Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

ED2 Hamilton - D21 is in!


WOW!! Congratulations!


Yay! She’s done!! Congratulations!!

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Woo Hoo! Congratulations to her! Our daughters will love it there!


Thank you! I am thrilled as I believe that UVA will give a better Fin Aid than UMich.

Congratulations! So happy for you!

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Congrats to all on UVA admissions! I’m hopping on from class of 2020 (and 2022) thread.
As an alum and mom of a happy OOS first year at UVA, I’m happy for all of you! DS20 loves it despite the COVID restrictions. Just yesterday I was talking to him asking his opinions on DD22 college list and he said I really don’t know she’d want to go anywhere other than UVA :blush:


Woo hoo!!! A huge congrats to your D!!!

ED 2 I see?! So you all are DONE!!!


I’m so thrilled for her! And for you! I hope you can do something celebratory!
:tada: :tada: :tada:

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Maybe more fun that way! In my humble opinion, prom is a little overrated. :slight_smile:


I’m sorry. We are in the same boat. No prom. The graduation usually takes place at the Bob Carpenter Center at University of Delaware and right now it shows the high school parking lot. I feel so bad for these kids. They have lost way too much. Hopefully they will get to their chosen schools in the fall.


Thank you!

Glad to know he loves it even in these circumstances. My OOS son was deferred today and he did not love it when we visited in September. If he gets in we will go back and give it a second look. It was so locked down and dead as a door nail! We live in a college town so he was very surprised - very different! I tried to convince him it was unusual (my oldest loved it 2 years ago and he almost went there). Strange times!

Congrats on all the UVA admissions! Well done!!

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Yes they do! When we visited before covid, they said they were the only public u that meets 100% of demonstrated financial need for OOS.

D21 got in tonight OOS.


Or more appropriately Wa-Hoo_Wa…

D21 also in at UVA, quite a surprise! Congratulations to all these 2021 kids!


Wow thats great news. What a great school.

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Wa-Hoo-Wa. Again what a great acceptance

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UNC Chapel Hill meets full need for all students too, including OOS.