Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yep. They have little to no interest in any videos, etc until they have all their decisions from the schools still out there!

April is going to be a whirlwind of activities and decisions, etc.

Unless WL’s are involved and then I’m going to lose it. (I’d personally rather a rejection than a WL but my S thinks a WL for his favorite school would be totally acceptable.)

Sigh!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think it depends on the school - my kids are both in their ED schools and their schools won’t do anything about room assignments at this time. Both schools also have communicated that they prefer students “trust the system” and discourage roommate requests. I have asked my kids several times and they tell me it is fine and nothing is released yet.

I am obviously bugging them, as still in denial with D22 and her upcoming college process, so concentrating on the D21 x2 until later this Spring and then all attention on D22.

I do have friends with kids at the big universities and it is full blown roommate and suitemate request time - so it seems very school and maybe even region specific.


No I don’t think that’s common at all. I’d be curious for others to chime in. S19 at Bowdoin didn’t even do a housing questionnaire until July and didn’t know who his roommate was until early August. I know a lot of kids now find roommates online or from home for schools that allow you to choose your roommate but I’ve never heard of having to have housing done before May 1. I have heard of some larger universities asking for housing deposits earlier to hold a spot but not to finalize the actual room and roommate.


We got a UCSB entry ticket. UCSB has done this right. A ton of emails to parents ahead of time. Told and texted the kids notification date, and even told them when the portal would be shut off and restarted again today for notification. On top of that, they left the kids a poem and released info about and hour ahead of time.


Maybe the way to do it then would be to send a text just saying “your test results are now ready”. That would then get them to log on and check their portal or call back. Many dr’s do that and that’s how they confirm appointments these days in addition to calling and emailing. I find the text kind of nice because I leave it unread as a reminder.

My kids tend to not answer the phone from calls they don’t know. They’re getting better but part of the problem is the amount of spam calls. I’ve more or less stopped answering calls when I don’t know the number because no matter how many times I confirm I’m on the do not call list, it doesn’t matter. I can’t tell you how many calls a day I get about my car warranty, credit card, or medicare advisor. I’ve got more than a dozen years to worry about medicare! I certainly don’t need any medicare advisor today!

But I do agree they need to have their VM set up, but not just that, they need to delete emails. My oldest son has his set up but he is the worst at deleting them, so then his box is just always full!

No it isn’t. Both my other kids didn’t even have to deal with it until June. One they applied for housing in June and you then put down your roommate request and the other who lived in a private dorm, same thing. But even if she didn’t live in a private dorm, the regular dorms don’t open up for picking rooms until after May I believe.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen such a thing. Picking a roommate is such a personal decision, I hate the idea my kid has to go random if he can’t make a decision before May 1, but it will be what it will be.

@srparent15 I feel like if the students are truly the targeted consumer of the school’s services, they should adjust their methods a little. Text is great like you said! Sometimes with my Gen Z, I would text them vs doing work email to get their attention. I’m not opposed to Snapchat since they said they don’t mind communicating that way with me. We don’t share proprietary info but it’s something that is not a big deal to me and they also meet met half way on other things.

My D got into UCSB.


Congratulations! Isn’t it the second UC acceptance?

I know they’ve said for kids to be ready for WL decisions, so what happens when a kid is in school, or playing their sport at practice or something else? Not every kids has their phone with them 24/7 as shocking as that may be!

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@anaray Congrats to your D21!! Yes. It’s his second one.

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Thank you!

I think it depends on the school…we put down S21’s housing deposit at Texas Tech in early February and he snagged the last available bed in the most desirable of the traditional dorms. All the suites were booked solid and still are. His two friends who he wants to room with were even later and just put their dorm deposits this week! They had to grab whatever they could. Now we’re stalking the room availability report to see if something opens up for one of them in my son’s hall…we’ll then have to ask Housing to do a roommate swap lol. So stressful!

At UTD, housing assignments don’t come out until April.

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Congrats to you and your kids into UCSB! S got his first rejection. I’m completely unsurprised and kind of grateful that it’s not a waitlist. It’s our hometown so now we know one thing - he is moving out of town for sure as he wanted. He did get into UCSC yesterday so pleased with that.


Well as usual, TX does it’s own thing! I guess that’s where kids have to get rooms before May 1!


The Sushiritto “team bus” :bus::oncoming_bus: is leaking oil, the check engine light is blinking and the wheels are coming off at this point as we descend the icy mountain top. A WL decision at Santa Cruz yesterday and then a rejection from Santa Barbara today. Oy! :man_shrugging:



So are you guys done? Sorry if UCSB was near the top of the list!

But you have Cal Poly!


I’m really bummed for you guys. I’m glad that Cal Poly is top of the list, though!