Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Montana State is our 90%er. They just recently sent an offer for money off after taking him last October. It was kind of a weird process. I was thinking might be like Vermont was with the virus but that was before it got political.

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Thatā€™s absolutely how it should work! Hereā€™s hoping for some in-person admitted student days.


Exactly. This is what weā€™re being told and some of the emails schools are sending. Just because you have until May 1 (or May 3) to make a decision, that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s always necessary to take that long.

Since weā€™re not really in person, the talk is really only between groups of friends. It makes total sense for people who are attempting to get more aid from a school or merit although it sounds like a lot are being more stingy than typical which is too bad and some schools which are the typical big reaches like others have mentioned donā€™t give much anyway.

It sounds like weā€™ll finally have a few RD in the next few weeks and get a fuller picture. I would love my son to take himself off the UNC waitlist because I donā€™t care to be waiting until late June for him to decide where heā€™s going and he has a UVA admit which is just as good to us. Going to visit in a few weeks so that will also make things a little clearer. Itā€™s hard on these kids but again, when an elimination can happen, there is no reason just to hold a spot, just because you have a May 1/3 grace period. But I guess thatā€™s what makes people different from each other.


Hey everyone, I am so excited to be accepted to the University of Pittsburgh!!! They just sent me a postcard congratulating me :joy: This is my chance to relive college!

I wonder if they still have me on a list since 1993- I was accepted then too. I think my DH is a little scared I will go. I would love to live in Pittsburgh!


Best post of the day! Go Panthers!

So nice! Congrats!

@jeneric That is hysterical!! My family always teases me that I am going to run away to college with my kids. I have more Tulane gear than D19 who goes there and D21 is scared I may try to get into a fraternity party on the hill at Boulder. :rofl: I had such a great college experience and I would love to relive it but this time try out all the different schools we have visited!


I got it too. And even my D got it.

My daughter is at my alma mater right now and it is very hard not to encourage her to do all the same things I did so that I can enjoy them all over again through her. As she reminds me we are very different people who like very different thingsā€“we were just fortunate to find a school that has enough variety to suit both of us!


Good Lord. If my daughter even does half the stuff I got into in college I will be mortified! Hopefully she will show more common sense and maturity that I did a generation or two ago :grinning:


Iā€™ve never seen the language on ED acceptances but if Iā€™m me, I would wait til the deadline to decide. The economy is so fickle and you just never know with employment. If your financial situation changes, can you withdraw from ED if you canā€™t meet the financial obligation? We are really fortunate but any employment changes for DH and I and everything is different. We already see the impact as it is with DHā€™s 10% salary reduction due to the pandemic so I understand if families want to hold on for as long as possible to decide prior to the deadline.


HAHA. My husband always asks me ā€œso whoā€™s going to college, you or S?ā€ Sometimes I wish it were me!


S is going to wait to decline until we hear from the UCs and UW and he is able to visit most of the schools on his list. I think we will be able to do it. There is another school that has yet to send out merit decisions. There is one school that I want him to eliminate now, but when I asked him about it, he said he was still interested. So I understand and agree with the notion of declining where you know you wonā€™t attend, but for S, no school fits that category. Thereā€™s still a lot up in the air for us and will be until the end of March at the earliest.


You guys want to hear a new one? D was WL by Denison but told sheā€™s a ā€œtop candidateā€ and, if she takes the spot and is accepted, she will get $20k per year. She wonā€™t take the spot.

She didnā€™t meet with the rep when he did a zoom with students at our school and didnā€™t write the optional essay. They donā€™t usually do yield protection from our high school and accept kids way below Dā€™s GPA but not this year! Lesson is that demonstrated interest is mattering this year!


Thatā€™s a new one. Wow. So weird. And so unappealing. Leaves a bad taste in oneā€™s mouth I would think!?!


Not sure what most schools give for the deadline but we had about a month and that was it. I think that was actually longer than most. The only reason an ED school will let you out of an ED binding agreement is for financial reasons. Itā€™s also usually for people who apply for financial aid and then the package they get isnā€™t manageable, etc. but they have to have a valid reason. If a school says you can afford X but a parent doesnā€™t want to pay that, that may not necessarily be a valid reason. When you have to fill out the FAFSA and CSS it is so invasive they know everything. Many schools even make you fill out your car information, age of car, etc. I donā€™t know what happens to someone that doesnā€™t apply for financial aid and then loses a job since that wasnā€™t factored in to begin with and then they want to withdraw the decision. Every year there are some that donā€™t go, but not a lot.

There are also people who think when they apply for financial aid when a school says they meet 100% of unmet need they will get to go to a prestigious college for free and this is not always the case. I see it at our school every year. Or, they get you the second year and your suddenly have this ridiculous EFC. One parentā€™s EFC went up $30k this year. Thatā€™s just cruel. Itā€™s a lot to take in and a lot to think seriously.

As for merit, the one issue Iā€™ve seen crop up over and over is that people donā€™t seem to be familiar with schools that require students to maintain certain GPAs to keep the merit scholarship money each semester and sometimes the GPA limit is ridiculously high. One bad semester and thatā€™s it. Itā€™s a complete unfair burden on those kids with a lot of lack of support for them too. Everyone should read all the fine print when comparing these offers. Schools should not make it impossible or hard for kids to be successful in college or to graduate.

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D has 6 acceptances so far. And sheā€™s declined 3 or 4 of them, because theyā€™re obvious ā€œnot going to happen.ā€ Sheā€™s holding on to her EA acceptance, SCU, and SLO for sure.


I see it as your daughter WAS accepted and they just presumed she wouldnā€™t take their offer, so they did this work around. That is a new one - at least for me. Very interesting. BTW - I donā€™t think anyone had Denison in their betting pool for her :slight_smile: and appears Denison knew that too.


I was thinking the same thing. So strange. Just give her the damn spot if sheā€™s a top candidate then and the money!! This may be a sign of whatā€™s to come with schools and their protecting their yields, exactly what that GT blog said. Lots of waitlists to come for these students. They want her, but donā€™t want to mess up their yield. So now they put these kids in a holding pattern instead. Sucks for them. Wait until the schools start with the, weā€™ll give you xxx if you commit now!


@homerdog That is weird. If theyā€™re trying to negotiate thatā€™s a weird set up to give away their position.

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