Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congrats. Great way to end a weekend


Iā€™m glad to see my tongue in cheek comment has drawn so much interest!

Personally, quality of life is more important to me than a paycheck. I would not give up the opportunity to be involved in my kids life and be there for them when theyā€™re growing up. If I wanted an athletic career, it would be Senior Professional Golfer. Travel the country after the kids have grown/flown.

Donā€™t forget, the majority of your professional baseball players are not in the MLB, but rather in the minor leagues, and are not making anywhere near $4m. The average minor league salary is $1100-$2100 per month, depending on level.

In any event, hereā€™s a sample daily Schedule for MLB player:

Home Game: 7pm start time
9am wake up - 9:30am breakfast,
10:00am family time (unless you have school-aged kids)
10:30am - light workout
12:00pm - lunch,
1:00pm leave for the ballpark - earlier is a visit to the trainer for treatment is needed.
2pm - Dressed for practice (as needed) ground balls, fly balls etc
2:45pm team stretch
3:00pm- 4:00pm Batting practice.
4:00pm 5:00pm eat in clubhouse dining. Watch videos of the opposing team as required. Pitchers and catchers go over the lineup and their game plan.
6:00pm-6:20pm sign a few autographs, take infield practice (optional, depends on team) or see the trainer
6:20pm -6:45 Shower, change into game uniform
6:45pm on the field for light stretching short sprints (to loosen up) and play catch
7pm Game starts 10pm game is over if youā€™re lucky, Usually 10:30 to 10:45
An hour after the game leave the ballpark and eat somewhere thatā€™s open, watch MLB Network highlights if possible
2am - bed and hopefully sleep
Wash rinse repeat

Woo hoo!!! A HUGE congrats to your D!!!


This may seem a bit off-topic, but as a current junior looking at schools that would match my test scores, I was wondering how the score is interpreted when colleges report them to the public. For exampleā€¦ if a schools ACT score percentile is from 31-33, is that score reported usually super scored, or do colleges release the composite score before it was super scored for admissions data(ex:class profile of 2024)

So, youā€™re saying someone will pay me to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, shower, workout, watch TV and have fun all day/night? Where do I sign up? Seriously, itā€™s WAY better than any profession that I can think of.

Years ago, I actually coached D21ā€™s softball team with a pro baseball player who had ā€œa cup of coffeeā€ in the major leagues. He was a career minor leaguer and Iā€™m still jealous of his stories years later. And geez, his daughter had a sweetest left-handed bat swing.

I played a sport in school, where we had to practice/workout from 7-9 AM, 3-5 PM and 7-9 PM and I wish I could still go back and do it all over again. And I got this great job in between seasons, where we got paid to turn on and off the automated sprinklers. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Donā€™t get me started on golfing. Remote control golf bags and carts, whereā€™s the sport and athleticism in that? :roll_eyes:

Great podcast on yield and waitlists Rick Clark

Answer the phone in April if waitlisted. We are going to have a short period of time maybe to put the puzzle together in April.

Does anyone know when internationals will know if they are not able to get a visa?


Whatā€™s hitting me hardest? My sonā€™s complete lack of interest in watching virtual admissions videos. I canā€™t really blame him, but it is one of the few ways to get more info for decisions.


Mine too. Iā€™m hoping they are recorded!

Not sure this helps answer the visa question because itā€™s behind a paywall but maybe you can get read it.

Same here and there are just way too many coming from each school mineā€™s been accepted to. Another reason to decline schools you know youā€™re not going to. One school which shall rename nameless was emailing daily. When my son declined a few weeks ago, the emails stopped. It was nice!

I donā€™t recall my daughters getting constant emails like this during their cycle but of course back then we could just show up for admitted days and get it all in one day of info so this is just not helpful.

