




Haha, I guess I may have to get familiar with Wahoo-wah!

I am not sure, Northeastern is only giving vaccines for staff (including contract workers) and students. They also said they are adhering to MASS tear guidance. With so many colleges in MASS with the ability to distribute the vaccine it might make logistical since.

Great school! Congrats!

My D was just accepted to UVA! A wonderful surprise after getting waitlisted by UNC last week. She needed that confidence boost. Now for the long wait for RD decisions.


Same deal with my son! WL to UNC and deferral to Michigan where many kids with much lower stats than his were accepted from our school, although that’s typical from our school so deferral there was expected but annoying nonetheless. Very excited for UVA!