Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Or camp counselors. I know a ton of kids that have already been vaccinated. Also ones with medical issues.


@RockyPA Congrats to your family!!

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Umm, what you call maturity I call lack of ambition. But mental health wise, it makes him so resilient.


My daughter also got a reject from JHU


My son got his first rejection today from UGA after being deferred. Not surprising given their numbers, but still sad based on Naviance any other year he probably had a much better shot. Oh well. Wish we just got the reject in November.


@2sk211 I’m sorry your kiddo was rejected from JHU. I hope there’s a 1-limit rejection quota each day. My son is still asleep but if I had to take an L, we’d take a JHU rejection over a UCLA one. :joy:


I am sorry for you and me both! My D is out with her friend and I am afraid that when comes back she is going to repeatedly ask about her other applications.


Same here! If she gets into UCLA, it will make up for everything else!


I’m sorry for you too.

@anaray See? Silver linings. And surely, the admission gawds are kind as to limit the rejections per day.


I have kids at two different high schools, both have been hybrid all year. My kids went to school twice a week until the holidays but then switched to remote just before Thanksgiving b/c my older son was having surgery. We didn’t want to risk exposure at school that might affect S19’s surgery. The plan was for both kids to go back 2x/week again after Christmas break, but both decided that all remote was preferable to the hybrid school experience and stayed home. We have the option each quarter to change plans.

Just last week, both schools announced they were returning to 5 days a week in school. With S21 being a senior, we encouraged him to go back to school, this being the last opportunity to see many of his classmates. His initial reaction was…”no, that means I have to get a haircut!” :roll_eyes: He’s already seeing most of his friends b/c they all play on the high school rugby team and practice started at the end of February. Still, I think it’s important for him to reconnect with his classmates before they all graduate (outside of rugby, he has seen his friends 0 times since the pandemic started). So starting Monday, he is back in the class full time. Even then, he only has 22 school days left!

With D23, we left it up to her. Initially she was adamant that she wanted to remain remote. Her school switched to a block A/B schedule when it went remote, and she hates it. The thought of being stuck in class for such long periods with all the other restrictions (mask, etc) does not appeal. At least at home she can easily use bathroom, get a snack, not wear a mask, etc. Her school gave three options though - 5 day in school, hybrid, and all remote. She has decided to do hybrid as a compromise, but she does not start back until a week after Easter, when their spring break ends. Seniors at her school go back on Monday.

It’s going to be weird not having both around all day anymore.

Edited to add, I misspoke, S21’s school will only be four days a week with Fridays off.


She is interviewing for a local camp counseling job this week. Not sure that really counts since it won’t be overnight camp though. Just local here in the park district.

My S’s school is going back hybrid next week after being remote since March 2020. He and most the seniors are electing to stay remote. Everything will be so locked down at school he doesn’t see a point in going. From my perspective, quality will decline b/c now teachers will have to teach in person and remote students simultaneously. I feel for them. I think more underclassmen will go back – in part to gear up for the Fall. Seniors are just sliding downhill until June!!


I would be so so happy if she gets in UCLA. At least she won’t eat my brain asking if JHU rejection meant other rejections. I pray that she stays with her friend until
UCLA results and gets in to UCLA by the time she gets home. Then I can come out of this JHU rejection unscathed!


Yes it does. Most we know are day camp counselors. My son is like the only kid around here that seems to not be vaccinated. One more month hopefully.

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@anaray I know this won’t help, but let her know that my cousin is a successful derm resident who was rejected from JHU undergrad but then went on to grad school at Cornell and then Harvard Med School.


Thank you! This does make me feel good.

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She is taking it well - it was more of a “nice to have” option but GT was always my daughter’s first choice all along. Once she got accepted by GT, everything else has become icing on the cake as far as she is concerned. She is one of the most pragmatic kids I have ever come across!


Lots of tears in our house today. D got WL at JHU, after getting WL earlier by UChicago and R by MIT. She is still waiting on 16 more schools and not feeling very hopeful at this point. Our Class of 21 kids are really having a raw deal this year. The number of applicants they are up against is really unbelievable. Congrats to all that are hearing good news!!


Sorry to hear that but let me offer you some hope: five years ago March 2016 was a pretty bad time in my household when my older daughter was applying. Lots of rejects and disappointments. She ultimately went to Rutgers in New Brunswick and loved it there. She is now working on her PhD in biology in a top 5 grad school for her field and very happy overall.