I also just learned that one school he is considering that we arenā€™t even visiting until late April, if you want to make a roommate request you have to do so by April 15. Soā€¦so much for that. He will not be making any roommate request if he canā€™t even commit to the school before then. I think thatā€™s terrible. That said, I know this came up once before, weā€™e already discussed about waitlist and roommate requests and if he decides he would actually switch schools after we make a deposit on one by May 1 then he is not going to try to find a roommate. We feel it is not fair to the other person if he were to bolt and run if another school took him off the waitlist, even if itā€™s unlikely to happen. I would not want someone to stick it to my kid that way, so my kid is not going to do that to someone elseā€™s kid without that kid knowing in advance. Hence, my kid is most likely going to be stuck rolling the dice and thank god he went to overnight camp, but at the same time, my kid talks loud when heā€™s excited lol so hopefully he ends up with a good match.


@SammoJ ā€“ Argh - this is my son! Heā€™s just not interested in the virtual sessions for admitted students. I know theyā€™re not great ā€“ but they can help.

He says heā€™s waiting until all his decisions are in. Sigh, itā€™s driving me crazy.

Hi @swimnys - That is a great question for your high school counselor, as maybe they have a clearer insight in to how college report scores. My guess - and only a guess - is
they report the highest score. Many colleges also list the score by section too - and that will give you an idea of math vs science vs english- for the ACT.

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Good reminder about the phone. Our college counselors sent out a reminder last week for all seniors to have their voicemail box set up and also make sure it is not full. They said it may sound like stating the obvious - but this is not a phone call generation.


S21 tried a couple of the Virtual Open houses and he got so bored. They were too long. One went almost all day!

Another school sent him a targeted invite for information about an EC that he had mentioned as an interest on the app. It was shorter duration and run by students and he loved it. Some of the students in the EC were also studying business and told him about internships etc. I think that was a really smart way to do it.


Thatā€™s why we put our old fashioned landline down as contact phone #. S21 has his on silent all day at school and often forgets to turn the ringer back on.

And donā€™t get me started on voicemail - kids do not seem to use it. One day S18 called me while I was in a meeting. When I did not pick up, he called 3 more times, then texted rather than leave a VM. And, it was something silly, not an emergency!

Why would schools call in April? Nobody has to decide until May 1, can they ask you to decide earlier because itā€™s a waitlist offer?

Sadly, many students are not made aware of this, as obvious as it seems to me. Plus, check your spam folders.

As an alumni interviewer on the younger side, I reach out to students via email first. If I get no response within 48 hours, I call. I get that most will not pick up an unknown number; I am the same way. But it is very frustrating that some donā€™t have VM set up. As a last resort, I will txt to tell you to check email, but I am not going to have a txt exchange with an interviewee.

And remember, many interviewers are older and some of them are set in their ways.

So kids, help us help you. Set up your VM. Listen to your VM. Check the spam folders. Thank you.


The article is sort of helpful but I was hoping college professionals on CC might weigh in.

Students typically begin applying for visas in the spring, to ensure they have authorization in hand for the start of school in August. If embassies and consulates donā€™t increase their capacity to process applications soon, university leaders warn, the backup could result in another lost year.

ā€œIf students donā€™t know theyā€™ll be able to come in the fall by March or April, if they donā€™t have that clearance by then, you donā€™t really have room to recover,ā€ said Katherine Newman, chancellor for academic programs at the University of Massachusetts system.ā€

Equally frustrated as an alumni interviewer - and try to drill this in to my own kids headsā€¦but they never check voicemail of an unknown number either - ugh!! Several times I receive email from my Universityā€™s rep saying that the student never heard from me - I document it all now with phone/email days/times and feel bad for the student, but this is a life skill and 17-18 is not too young to figure this stuff out.

Another reason to have this down is when your student is off in college they need VM - a friend that works in the student healthcare clinic at a very large major university told us they do not text students their lab results and many students donā€™t have their VM set up or it is full - so they canā€™t leave a message to call the health clinic to confirm your strep, STD or flu test.

The kids have granted permission to leave a VM, but then donā€™t follow through on the set up. Or if VM is set up - they donā€™t check it. She said it is a huge frustration and said a decent % of kids never get their results and immediate treatment. Checking the universityā€™s private health care portal is also hit and miss - as many kids donā€™t set that up either.


Is it common for kids to need to make roommate requests in April?
We are waiting on so many decisions that Iā€™m not diving into the housing/roommate details until we know more. Thinking that is a mistakeā€¦:roll_eyes:

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