Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

My son’s school said we’d have an alternative prom which will be outdoors, no idea of the specifics. They also said they were committed to a live graduation, but not sure how many students at a time or if parents could attend live as well or what.

I just want him to be able to see his friends again together.

I try really hard to be positive about all of this, but as time lags on I feel more and more negative and angry about all of it.


I think that modeling behavior as parents is important and positivity and resilience are so important for our kids. I hope to celebrate all of the hope here for some return to normalcy for our kids. Obviously none of us know the future and everyone is in a different situation depending on where they are in the country but I’m hoping all of the schools try to find some sort of solution to celebrate the milestones, regardless of if that ends up being virtual. I’m sure they have backup plans built into the more hopeful ones. I know my daughter’s school does but I appreciate that they have a plan in place in case they can have an outdoor prom or a graduation.


@skkm0906 I wanted you to know my post wasn’t in response to yours - I read yours after I wrote mine.
I agree - I just want the kids to be able to be together again and it’s hard.

I hate to be too hopeful, though, and have more disappointment. I’m telling D to be cautiously optimistic but be grateful for baby steps closer to normal.


Oh even if it was you didn’t say anything wrong. I am trying to be positive for the kids, I’m just having a harder and harder time as time goes on honestly.


Got it, thanks! We are in seattle and the rollout is very slow here. My D is considered an essential worker because she works in a grocery store and the union is pushing for them to get vaccinated, but no news yet.

I’m having a harder time being optimistic lately, too. Yes, vaccines are here and people are starting to have access to them, but it’s still been hard.


I think those of us in cold weather are struggling more. It’s been under 15 degrees here for a week and looks like it’s staying here for a little while. I just keep thinking we are six weeks away from April 1 and it typically doesn’t snow after that!


The vaccines are an epic cluster here so I have little hope. I hear all of this oh by April anyone who wants one can have one and I’ve registered on 10 different sites for my inlaws and nothing.

My county exec is in schoolboy fight with my gov and our residents are being caught in the crossfire. They are limiting sports in our county so all of our games have to travel and my kids have to wear a mask 24/7 even in the middle of playing high intensity sports.

Then to have to deal with college applications AND high school applications (for my youngest) and the whole process of stress it’s just too much at this point. I’m soooo freaking tired of these four walls.


That weather is depressing! I would definitely experience SAD symptoms if I lived in cold and overcast winter areas.

Alas, I have no excuse. I’m in Florida and I sat outdoors by the pool in the sun while the dogs tried to catch lizards hanging out by some plants.

I think I’m probably struggling mostly with the long 6 more weeks of waiting. And it’s coloring my views on everything. I think DS is going to have few options and it depresses me. And then trying to anticipate whether whatever schools he is accepted into is actually open and functioning stresses me out.

But anyhow. I need to suck it up and move on and accept the here and now more.


yeah, my son has been deferred from 3 schools. I’m a planner by nature which is why we were on top of him to get everything in by EA deadlines. So the whole deferral sent me for a loop, especially since one of them is very high on his list and sometimes is at the top of his list. I was hoping by the end of the month while we wait for his last EA decision we would be able to plan visits and decide. Now I have to decide if it even worth planning a visit to a school I have no idea if he’s going to even get into. It has not helped my mood. I had hoped to have this decision wrapped up by spring break at the latest. Now I feel like it’s going to come down to May 1 unless we just tell him to cut bait for those schools and concentrate on the ones that want you.


It’s such a tough limbo time right now on so many levels. I’ve been happy to see more optimistic headlines about vaccine availability, but even those timelines are in months rather than weeks. Our district is still completely virtual for HS, with no end in sight, and RD college decisions seem to be getting pushed back more than what seems like an already long wait. And yes, the “More Snow, 30-Below-Zero Cold Could Hit This Weekend” article wasn’t exactly helpful! We definitely have some grumpy days (weeks?!) around here, but I’m trying to hang in there and recognize that I have so much to be both optimistic about and grateful for (including being able to end sentences with prepositions without fear of judgment :smiley:).


That’s really challenging…trying to figure out trips and yet not knowing when, how, or if.
(And then in back of mind, wondering if a favorite school will end up waitlisting S so then more “heightened edginess” if waiting in June or July. Again, like you said, maybe better to just pull the plug at some point versus maintain more anxiety of the “what if’s”.

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No. Those living in supportive congregate living are eligible, e.g. shelters, group homes. Not those in a Park Ave penthouse, unless they otherwise qualify.


You guys have had crazy cold weather lately. But at least it kept the snow pretty and not the usual Chicago dirty mush after a couple days. :grin: My SO is driving to O’Hare right now and complaining about coming south where it was 70 degrees yesterday. Lol But at least the warmer weather does give our kids opportunities for outside activities they may not have had otherwise.


Hang in there everyone! That being said, I read today that they have found the variants (even though there are hardly any tests done) on 6 college campuses so far. Also, some schools are already exceeding case counts from last semester. Meanwhile we have very few cases here but my son’s school just got shut down again and went remote for 2 weeks. Oye!

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Today we had 0 deaths and only about 200 cases which is the low since October or so. The bad news is we have first confirmed case of the UK variant.


On a positive note, Bowdoin moved everyone in on Friday and Saturday. Found two cases upon arrival and isolated those kids. Been testing everyone every other day since then and has had no other positives. Three more days of “hibearnation” (get it, they are polar bears) and then they’ll move to a different level where things loosen up a bit.


Our prom is May 8th. D and her boyfriend will be attending. She will wear the prom dress from last year that was already altered.


Are you in Frisco? My friend’s nephew had his graduation there last year. They said it was great.