Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Wait? I’m in California are we starting at 9:00 am 2022/2023 across the board state wide? This is news to me.

D knows only one other kid vaccinated so that’s crazy that your neighborhood kids are vaccinated. DuPage county is also way behind on vaccinating our 65-plus crowd so not many kids getting the nod. She has a few friends with underlying conditions and they haven’t been able to get appointments either. Hopefully, vaccinations will pick up quickly in the next month but, even if she had a shot tomorrow, she wouldn’t be fully vaccinated until mid-April and got considered out of the woods until May 1. Prom is May 1. Graduation is May 17 …and she’s not getting vaccinated any time soon.

@2sk211 pragmatism is a wonderful trait to possess! S21 has it to some extent but in some other cases, it’s really his affinity away from Type A. My D24, his aunt, and I can never relate. Yesterday he told my cousin and me, “You see, I’m not top 10 at school but so far I got into all the schools my friends got into. I’m efficient that way.” :joy: We laughed, still think that this dude induces stress on us, but he does have a point. He says it’s about prioritizing what’s in front of you so clearly, your daughter and my son are on to something.


@Picklenut6 now that I think about it, I think it was one of the propositions that passed recently

Awesome, that would work so much better for our family. I’m sure for others not so much.

CA High schools can’t start earlier than 8:30 am starting 2022/2023. Some schools are starting next year. It sounds like many will push it back all the way till 9am also.

Thankfully my last kid will be old enough to drive by 2022 school year, as it is becomes more difficult for a parent to drop them off on the way to work.

S just got a nice welcoming email from the provost at Pitt.

Funny thing: he never applied, lol.

Gotta love glitches!


@Picklenut6 It’s great for us since we can deal with the drop off time but prob bad for families who don’t have the flexibility. We have late start on Thursdays and it’s great for my kids. During COVID, late start is on a Monday so it’s even better.

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I would love this now that I will only have one to drive to school. I think most california parents won’t mind this specially now that this pandemic has made all of us work remotely anyways.

Now that you have posted this I have a vague memory of when this passed. I’m sure for working families this is going to be very frustrating. My teens will perform better with a later start time.

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Some good news here: after RHIT’s scholarship interview weekend, my D was awarded a full tuition scholarship! :relaxed: She’s really happy – it seems like a great school. Just waiting on one more decision at the end of the month and she can finally make her choice.


@123Mom123 LOL! I didn’t think this was on his list! Bonus!!

What is RHIT?

Thank goodness. It’s like waking the dead at my house.

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Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology


Wow early graduation! Ours is end of May. Looks like we are having a prom in June but mine doesn’t care bout that lol. Typical boy.

I just got my husband scheduled on Monday in Flossmoor for CVS two shots. But he has a heart condition. But Lake County main vax location is still on 1b but if you are 16+ and qualify in any of the other groups you can go anywhere to get it just not at the county site. There’s a great fb group called Chicago Vaccine Hunters for tricks and tips for finding the vaccine in locations also.


oh, Thank you and

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For most of us mere mortals, we know the rejections would/will come. They were inevitable based on all the info we here on CC have been discussing for months. SLO is/was Plan 1A for D, so we’re good to go here.

Right now, I’m really looking forward to the UCLA release at 5 PM ish and having the entire Internet crash. That’s going to be fun!


thanks. I’ll have to look into it if D gets this camp counselor job. It wouldn’t start until June so not sure if she would truly be 1b right now.

S didn’t apply to UCLA but your comment made me lol!

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