Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

what time does UCLA come out??

I heard 5 pm Pacific time. UCSD looks like it is coming out too. Portal change and the youngsters are all analyzing any perceived differences.


@rochboy21 UCSD trying to steal UCLA thunder today :joy:

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UCSD has to go today. Berkeley, the flagship, bats last.

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Joining your waitlist gang, D just heard from Pitzer. She’s fine with it, maybe a little disappointed. I thought it was one her less reach-y schools so I am curious about what’s to come. Good timing fit happy hour😊


@jntwinmama I never realized that but it makes sense that the flagship school goes last. The hierarchy. :joy:

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S rejected from JHU today. Was expecting it though since he applied to BME.

Only 4 more schools to hear from - these will be the longest two weeks!


My D got into UCSD. Now waiting for UCLA.


UCSD - going, going, gone. Rejection #2 in 30 minutes no doubt.

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CA has doubled in population and a higher percentage of students now go to college than ever before which means there is maybe 4x the demand for spots than there was a generation or two ago? And the state has built what? One new UC campus during that time?

Add to that, we are a more mobile and national country than generations ago so much more demand from out of state students and probably international students. And that’s how we get to this bubble.

By contrast a lot of midwestern states have barely grown at all in a generation, and have shrinking college age populations.


Thank you.

S21 got into UCSD and has UCSC,UCD,UCSB as well. Stress level up way high with UCLA!


My D waitlisted at UCLA, her dream school.

The dreaded WL, but since it’s her favorite maybe it’s worth the stress.


So S21 in at SC but rejected by SB, LA and SD. I think his ACT may have helped improve his odds in a normal year, but trusting the process. I am truly sorry for those who had these UC schools high on their most wanted list.


She is crying her head off. I am waiting for some time before talking to her. I don’t know what is she going to decide.


same. S21 WL as well, it is a crazy year. Waiting on his first choice,Cal next week

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I am so sorry.

S in to UCSD, waitlisted UCLA and rejected Cal Poly. What a crazy hour. UCSD is second choice major. He will likely pass but I’m glad because it will make him think. Took the WL spot at UCLA just in case. I need a cocktail! :tropical_drink: Now we get a break from releases until mid-week next week.