Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Ugh, 2 rejections in one day is emotionally a lot. JHU earlier, now UCLA. 11 down, 11 to go. Next week is my alma mater Lafayette, then Berkeley and Boston College. So we are still strapped into this roller-coaster till Ivy Day on April 6th, and longer if our journey includes waitlists.


Wow lots of news today for everyoneā€™s kiddos - some good some sad. We didnā€™t apply to any West Coast schools so all quiet here but next week when we are on Spring Break and making a an admitted school and waitlisted we will most likely be hearing from some of the few left to hear from.

I donā€™t know whether to laugh or cry for my son. He has no rejections which sounds good in theory, but has a bunch of waitlists, a few acceptances and a couple of deferrals. Thanks to the deferrals, we have 6 more decisions in the pipeline over the next few weeks and then it is final decision time and/or a combination of a decision with a hope for coming off more preferred waitlist.

For those in similar shoes with a lot of waitlists, itā€™s clear that from popping in and out of different threads, even ones that my kid hasnā€™t applied to those schools, many people applied to the same schools and in some cases it is many of the same people holding acceptances. So if Iā€™ve seen ā€œJoe Shmoā€ in 8 different school threads with an acceptance, at the end of the day I know that means there will be at least 7 Noā€™s given to schools and hopefully when all those kids add up it does mean our kids will have chances off of waitlists. Additionally, for those who donā€™t have to worry about finances, that seems to be another factor for many. The constant question of people asking about merit at some of these schools, when theyā€™re schools that just donā€™t give merit or donā€™t give enough aid to warrant a 30k loan per year or more. So a lot of those chips may fall too. Lastly, I canā€™t help but wonder if some schools have not quite accepted everyone theyā€™ve wanted in their RD rounds and have intentionally held back some acceptances for the sake of yield protection in that manner. Holding out just a few more weeks for those elite Ivies, Stanford, Duke, even UCā€™s to see who may pull an app this late in the game, although Iā€™m not really sure anyone would even if they were accepted into their first choice at this point seeing weā€™re this far into the process.

Anyway those are just some thoughts and I cannot wait for this to be over. After break our school goes back 100% after only being back for 3 weeks at 50%. If I didnā€™t work at a high school and see it working successfully, I would be really worried for my son, but it is working and itā€™s time for these seniors to get back in and get some normalcy to end their senior years on a high, even if their college app experience didnā€™t go to plan!


Thank you.

So true. This year lot of kids from waitlist will get in.

This year not knowing how the decisions will pan out most kids applied to lot more colleges than required. So there will be a lot of acceptances from waitlists this year.


Sometimes I think we are going to be on this thread for eternity!

I feel for those who were rejected or waitlisted .

I celebrate with those who received acceptances.

I yearn for an end to all of these decisions that have yet to be released. :rainbow:


Right, I actually forgot to mention that point as well.

Mine was originally applying to 7. He has been deferred by 2 of the 7, in at 4, WL at 1. He added 6 more of which he has been WL to 2 so far, 1 was Georgia Tech which was on his list for EA but he just didnā€™t get it done and the fact that he was waitlisted for RD in a competitive major is a shock. Still view a WL as a soft rejection, but shocked it wasnā€™t a flat out rejection and he has a whole bunch of things he can write in the LOCI that have happened since he applied. I think heā€™s kicking himself though that he didnā€™t apply EA but thatā€™s on him and he has to live with that. If the remaining 4 (the non-deferrals) are rejections then heā€™s no worse off than having not applied to them because theyā€™re all RD only schools, but itā€™s anyoneā€™s guess if he gets in at this point.

Regardless, he will end up where he is meant to be and if he isnā€™t, then any of our kids can put in apps to transfer the following fall if they wish. Nothing about this is permanent. Another headache maybe, but not permanent.


I am so thankful this is my last kid. I feel super bad for those of you that have to do this again, either next year, in 2 years, 5 years or whenever! I am so done!


Iā€™m chuckling and crying, lol. :wink:

But actually my younger S is leaning towards vocational schools. And Iā€™m (we) are really okay with that!!!


S21 waitlisted at UCLA. Accepted the WL spot. Got in at UCD, UCSB and UCSC before. Waiting for Cal next Thursday.


My oldest didnā€™t go to college. Decided that in August just before he was supposed to leave. He was all registered and everything. He was lucky they let him defer his admission, but ultimately it didnā€™t matter, he never went. Heā€™s 23 now and it worked out. College is not for everyone. Canā€™t believe I thought it was rough back thenā€¦how things change in 6 years.


My D is one of those who will be declining her acceptance from all but two schools. She got exciting news about merit this week that really helped to narrow it down. She has not visited one of the schools so we need to work that in before a final decision, but I think we are close! :crossed_fingers:

ETA: She has 4 more to hear from but expect those will all be rejection city. Lol


Thanks for sharing! Itā€™s nice to hear that my younger S is not alone in already recognizing college is not his thing.

Itā€™s been long road already with discovering this but itā€™s also keeping us grounded in accepting that college paths are not for all/ nor should they be. It may be there later for him, but it may not be either.

I adore my boys. So very different beings. And they show us repeatedly that life is unpredictable; and flexibility, patience, openness is key.

(Okay, and maybe a little wine and chocolate?!)


Hugs to all who had bad news , hang in there for those with WLā€“itā€™s not a Noā€“and BIG Congrats to those with acceptances! What a strange year. We are still in the same place we have been since early Febā€¦ 2 yeses and the other 7 all to come all piled together end of march/early April. Prepared for Noā€™sā€¦and the long game of the WL.


S22 will be a Boy Scout camp counselor this summer. This will be his fourth summer as a CIT or counselor. Is that looked upon favorably as a summer experience? Iā€™d also like him to start a job of some sort in the back half of summer that continues into senior year on weekends.

I FIND THIS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. THESE KIDS HAVE BEEN TO HELL AND BACK. ENOUGH ALREADY!! I am sure your girl has worked herself silly, as have all parents in support roles. How much more can we expect of them??


Apparently about 350 words more !


Sheā€™s not unique - lots of talented kids had the exact same experience with respect to GT. It is maddening, but my D will be ok. She has been shown lots of love from other institutions and she is really happy with her results so far.


Yes, it can be used as a show of leadership.

I really donā€™t understand why they would make someone send 2 LOCIā€™s like that. Itā€™s as if they donā€™t even realize they asked her to send the first one. And one would think in her case if she cared enough to write the first one, she would continue to ā€œshow them the loveā€ as you say and continue to update them and let them know she wants to go there. It is a little bewildering.

My son applied RD and had a crazy week at school since today was the end of Q3 and of course every teacher must give a test the last week of the quarter and before Spring Break so he hasnā€™t had time to write his yet, but I found it funny that they actually sent an email reminding him to write it as if they actually want to have all 6800 people on their waitlist.

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My second child (4 years younger than DD) is most likely headed the vocational route too, and we couldnā€™t be happier to avoid the college costs and application stress. Kid #3 (8 years younger than DD) is most likely college bound. Weā€™re really hoping the college tuition bubble will burst by then.