Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulations! It’s such a relief to know your child has a great school.

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D18 was deferred and then declined at UVA…we were surprised that D21 was admitted during this crazy year!


Thanks for the congrats, everyone! D21 is very happy, as am I. She has a couple more hours of schoolwork to do, then we’ll celebrate. Tomorrow she will fill something out Hamilton requested from her on the portal, her father will pay the deposit, and then she (or we, if she wants my help) will withdraw her applications to the other colleges.

Congrats to all the UVA accepted applicants!

Looking forward to reading everyone else’s news over the next few weeks/months!


Congratulations to all the UVA admits!

My S21 got rejected, but that was not a surprise. From his school really only full IB Diploma candidates get accepted and he opted not to do that program. So, even with 10 AP/IB classes his schedule was not rated “most rigorous” which is pretty much the kiss of death. But still wanted to see. Now we wait for VA Tech!


Congratulations to all of the UVA admits!


Good for you taking on that task. Parents did prom and graduation last year for son’s group of friends and turned out so much better than what school would have done. Was so special.

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@JanieWalker Congrats to your D and to you! You are done! :tada: Great news!


Congratulations on all of the UVA acceptances tonight! This group is cleaning up!! :tada:


@JESmom, I’m sorry for your son. Onward! :heart:


You still have that system in Japan, including at the highly-regarded Keio University. If you get into a Keio primary or secondary school (of which there are only a few), you’re set. Having said that, the daughter of a friend of ours went to a Keio high school but opted to go college in North America.


Wow so much good news yesterday! Congrats on UVA and Hamilton!!


We are done ! Our youngest DS21 was admitted this morning ED2 to Bates ! My Texas boys will be 30 min apart as our S19 is a second year at Bowdoin:) Happy here in Dallas!


Woo hoo!! So happy for you guys! Visits will be so easy for you and the boys can see each other during the school year. Fabulous news!!

Thank you. I am thrilled of course ( yes for prox to brother but also because I do think it is a great fit). Granted only real visit he got to do just for him ( lots along Jacksons travels) but wasnt sure how to pick another without a visit when we knew this was a great match! Was worried about ED2 with financial aid but Bates gave exactly as we hoped or expected during an RD admit!


Congrats on all the wonderful acceptances!

A dream come true! You all must be ecstatic!

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Really cool that a fellow Texan will have two kids in Maine. I hope to visit more of the NE schools like Midd, Bowdoin, Bates, Hamilton and Colgate. I’ve been to Williams, Amherst and all but Cornell of the Ivy League. Visited UVA once and wow!


Adding my D on the the long list of UVA admits from this group last night. We are in state and she got a direct admit to Kinesiology. She applied feeling it was expected of her (from her school), but not particularly interested. She was happier about the admit than she expected and is excited to visit friends on grounds and see if it’s a real contender.


@annegp This sounds like my husband. D21 and I looked at his transcripts and he had a C in both 11th and 12th grade along with some B’s, decent but not great test scores, and his best EC was starting a frisbee club. He got into Penn, Vanderbilt, University of Chicago, Carleton, etc, etc. He genuinely thinks that if our D started a frisbee club, she would have similar results. D’s jaw literally dropped when she read his transcript and his stack of acceptance letters. :joy:

A friend of D’s wants to pursue aerospace engineering. The friend’s grandfather worked for NASA and when he found out his grandson was going to study engineering at highly ranked state school, he said to him, “NASA never hired engineers from that school.”

It’s hard to educate the clueless.


So true…we should start a separate thread with admissions (and life) truisms! :smiley: