Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

The latest news we have is that prom will go on. It will be on campus under an open tent and limited to juniors and seniors (which will be 220-250 kids plus chaperones if everyone participates, which I sincerely doubt.) Masks will be required, but I am waiting to hear the plan for social distancing. Dancing 6 feet apart?? LOL I believe they will have a masquerade theme to make the masks less noticeable. Despite my concerns, I am grateful they are trying to work out a plan for these kids. They have missed so much over the past year.


That is crazy, my in-laws in NY are still waiting for their vaccine and they are in their 80s. Crazy that they opened it up to college students already.


NY is not currently vaccinating all college kids in congregate living. Iā€™m not sure where your son goes to college and if he lives in campus housing or not, but your statement is not applicable to all college kids living in apartments in NY. Who sent the email to him?

There are very specific ā€œcongregate livingā€ situations that are eligible for vaccination, but college students living in apartments is not currently one of them.

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Yes I couldnā€™t believe it when it came today. Just last week that had to shut the school down for 3 days based on the 7 day rolling average of cases. Seems like just getting kids hopes up only to potentially break their hearts later.

@homerdog Iā€™m not sure if it applies to all, I would assume so. I thought Iā€™d share the information for others to investigate if they know anyone this applies to.

No, that is not the case in NY currently. There must be some other reason his/her sonā€™s ā€œcongregate livingā€ situation is eligible. There are very specific guidelines as to what types of places are eligible right now in NY.


@4kids4us I am not sure of every situation and what may distinguish his apartment building from others. It could be because his building is not only college students. Another resident informed him about this and my son inquired about it.

I too am very optimistic that our '21s will have a normal freshman year. @burghdad got my hopes about prom ā€¦ :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Our IL hs is planning a graduation. Yay. We have over 400 seniors and are now working on what to do. Sounds like it will be an all senior class graduation with limited seating (outdoors only) at the football stadium for parents and no extended family members or siblings other than an online simulcast.


Thatā€™s how the graduation was here for the class of 2020. Two guests per student and held at the football field. We have a class of almost 800, but itā€™s TX and our stadiums are huge.

All 400 together? Right now itā€™s 50 person limit outside in Illinois. Our school is trying to figure out how to divide up the 650 grads into smaller groups for outside graduation right now and even thinking there might not be able to be any spectators.

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Fauci said today that by April it will be wide open for vaccines in the US as supply will be huge and it should allow anyone who wants one to get one by then. I sure hope so as my daughter is going to an international summer internship and would love for her to get vaccinated before she leaves.


Ha! And TX has way fewer Covid rules than Illinois.

How do you know sheā€™ll even be able to travel internationally?

As of now itā€™s a go, but of course anything can happen. Itā€™s to Israel where as you know, theyā€™re #1 for vaccinations and are allowing people into the country. So unless things get worse it should be a go they say.


@bestmom888 I am optimistic! Iā€™m
Manifesting it to happen. I think Fauci and the Biden admin is going to right the ship on the vaccine inventory and supply chain. We are in week three of the admin and I think things are starting to flow. We have drive thru for 65+ seniors next weekend in Sacramento. I think next week our county will give us positive updates for teachers and education staff on the vaccine.


We have 400+ prom scheduled on a boat in June. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s going to happen, but itā€™s booked.

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Well, Iā€™m a positive thinker from way back (a few hundred posts or so). :sunglasses::grimacing:


Our graduations are usually held at the University of North Texasā€™ auditorium. When quarantine cancelled that last year , the Texas Motor Speedway stepped up and offered their race track for an outdoor ceremony to all the high schools in the county! It was so cool!! ParentS/families were allowed to drive in and park on the pitstop and stay in their cars and watch on the Jumbotron as the graduates got their diplomas crossing the finish line. It was awesome. Everyone loved it and agreed it was better then the regular grad ceremonies. Weā€™re hoping they do it again for our ā€˜21 kiddos. There are 1103 kids in my sonā€™s graduating class!!!

Coincidentally, the vaccine drive Iā€™ve been assigned to is also at the Texas Motor Speedway. It made national news for how quick and efficient the process has been. Texas doesnā€™t usually get things right lol, but my County has certainly got this down!


Same :smile: !