Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Thanks for sharing this info. D21 had been thinking PT (typical multisport athlete, several injuries,) but after talking to our own PT a few years ago about the change to requiring DPT, she knew it would be unlikely for her to take that path due to difficulty being admitted. Then she thought about OT but again, now it’s the doctorate. Even to be a HS athletic trainer now requires a masters degree. For students who would like to take that path for the love of helping injured young athletes, knowing the salary will never be high, it just does not pencil out to pay for grad school, if one can even get in to a program.


Thank you!

My daughter was thinking about OT/PT as well but has instead decided on nursing with an eye to becoming a nurse Practioner.


For some levity while many wait for decisions, Jon Boeckenstedt (OSU VP enrollment) said this today on twitter, in response to NACAC creating a commission to look at the admissions process:

“My first suggestion would be a federal law that says any college admitting less than 50% of first-year applicants must re-name the “Office of Admission” to “The Office of Rejection.””

I bet many of us would support this!!:joy:


I see the stress levels increasing on here. Even I have phantom anxiety for those waiting on decisions :joy: Take a sec and love on your kids, they need all the love right now.

BTW I had my second dose of Pfizer and guys…it kicked my butt! 10 solid hours of body aches, chills, sweats, a few curse words and I woke up thankful. So very thankful I had the privilege of receiving it and reflecting on so many that never got the chance.


I had my second Pfizer shot last Friday…not fever, chills or aches but my under arm/arm pit is very tender/swollen! Good thing I don’t have a mammogram due soon lol. I read that the vaccine causes swelling in lymph nodes in some people that can give false indications on mammograms!


Too bad mine did not apply to UChicago, which is releasing this Friday at noon. LOL though that would have meant rejection, at least it’s a decision. If UChicago can do it on a normal timeframe, why not everyone else.


MIT is coming out on Pi day as usual too!


That happened to my friend also. Hers was the size of an orange under the arm where she got the shot.

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how long after the 2nd shot did you feel poorly?

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It does cause swelling and even without swelling it feels kind of painful as well.
Take care!

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Yes, I’ve read they don’t want you to schedule a mammogram for like 2 weeks after your second I think? I’m due (well really overdue) for mine but I’ll wait until after I get my shot. Prob go see the doc before and have her tell me when she wants me to go in.


It was about 20 hours after that my back began to ache and then it was all down hill from there lol. I couldn’t believe how rough it was. I only needed a nap after the first dose. Apparently my immune system is quite robust!


Replied to you on the other thread. Congrats!!

Good news. Students may be attending in the traditional fashion this fall.

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Thank you!


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@purplemama yes, we are getting a bit stressy aren’t we. I almost lost it with my D yesterday as she discovered an email dated feb 24 stating that her financial aid forms were incomplete! It stated that they were due feb1, but if she could provide them ASAP she was ok. Did the CSS and iDoc and received confirmation it would take 3-5 days to complete.
I called this am and they said she’s fine, that they will receive the info next week and that the FA happens completely sep from admissions and all is well.


My S21 felt it when he woke up the next day. One of my colleagues felt it within an hour. Both had Pfizer.

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