Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

They have a list of impacted majors and another list of direct admit majors on their website. I’m not sure if they indicate in state preferences but that’s a widely known fact for CS and you can look at the common data set past year history.

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A couple kids applied from our school for CS including the valedictorian. None got in or waitlisted. My son wasn’t going to waste his time since it was coalition and said they only take like 20 OOS? No idea if that’s true but he said the admit rate to CS for OOS is just barely over 1% so in his words “almost 0” lol. Tough tough school for CS. I know where my daughter goes for CS a lot of professors are from UW which is something we always look at for determine strength of program - not if they went to UW but where they went and the type of program.

Waitlist there sounds brutal and it makes me think of some of those schools that gets kids hopes up that in a way might be better to just reject than string them along. Almost like what Harvard has done by deferring 80% of their ED students. I couldn’t imagine being in that boat thinking my kid had a shot. Ugh frustrating.

Good luck to all on any waitlist. We are also on one and I’m hoping my son can pull the trigger soon and take himself off.


My prediction is that he might get admitted but not for CS. If he didn’t love Seattle so much we wouldn’t have bothered probably with those odds. Maybe enough others gave up on them to help us out. :crossed_fingers:

Btw @srparent15 I posted stats above for prior year(s). Over half made it off the wait list but not for CS and the list is probably longer this year.



UT-Dallas undergrad is 37% Asian-American

UT-Austin is 25% Asian

S21 got a couple of emails from colleges offering admission decisions in 24 hrs if he submitted an app now. I have never heard of colleges doing that!

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Was that Stanford? D will get hers in right now. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Wow, they must be desperate.


LOL - not quite Stanford! But, decent schools so maybe just worried about driving up app numbers for yield?

@Momma2018 So bizarre. We got one for Penn State. I was like, what?!

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Did he get these emails recently? That’s crazy! Admission offices must be so stressed out right now.


He got two today!

I’ve never heard of colleges doing this. But hey - must mean your son has great stats! =)

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Did he have these schools on the Common App? I’m curious as to how they targeted him. Interesting to watch all of this unfold.

yes, same here…lots of those emails in the past week but all are smaller schools and none seem too competitive in general.

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He did Common App and his stats are not that great. I think these schools are digging deep. I think he was tempted by one just bc he like the idea of a quick answer but I said no way are we paying for an app just for fun! I want to be done with this.


They need to waive that fee if they really want apps.


S21 might be the only one that has not heard back from University of Washington!! His portal showed some additional information was required few days back but when he contacted them, they told him that nothing was required and that he should expect a decision by 15th. All his friends have heard already and this just increases stress level for him! We are OOS from CA and next week is going to be big with all the UC decisions.


Same here, daughter has been getting those emails to apply and get the decision in 24 hours…no app fee, no essay and it says they will respond right away


How do they even know to contact you? Are these schools that you visited and they harvested your emails and then you didn’t apply? So they have you on some prospective student list? Or are these just totally out of the blue?