Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Oh hey :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Clark is my son’s safety and likely pick. We did a drive by early on just to gauge if he could see himself in a city, so I don’t think it would hurt if Conn is convenient. Ultimately I think it comes down to sm and meet ups with admitted students to see if you vibe with the people you’ll be spending the next 4 years with as well as access to whatever resources needed to thrive academically.

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Perhaps this may not be the correct thread to ask this - but if anyone has experience of Colby vs. Middlebury, I’d highly appreciate the insight. S21 got in Colby, and we are waiting for Middlebury this Sat.

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Be sure to share the final choice on the -Where are you going class if 2025? thread in the Parents forum. I am glad to be done too and have fun reading where others have chosen, and be able to pass a little info on to upcoming Hs graduating classes.

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Hey there fellow Pard. Both my wife and I graduated from Lafayette. Neither one of my D had any interest. I was too small for them. Good luck on your student’s decision

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We’re doing this exact thing this week. We’re flying into Raleigh-Durham so we can do a drive and look around at UNC where my son was waitlisted. He did the whole virtual tour thing last summer. We were supposed to visit UNC, UVA and Duke last Spring but that obviously was cancelled so we’re shortening a trip since nothing is really in person and we have a sense of things now. Then we’re checking out Duke quickly which is a very small campus anyway and easy to walk around. Huge reach and unlikely but we’re there so no skin off our back. Staying in Durham for the evening then driving up Thursday am to spend the whole day at UVA where he was accepted and giving ourselves plenty of time to check things out, connect with my friend’s daughter there and hopefully find some Engineering kids (eschool as we learned they call it) to speak with. Kill two birds with one stone.

UNC claims they don’t take anyone off their list until June, and we assume it’s a soft reject, but he needs to see it just in case and who wants to fly back there? Not sure what we will do about Georgia Tech which is also waitlist but at least Atlanta is a place you can literally fly in and out the same day and is easy to get to which is something that makes it really desirable - at least to the parent! :wink:

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Unlike you, we are still waiting on so many decisions. We did visit Richmond (where D was accepted in EA) and then went to Wake and Davidson too last month even though we don’t have decisions from them yet. We had to fly to Richmond so it made sense for us to see the schools down that way.

Right now, I have three separate trips booked on Southwest for April. Depending where D is accepted, we will go on all three or none of them. That’s the beauty of Southwest and I’m already mourning that they don’t fly to a handful of schools on D’s list. I hate planning these trips in advance but flights seem to be harder to get now and don’t want to wait another ten days to book.

If I were you, I’d see the WL schools if you are near them. D has a couple of schools where I think she’d take a WL spot and we will definitely visit in April because, like you said, she won’t be able to make a quick decision later if she gets a call and we haven’t ever been on campus.

All of this is just fiction right now since we have no idea how RD round will go.


All the airlines pretty much have flights you can cancel and receive future credit, but SW does make it the easiest. Our problem is that it’s so far South. I just took my daughter there yesterday. With covid at least, no traffic!

I told my son he needs to have in his mind a ranking of schools even with waitlists especially if he is put on the spot for one and what if we don’t have a chance to visit. He said for some it’s an easy decision if a school is that much better than another for his program, then he’s going site unseen because it’s about the program. Inside I kind of laughed because I can remember some of the reasons he didn’t like some schools like Wash U so wondering if it would’ve been better if we never visited there. Lol.

Good luck to your daughter and everyone else’s!! Big next 2+ weeks!


Yeah. Future credit on airlines is nice but when you use SW miles, they just go back in your account and you don’t have to use a “credit” by any particular time. Plus you can cancel up to ten minutes before the flight!


We’re waiting on 4 decisions, but we’ve visited 2 already thankfully. The 2 we haven’t visited are Williams (a doubtful given how many apply there) and Vassar (have no idea what to expect). We can easily tag either of those onto a Clark/Conn road trip.


oh that’s good that they are all close enough to each other!

We can group some together but it will require a flight and then 3-4 hour drives between the schools but not too bad I guess.

Still bummed about CA and not being able to really consider LMU or SCU. Only self tours allowed there now and, get this, at LMU you can’t get OUT of your car! Hilarious! LA county is insane. We aren’t flying out there to drive around a campus. It’s bad enough to just walk around without a tour guide or students to talk to. I feel bad for the schools in CA. Their hands are tied by the state and county Covid rules.


I feel for you all that need to get on planes. My S said train/3 hour perimeter but it also meant letting go of options like potential third gen at Clemson to stay in New England.

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Interesting points of view. What if the there is a legacy from either undergrad or graduate school? Each sibling would be qualified candidates, of course. I wonder how close admissions, alumni relations and development track that sort of thing

Another UC alert post in case anyone is interested. UCSB is apparently opening up housing apps very early (this month) before kids even get all of their acceptances. Luckily I don’t think the UCs my S got into are doing it this early but heads up in case they don’t open dorms at full capacity you might look at that for your UCs.


What happens to kids that are hoping for a waitlist admission in this case? Mine is not, but I would think this would be something to think about. Will there be any housing left in June?

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Not even sure that it would be first come, first served? UCSC gives preference to foster kids/challenges, distance from home, as well as who has in person classes. Beyond that I don’t know. Some schools did it by class level last year. The thing is just in case I’d want to get the deposit in as soon as possible.

What’s to prevent you from just walking around the campus? Are the gates locked or something? We are heading to California mid-April after we know the remaining decisions & will just walk around campuses that are closed. I don’t intend to drive anywhere. I don’t like driving, have never owned a car in my life, so will take public transport/Lyfts to campuses & walk around. Walkability is a big deal for my D.

Yes. LMU is gated and you have to get past security and then they said they will have patrols out so do not get out of your car. No students are on campus so you’re just looking at buildings.

At SCU, you can walk around but no students are on campus either so dead campus. D has seen virtual tours so seeing a dead campus doesn’t help. We need to walk around and actually see kids.

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Wow- took the weekend off and came back to over 300 posts! Congrats to all who have been accepted, committed! Sounds like the next 2 weeks are ‘it’ for most. Just wanted to chime in on the declining a spot post. Many schools send a form with the admissions letter to accept/decline, some are online on your students portal. We were advised that you can also email the AO and let them know you are declining. This is especially recommended at smaller schools where the AO’s are a bigger part of the applicants process. A number, including Tulane and Miami, emailed back and it was a nice bit of closure to this long process.


S21 and I got our first Moderna shot over the weekend. That should be helpful as we plan visits after getting all the decisions April 10th. Luckily his spring break is week of April 12th.


You will definitely have to come back and let us know you and your S’s thoughts about your visits. We did the same trip last summer so S could try to get a feel for each school. There were no students on campus and we couldn’t go into buildings, but it was still helpful and fun to check out the gorgeous campuses!