Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Don’t have to take the waitlist spot until 4/2 so they are clearly giving time for all decisions to come in first. Interesting strategy.


FYI precovid my S17 applied to montana state and was given a nice amount of money with the acceptance. As he waited for his March acceptances he received increased merit TWICE from Montana State. My sense was that as people declined they throw the money back in the pot and redistribute. I may be wrong- ultimately he chose another school just before May 1


Hm. Thanks for sharing this. I hope we don’t get one of these. One of S’ decisions doesn’t come until 4/6 and many roll in only shortly before that deadline. I wonder what happens if you were to politely ask for more time to decide?

We didn’t do the optional essay for two of the schools.

Same here! As soon as S21 hears from TAMU, good or bad, he’s undecided. Once that decision comes in, we’ll compare the financials on all his acceptances and make a choice.

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Our experience, w the HS messaging as well as schools emailing has been the same! And she withdrew the app on the one safety left, in early Feb, after a key admit.

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When UNC said virtual this fall does that only mean all classes are online or does it also mean students will not be living on campus? I have a current freshman at Ohio State and while all of his classes are online he has lived on campus all year and has still made a lot of new friends. Taking virtual classes from home is a whole different story.


That’s really a non sense thing from Denison. Why would they waitlist a top student who can get scholarship? This year is the hardest year to be a senior.


St. Louis University and Loyola Chicago give good merit. S21 got $25k from both. Wish he would have applied for the full tuition scholarships but he is totally essayed out.

My S21 applied to Northeastern. Decisions aren’t due for a few weeks, but he’s gotten 2 emails recently asking him to remove his application if he has already decided to attend a different college (he hasn’t, as he has several others he’s waiting for). I think it’s kind of funny – they’re trying to make their job easier after soliciting some huge number of applications!


It feels like we are all part of some chaotic Netflix trending docu-drama about the path of college admissions.

Can we please wake up tomorrow and have it be spring 2022? In this “reality” we are happily and laughingly sharing what our kids are up to in their fully vaccinated, on campus, and face to face new living environments?! (Or whatever version works for you!)

Pretty please?!


I love living in Pittsburgh…It’s a great school in a city that is very easy to live in. Not too big…Major sports, great restaurants, good culture…the weather…well that’s another story…


Duquesne also catholic school that give good merit money. Creighton as well.

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I know, right? Are they offering to send back the application fee if he withdraws? Now that would be something else and Im sure if these schools did that they’d actually get plenty of takers.


Brilliant idea!

That will definitely entice for withdrawing I suppose :slight_smile:

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D21 received a postcard from William and Mary today with a little note on the bottom saying “hope to see you in the fall”, I almost recycled it. It was nice to get something positive while she waits…


Congrats to your D!!! A snail mail “big hint” is an extra nice surprise.


@jeneric congratulations! I think you should treat yourself to some swag!!


I second Loyola Chicago for good merit and want to add Gonzaga University if you’re open to looking in the Pacific NW.

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My D21 got Honors College acceptance from UMich LSA today.