Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Honestly, it’s very nice campus and dorms are amazing. Brand new, hotels like than any other UC campuses. Berkeley Dorms look like trash I front of it. I wish UCM was much more recognized like other UCs. Their plans to expand seems very promising too so I am also not surprised it’s way up along with other UCs in next few years.

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That’s a fascinating article. Thanks for the link.

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@Prep4Uni It will be. Look at UCR and also how far UCI has moved up in the last 5 years! I actually prefer the classic look of UCLA but if I were looking at it beyond the classic architecture and a place I would like to live, I’d pick the new and shiny UCM buildings ANY day!

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Omg, Texas (the state) just announced no more mandatory masks starting next week! Unbelievable. For those thinking of sending kids to school in Texas, make sure you do all your research about thigs down there and Covid protocols and do whatever you can to get your kids vaccinated. Academics are amazing but their covid plan has sucked! My daughter was fortunate enough to get the vaccine with her dose 2 on Friday and I thank god for that every day but crazy!


@srparent15 Well, Texas has decided to join the club in providing host bodies for the virus to mutate. This is lovely. I told my kids I would support them going to college except for in areas where I know minorities are a novelty item. Guess now I’ll add health and safety priorities to the list.


I’m hesitant to post it, because we’re talking about “low hanging fruit,” but D was admitted to UC Merced. Feeling a bit guilty right about now.

I’m guess I was too much of a “Debbie Downer” about this app season.


Don’t be hesitant to post any good news ever! We’ve had so much bad news this year, good news should always be welcome!




Congrats! Great news! @sushiritto

We visited Richmond, Wake, and Davidson this weekend. I’ve been updating my D21 journey page and not keeping up here! I feeling superstitious about D’s reactions to the schools but I will update at the end of all of this. What I will say is that she knows exactly where each of those schools fall on her list now. We did a self tour of Davidson (where we all visited with S19 in 2017 - he was accepted and it was his second choice in the end.) We had students we know take us around Wake and Richmond. If this is an option for any of you, I say go for it. It helped D a lot. And now we wait for RD and don’t necessarily have to go back to any of those schools in April and can spend that time at other schools if she wants to see them.

I just want the next three weeks to fly so we can get to the next seven decisions!



You are so right! I would also pick the new buildings :slight_smile:

How did you get into WF? We were there a few weeks ago and it was locked down tighter than Alactraz

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We met a student we know in Reynolda Village which is attached to Wake via a trail and he just walked us right in. There were very few people on campus. We were there for maybe 90 minutes and didn’t get stopped at all.


Wisconsin did that a few weeks ago, I think. Alabama announced 100% back to normal in the fall, including football stadium capacity.

No, I think you missed what I am saying. Not open in the fall to classes. The Governor got rid of the mask requirement throughout the entire state starting next week against health officials advice.

Basically saying everyone is responsible for themselves. Wonderful, like my kid can control the fact that she may be standing next to some jerk who refuses to wear a mask. The school is amazing academically and has been great, but when it has come to covid they get a big fat F! How my kid didn’t get covid is beyond me. I thank god every day that when her name came up for a vaccine that she ran and got it so I could sleep at night.


No, I understood. Wisconsin (the entire state) did that a few weeks ago.
The University of Alabama announced the fall plans yesterday.
I didn’t word my post well!

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Bama only announced a return to open campus for the fall. Totally different than getting rid of the statewide mask mandate.

Wisconsin also still has a mask mandate however Evers has to renew it every 60 days when it expires because the legislature is keeps trying to overrule him. The Supreme Court ultimately decide but as of now it’s still in effect.

Did UT announced that mask are not required? Our school district will still require mask and social distance.


Not related to UT, Abbott announced the entire state!! Texas and Mississippi to lift mask mandates and roll back Covid restrictions

My D19 is living with a friend in College Station, Texas and doing her Emory distance classes from there. I hope this encourages her to come home for the rest of the semester.

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