Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Another awesome engineering school!


SDSU has, but only for certain groups of students. Those were back in December.

It really is remarkable! And itā€™s nice to see a couple other unis are doing something similar. Bravo to them.

Ohio State has been doing its own saliva testing since last August. Weekly for on-campus students, and I think random for off-campus students.


Itā€™s common at big state schools because they can repurpose some of their equipment and staff to run them on campus.

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Thank you! Logged in tonight because i am seeing the same thing. There have been posts in some of the admitted parent groups about how unhappy kids are, kids going home, bad food etc. makes me nervous for next year! Was talking to some of my D21 friends parents and it is making some rethink where there child will commit to. Many are hearing a lot of negativity in the ā€˜unofficialā€™ groups.
I keep thinking itā€™s been tough in all of us- my D21 has gone to school exactly 4 times since last March. We are in Chicago where itā€™s now cold and snowy. We are all worn out and hopeful that we can have some normalcy soon but it just seems to get further away!


I am sure that your S21 will get the best one ever in our group. Just be patient and you will be sharing the best news ever very soon!


Same hereā€¦which CSU did you hear back from? We are waiting on all California schools-UCs, CSU and Privateā€¦Too long of a wait!

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My S21 heard from San Diego State in December. Seems like it was a limited group that heard. Nothing else yet from CA schools.


I hadnā€™t heard of schools developing their own saliva test and then administering it the way GT is doing such that they are actually proactively controlling the spread of the virus on their campus. Iā€™ve heard of testing at big state schools. I know FSU and FAMU are doing their own PCR testing (they didnā€™t develop their own tests), but they are not doing the amount of testing they probably should be doing, unfortunately. They do mostly random testing this semester after the kids came back to campusā€¦

We are in Californiaā€¦he has been accepted to Cal State LA, Northridge (CSUN), Fullerton and Sacramento so far. We are still waiting on Long Beach and San Jose. :blush:


I have one at UNC (who at 11th hour chose UNC and declined UofSC) and D21 that just got accepted (and is also considering UofSC among others). It has certainly been a big contrast between COVID handling at the two Carolinas and will certainly be a factor for D21.

I know universities are in a difficult position because opinions about COVID are all over the board. Some believe students should be at least in part in person while others think they should not. However, clearly UNC with Kevin G as interim chancellor fumbled and fumbled badly. So of course they made him permanent chancellor.


Cal State LA, Northridge, Fullerton and Sacramento so farā€¦still waiting on San Jose and Long Beach. :blush: We are in California so not sure if that makes a difference or not?

Itā€™s really not a competition, I think people are just sharing information they are aware of so people can find great places for their kids in the fall.

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I donā€™t think this is a competition. Iā€™m not sure what you mean? I was just expressing how impressed I was by GTā€™s efforts. And I had asked what other schools had been as innovative as they were. Was that offensive in some way? I did not mean it to be, at all.


My son was accepted to San Diego State in December and Cal State Fullerton about two weeks ago .


No worries, it sounds like they are doing a great job. Another development that is awaiting FDA approval is a breathalyzer test developed by Ohio State. Seems like that would be quicker and simpler, so I guess weā€™ll see what rolls out. I do like how all of the schools with significant medical resources are contributing to the effort.

That is also impressive about OSU! I love to hear what some of these schools are doing. I do wish more schools with these resources would step up their own efforts, including my D20ā€™s school, FSU. I mean, they do have their own medical school and a great nursing program as well, for peteā€™s sake.


Our HS is using a saliva test for mandatory weekly testing. We are in person at 50% capacity


HS as in High School? Holy cow. Now that is awesome.