Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Re: April travel, the high school (which is now in person 5 days/wk) requires a 6 day quarantine after travel, i.e., more virtual school. Yay. (Wait, need to go look up what date is the first AP exam…)

OK, first up is US gov on May 3. So any travel needs to be done by April 27-ish.

Also just noticed that College Board rescheduled AP CS Principles to May 17, 8 am, the morning after graduation. Already paid for, but who thinks my kid will actually take it…seems unlikely.


Definitely. It’s basically ED for the regular decision round where the yield is 100%.


Not sure about that. Not everyone decides to accept their spot if called off a waitlist.

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From what I’ve read the WL offer doesn’t show up as admitted until the student accepts the offer, so their yield is 100%.

D just spent the weekend wrapping up the interview process for the Johnson Scholarship at Washington & Lee. They did a great job taking the event virtual and D came away very impressed and could definitely see herself there. She’ll find out in 2 weeks. She is 10/10 so far EA with 7 RD left to go, a few she has decided against, even if accepted, but she has several RD that are still quite enticing. We have a trip to Tulane for an Honors admitted student event the day after she learns of the Johnson results, but that’s her most expensive option at the moment. She interviewed for the full tuition Duke Scholarship at Furman (great experience, but unlikely to be interested given other options) and was notified by Sewanee that she’s a finalist for their full ride and they want her to send in a video response to a final question by 3/16. Again, likely not interested- but she’ll give it her best shot. We are in VA and almost everyone around here stays in state. She really wants to go away, but no one from her school has ever gone to W&L- and I think she’d be happy there, especially if named a Johnson. She’s accepted at UVA, & UR. Loves UR, but it’s too close and not feeling UVA. She’s keeping pretty tight lipped. Anxious to see what RD decisions bring to the mix.


Lots of great options. I will be interested to hear where she ends up. Refresh my recollection what is she intending on studying?

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You can hear a needle drop around here. The quiet before the storm.


Good luck for the Johnson Scholarship results! Keep us posted.


“Lots of great options. I will be interested to hear where she ends up. Refresh my recollection what is she intending on studying?”

Pre-Health. She has loved the idea of physical therapy for years, attends an Allied Health Magnet school and has over 160 hours shadowing in three different PT clinical environments. But with the changes to that industry, she’s unsure and doesn’t want to lock herself in (turned down a direct admit to DPT from Pitt). So depending on the school- Biology or Kinesiology.


So true. Storm predicted from third week of March till first week of April and will calm down only by the second week of May!


But the storm keeps moving!! I thought D would get some decisions on the 19th or the 20th but all of her schools seem to be moving their dates to the 27th or later.


Just today I started to get really nervous about UW/UC. :grimacing: This is their chance to boost a lot of other kids test blind. But then he got the UCLA alum invite so then I’m like “maybe I’m being to pessimistic.” Last week I was barely thinking about it.

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I feel the same way! But I just keep reminding myself that S already has acceptances and no “dream school” so he will have options outside of UW and UC.

I may have to take a break from CC for awhile. This forum is great, but sometimes fuels the anxiety. :laughing:


@homerdog @NateandAllisMom I’m sure like everyone else here, but for the accepted ED’ers, D wants closure. And while I like the suspense, she wants to begin the planning process and posting on the FB page of her final choice. :slight_smile:


Can you share what you mean about changes in the industry? My S23 is interested in physical therapy (partly because he’s been through a lot of athletic and puberty-related injuries!), but we don’t have magnet schools here so he has 0 experience in the field, besides being a patient! And neither do we as parents, or anyone else we know well. Taking him to urgent care in a couple of hours to make sure he didn’t break his thumb in a xc ski crash…

We are starting to get email from schools (the ones who admitted S way back in October) asking about status, with the option to put not sure. Seems like a good idea on their part. S let MSU go.
The other one he hasn’t completely ruled out yet.


I’m in same boat as all of you. Like @MorseLewis my kid doesn’t really have a dream school, which makes things easier and harder all at the same time. SLO is/was a top choice, but he’s still got a slew of decisions coming including most of the UCs and a few privates. At this point, we’re all just ready to make a decision, look ahead, and call this school year a wrap.


Just got an email from Florida that my daughter received the $20/year ($80k) Gator Nation Scholarship. Just wondering if anyone knows how this will impact the Benacquisto scholarship, if it is not revoked! Will the Benacquisto replace the gator nation or do they stack? Thanks!


@xcskimom PT was a bachelor’s degree, then went to requiring a master’s degree, then a few years ago switched to a doctorate required. The number of DPT schools is smaller than the demand for seats, so it became more competitive to get in than med school. A lot of kids who are athletes and have had an injury figure it’s the perfect job, so it’s somewhat “trendy.” Many kids apply to a dozen or more DPT programs, hoping for interviews and an admit at 1 or 2. Typical class size is 60. Hundreds apply. Many kids have no chance at getting in, even after a gap year, and if they got an undergrad degree in something generic like Exercise Science they will have limited job options. That’s why the combined undergrad/DPT direct admit path has become so popular. To complicate matters, many PTs are saying they can not, in good faith, recommend their profession any more. The move to a DPT allows patients to be seen without a primary care doctor referral, and insurance codes have changed and the amount covered and billing has shifted. It’s not the profitable career it once was. Also, the amount of required paperwork has skyrocketed. I’ve read on so many boards PTs saying to avoid the profession- the current income structure doesn’t justify the debt of paying for a DPT.
I hope your son’s thumb is OK! Have him ask the Drs opinion about the medical career job market when he has opportunity. My D is still interested, but some very trusted professionals she has worked under are telling her to keep doing industry research and keep all doors open.


Wow, congrats!