Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

My boys both got in but SLO is in the lead.


We’re honestly not sad in our house.

My D has wanted to go to CP SLO for 3 years. She loved the campus and town from the moment we stepped on the grounds. For me, Firestone Grill was love at first sight.

The Central Coast is beautiful and my spouse and I can put the top down and “carve” Highway 1 for a visit.


@sushiritto it’s nice to have your top choice!

No need. SLO is a great choice! We are going to drive down for overnight during spring break. We will check out Firestone Grill.

The fish tacos and salads are delicious and HUGE!


This may sound weird but we are actually happy that my daughter got wait listed from Harvey Mudd - one fewer choice to make :slight_smile:

She also got into Brandeis (as we expected) with a very good amount of merit money (unexpected). But, as I mentioned earlier, Georgia Tech wins this particular bracket. I admit that this gave me a slight twinge as I really liked Brandeis from our campus tour.


My sons bestie went to Skidmore from urban Dallas and absolutely loves it


Very happy. Although I have to say, it was an odd year. He was rejected/waitlisted from a couple that we thought were safer and got in to others that are ranked higher/more competitive. With S18, his acceptances matched up perfectly to Naviance.

Today he is going to decline the ones at the bottom of his list so hopefully that will mean good news for someone else.


It’s definitely a way to manage yield. Our HS normally has about 20 acceptances but only 1-2 attend, and this year it’s almost all waitlists. Here is the breakdown:

EA- 2 both received merit offers and are not going to GT
EA WL- about 30 but only half (15) wrote LOCI
RD- 3 admits and a bunch of WLs. I don’t think anyone is writing LOCI and I don’t think the 3 admits are going.

Because the year is so crazy I think GT could have grabbed a couple of diamonds that normally go to a higher ranked school but instead they’re getting nothing.

If your D is still interested, I think she has a solid chance on the WL.


Thank you. Wow 4% is worse than prior years for OOS CS.


This seems like the definition of death by a thousand cuts :frowning: OUCH !


Is the Middlebury decision date posted somewhere?

Kids got an email on March 5th. Decision on 27th.

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Thank you. Has Colby released a decision date?

Wow, how do you know so much about the results at your kid’s school? Does Naviance show you all this detail?

At any rate, my D does not seem as interested in GT after all this. She’s waiting for things to shake out with other schools re merit before she considers confirming her WL position.

Some people saying it’s today but I don’t know how they know that. D didn’t apply to Colby

I wrote down 3/27 for Middlebury. I think they pushed it out a week.


The guidance counselor reached out to a lot of parents after EA and RD plus what my D has heard from other kids.

My D really soured on them too, which stinks because I like GT! lol.

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Colby just posted on their Instagram story, decisions at 5 pm EST today.


I know- crazy! Also thought the slight bump for international students was interesting. Am assuming their tuition is higher than OOS?

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