Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Today at 5 pm per their Instagram

@2sk211 Bummer your daughter was WL at HMudd. She has a great choice! My mentee was WL there and MIT. He said he wouldā€™ve had a tough choice to make among those two and Berkeley MET (he got regents there). Now he feels assured heā€™s making the right decision.


No problem, weā€™re fine. My daughter has actually decided to decline the WL spot at Harvey Mudd! If they had accepted her, she would have had to agonize over the decision - and she hates having to make such hard decisions. :grinning:


UGH! Our tiny high school has now decided to go hybrid in person/online after spring break. Itā€™s been 100 % online for a little over a year now. My D chose to stay online for the rest of the year, but the schedule is going to change and we have no idea what it will be and may not know until a couple of days before the new schedule starts. Itā€™s just a PITA because we have all gotten settled into all of our work at home/school at home schedules, and now everything is going to be upended right before the end of the year with finals, etc. (This is all aside from the fact that we have no idea how many faculty/staff have been vaccinated, and most, if not all the kids going back in person are likely not vaccinated).

OK, rant over. I just want to be done with this year.


That is a nice thing to do on your part to bring a smile on someone elseā€™s face!

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Somewhat similar situation here - option to go 2 days/wk after spring break just came out today. Students have been in a funky schedule all year, with 3 year-long classes completed per semester, then a switch to the next semesterā€™s year-long classes. If D21 decodes to go back, sheā€™ll have 3 classes on two days per week, and no idea whether her friends in her classes will be have the same in-person class days. (Iā€™m not describing the situation well.) She is really frustrated. I think that, although she really misses seeing her friends and teachers in person, she will probably opt to stay online. As an essential worker, sheā€™s Covid vaccinated, so thatā€™s not an issue for her. I personally am so D-O-N-E with all this.


My daughter was accepted to Johns Hopkins, but not to her first choice major BME. She is still pretty happyā€¦ 10 more schools to go!


Congratulations to her JH admission. Has she got any full-tuition scholarship or full-ride yet if you do not mind I ask?

Good luck to everyone with all the decisions today! :heart: :hugs:

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Yikes, 10 more?!?

Congrats for JHU!

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I hear you. We are supposedly going back mid april and D21 has no interest in going back. She thinks itā€™s going to be strange and confusing and probably a little sad and would rather just finish out the year from home. Her only hope at this point is a possible in person graduation. But no word on that yet.


Same here, we are going from a block schedule back to the full 7 class periods a day. Our times are changing also, 9am-3:15pm. It is frustrating since many kids had other stuff scheduled based on the schedules they have had all year so far, which ends around 2.

Then 2021/22 year it will be back to an 8 am start time, then 2022/2023 and beyond they will go to 9 am start time to comply with CA law.



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My D got rejected to JHU. Her first rejection today. She was waitlisted to UNC and deferred to Yale.


We were just told that due to the new CDC recommendations that the pods would be made smaller, so since my son was already able to go 2 of the 3 pods being a senior I assume itā€™s now going to move to he can go in every day. Which heā€™s not going to be happy about in general as itā€™s a long long drive and public transportation isnā€™t running the same way as normal.

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Yep. Here too. D has been remote 8-2 two days, 8-12 three days and now everyone invited back. No more block schedule. Every day 8-3. If you donā€™t go back, you are on zoom that whole time. No thanks. Only problem with going back is that they warned there could be more kids being counted as contacts and having to quarantine 14 days. So, if D is sitting next to some random kid who gets Covid she canā€™t go to school for two weeks. Or prom. Or graduation.

I spoke to the superintendent and she said itā€™s a concern and they are talking about maybe allowing a shorter quarantine or one that involves negative tests but right now the rule has not been changed by our countyā€™s health dept.

I hope that she can put the rejections behind her and get excited about her bright future at SLO. It makes me sad to think that these arbitrary decisions could impact her self esteem. My son only cares about getting into one school now, and I know he will be very sad if they do not take him (they donā€™t do WL). His laissez faire attitude has made opening these rejections less painful, but the acceptances also less joyful. He just shrugs either way and then tells me he is going out with his friends.


If you can get a COVID vaccine - no quarantine for exposures. It will be a game changer if I can get my two older kids one.

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That is a great attitude and so mature for his age!

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Kids not really on the list in IL until April 12 unless they are student teaching or working in a grocery store.

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