Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Daughter just told me she signed up for a 2 hour virtual program for admitted students and they told her the would send her a $40 door dash coupon to use during the program. See told her roommate they were going to eat good next Tuesday. I just wonder how a state school like ASU can have so much money to spend on these types of things.


“We” would be very excited if D21 were admitted to SLO.


I took a look at UT and their testing is very little, but I think our state has a lot to do with that and not a decision on the schools part.


One of the best things my parents ever did for me was give me a credit card and teach me not to buy what I cannot pay for. At a very young age I had amazing credit. It helped greatly when buying my first house at a young age.


Funny story- or not so funny about credit cards
 one of D21’s friends didn’t understand how tipping worked on the credit card. She would leave a cash tip, but then write the tip on the CC receipt, double tipping!!! It wasn’t until the friend had my D18 as a server that she found out she wasn’t supposed to do that. D18 brought her cash back and told her if you tip in cash, don’t write it down!!! The kid had been doing this for a couple of years. That mistake is hard to catch since all the mom saw was the tip on the CC. :woman_facepalming:


D enjoyed AP CS too. She took it in 10th grade and made a 5 on the AP exam. Said the exam was ridiculously easy. She does not want to major in CS but electrical engineering instead.


For the CA parents
do you feel like announcements are going to finally be relevant to us shortly? :joy: Other than S21’s deferral from Brown, we’ve had zero action. I’ve been feeling left out after loving everyone kids’ acceptances into ED and EA’s!

Half of S21’s college apps are extreme reaches (I’d be flabbergasted it he got into the Ivies during RD).

I know that with UC being test-blind, a 3.86UW/4.2 W UC Capped will keep him from regents but I’m telling you, us CA peeps are going to start getting news in 4-6 weeks. And maybe S21 will get lucky with USC merit this week. The only news we’ve gotten has been UCLA alum (he’s writing his essay as I type).

Please keep sharing the good news because us CA peeps are feeling sidelined. We need good news of college acceptances from the other CC kiddos to keep us going!


It has definitely crossed my mind. My oldest is at GT and they have done a fantastic job. Contrast that to UNC which has not handled it well at all. And then I hear Duke is not certain if face to face for all students this fall. It is definitely a factor!


Can you elaborate a little bit on what you think GT got right this year? Thank you in advance!

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The Cal States are coming in
my son has been accepted to 4 so far, still waiting on a few more, plus UC Davis, USC, and Stanford. :crossed_fingers: I hate this waiting game!


The biggest thing they have done is testing. They developed a highly accurate saliva test and have been consistently testing since early August (they have preformed over 200,000 tests so far). Test results available within 24-48 hours. This is asymptomatic surveillance testing (if you are symptomatic you go to student health) designed to catch cases early or catch asymptomatic spreaders. Most Greek life is making testing mandatory for members (the school was not allowed to do that due to the control by the Board of Regents which operates all Georgia public colleges). They have also been very responsive to the testing/contact tracing/quarantining. All on campus students were sent to quarantine in a hotel contracted out (entire hotel) for that purpose if exposed or positive. The positivity rate has been well under 1 percent. This is the Twitter for one of the developers of the testing program and he has lots of info and even slide presentations on the testing program and how it works.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author


So cool! I love that they developed their own saliva test.

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Same here, waiting for UCs to start kicking in :slight_smile: other than the regents and chancellors scholarship, the first one we could be hearing is around March first week
(maybe UCD or UCSC) let’s hang on for just one more month :slight_smile:


This is actually really interesting - what other school besides GT has developed its own test such as this and used it to monitor students/faculty? Has any other school been this innovative?

They are pretty remarkable there. I continue to be impressed. Here is more info about the ins and outs of it News Center Features | Georgia Institute of Technology


UT is doing a lousy job! Definitely a big part of it is the legislature, but it didn’t help that President Hartzell was seen maskless with the Gov and new FB coach recently posting pics on instagram and when he got bashed for it posted that they were tested 10 mins before and had negative tests, clearly not understanding how a negative 10 mins prior doesn’t mean you’re all negative!

That said, UT made testing harder for students this semester than last and it was sucky last semester. Kids also tend to go home or test locally and then don’t report back to UT Health. If mine had a car she could go regularly to Walgreens drive up. Instead she found out the capitol has free testing and has been going there this semester. She goes regularly but most don’t. Most also like President Hartzell just don’t understand that whole thing about how long after exposure you need to be tested and that a rapid test is only a moment in time and doesn’t mean anything. Masks need to be worn all the time you’re with someone unless you’ve all been quarantined. Their covid dashboard also sucks especially because it’s so inaccurate. Cases are rampant once again this semester.

Cornell was testing everyone 2x/week, this semester most will get 3x and one has to be on a friday, sat, or sun to keep people on campus. They have a break out right now due to a social gathering with some frat members which spoils it for others but hopefully now that classes started they will clamp down. They don’t seem to provide consequences harsh enough even though everyone had to sign a behavioral contract. Hopefully they can get it under control. THeir dashboard isn’t bad but it only has a week of tests and they don’t update it on weekends. THe key though is they are testing so frequently and they have fantastic contract tracing. Some classes are remote but many in person and hybrid. Kids are able to safely socialize.

Bottom line is everyone has to do what’s right for them, but my kids are so much happier and better off at school than home and they will all again be going to school in the fall regardless of where things are with this, even if things are remote. Being home with their parents is just not productive nor is it good for their social emotional health. Being with their own peers makes a huge difference and is where at this age they should be. They can live with me when I’m 80 and can take care of me then! :wink:


Which Cal States do you know of that have sent decisions? We are still waiting :frowning:


UC Davis also developed their own saliva test in December. They are also leaders in the nation, according to the NYT, for testing and protecting the surrounding community.


I don’t know the answer to that. I do know there are schools that are doing very comprehensive testing. It is really amazing to me that they put this together over the summer (including building a CLIA certified lab to run samples). The first video in the link gives an overview. There are multiple testing sites on campus and they opened extra ones in areas where they were seeing a rise in cases. They also tracked all cases by living arrangement and give a daily update on all sorts of data including number of positives, where they lived generally (on campus, off campus, Greek housing), whether student or staff, etc. They have been totally transparent as well which has been the best part. Monitoring Covid-19 Dashboard – Stamps Health Services

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The University of Illinois has its own saliva test as well - twice weekly testing.