Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yeah. I guess it’s like a why this school essay. Actually will be kinder in the long run because they will probably work the waitlist more quickly.

This is the new model colleges appear to be using. My D was deferred at GT, and they ask for a LOCI at that point to continue being considered for RD. My D submitted the LOCI. Then, she was waitlisted in RD. They now want her to write another short essay to keep her spot on the waitlist. :roll_eyes:


I actually think that was the imposed College Board date as the last possible date to sign up for the AP Exams. I haven’t even paid for ours yet. Our payments to our school aren’t due until mid-April. We can cancel up until the AP dates for a full refund this year. So maybe you were refunded so quickly by your school since the money isn’t due to CB yet. Nice they didn’t make you wait though.

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I kind of even wonder if they are reading them. Maybe they just want to see who makes the effort and how quickly so they can protect yield/fill the class faster.


I was thinking the same thing. Many schools seem to be using this LOCI to gauge interest for kids that are deferred or waitlisted. I think it’s a great idea as it will sift out to some degree those who may not really be serious, but who knows?

@mommalue I don’t know anything about the UCs but that’s at least the 4th college I’ve seen request something like this.

Yeah, I think so. Rick Clark did keep saying he felt colleges would be using bigger waitlists this year, so we were warned. The essay is probably just a way to whittle the waitlist down to those who can show the most commitment. At this point, D is losing interest. She has other schools that have loved her back and that’s earning them extra brownie points in her book.


I do feel like it might backfire on them a bit but then highly selective schools always have more bodies lined up. They hold all the cards ultimately if you’re gunning for that.

I kind of feel like too my kid really did an authentic personal essay and put himself out there. He’s not your run of the mill guy and worked hard on his apps, so the right places will bite.


I try to have faith that all our kids will end up where they are supposed to be!


So nice to hear you are done!

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Got the same email. Wreck’em!


This is so lame and pointless thing the colleges are doing. Yield rating should disappear from USNEWs Ranking and things will be a lot better for the kids. Kids are already tired from senior year with this covid and applying to colleges, writing essays for the Honors and scholarships. Now this extra foolishness. I don’t know if colleges care about the mental health of the students.


Welp, the one school that we had hoped would offer her spot, in order to make the decision difficult, was UC Davis and D was rejected. It’s definitely been downhill for the last couple weeks.

So, while we have 4 schools left to hear from, they’re all even more difficult admits (UCLA, ya right, sure) and don’t have her major, which is animal science/pre-Vet. So we’ll be putting down a deposit to Cal Poly SLO tonight, tomorrow, soon.

Tough road to hoe this year in CA. In-state is brutal this year. But we’ll always have Paris, er, San Luis Obispo.


@amsunshine I can’t believe they waitlisted your daughter after she submitted a LOCI. How frustrating! And now another essay???


I am so sorry. It is so difficult for the in state students it seems. Fortunately SLO is on the table.

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Hugs to all you Cali peeps. :hugs:

I’m working on a UC/CS Guide for Dummies aka non-Californians… UCSD is not UC San Dimas… San Diego has 2 colleges and 1 has football (who knew?) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl: etc etc :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ETA: Added more emojis so everyone knows this is a joke… because if you are like me you can’t recognize one from another without readers.


Actually, the 3 “big ones” in San Diego are:

University of San Diego (private)
UC San Diego (public)
San Diego State U (public)


I’m going to give up comedy

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Oops sorry I missed your emojis. My bad.

iPhone is getting too small. :grimacing:


Posting this here for some background info for the UW folks. It was shared by a seattle area admissions consultant:
A colleague contacted UW Admissions today and was given the following information:
-Computer Science/Computer Engineering admit rate for in-state students this year was 22%. For out of state students, it was 4%. For international students it was 7%.
-Overall they admitted more students than in the past as they expect yield rates will be lower.
-They denied a lot of students who would otherwise have been accepted to UW because the students did not put a second choice major or chose an impacted major as their second choice (students whose first choice was CS/CE).


Ha no worries. I have so many typos when I use my iPhone without my readers! I can’t tell one emoji from another. From my poor attempt at a joke you can see my state of mind approaching our big decision days. Completely loopy.

Seriously, sending positive thoughts to everyone getting Cali decisions.