Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

This is so funny! You and sushiritto gave me a break that needed so much!

You can welcome them to submit a LOCI for you to consider as well.


@dw_108 You win!! That had me spitting out water just now.


Would schools be contacting the kids before decisions come out or only once they have accepted a spot on a waitlist?

And a 250 word “Why” essay too.

You guys are cracking me up.


Make sure to have your kid say “Show me the money!”


Texas opens up vaccines for anyone 18 and over next Monday! D has 2 months till she turns 18… :grimacing:.


Still waiting for my shot in Pennsylvania as a 1A direct healthcare provider :unamused:

That is just wrong & beyond disappointing. I’d like to to see the “why” essay on the delay there … seriously.


S21 turns 18 June 10…I’m so happy he’ll be vaccinated well before move in!!!


April 19, Illinois is open to everyone 18 and up. My 18 year old is the last one in our family of 6 waiting. Can’t wait!

Texas has had 18+ with issues for a long time and my daughter was able to be fully vaccinated for awhile already and my daughter in NY goes for her second Pfizer next week. Doses by the millions are coming for everyone who wants them all over thankfully! :slight_smile:


In Illinois, it’s actually 16 and up as of April 19! I guess they anticipate having enough Pfizer product for the 16 and 17 year olds.


Omg yes, I knew that, thanks for the correction. My friend’s son is about to turn 16 and we just talked about it today. Long day, month, year, lol!

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I don’t understand why you have not been vaccinated. I am a health care provider and got first jab the first week Pfizer came out and I live out in the boonies in West Texas.

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me too!!! D will be getting her first jab the day she turns 18!!! Birthday dinner will be the night before.


I’Il get you a shot in NJ if you want to cross the border.


16 and up in Georgia as of March 25! Woohoo! However, availability is still an issue in metro areas. We will drive about 1.5 hours to a location with an adequate supply, but no complaining here! I’m thrilled my D will be vaccinated before starting her summer counselor job.


3 out of the 4 members of my family were all able to get appointments at metro Walgreens last week (the first week it opened up). Every time I had a chance I’d go and try to get an appointment. They add the all day. Hoping I can work that magic again on Thursday for my 16 year old.


Have you tried getting an appointment at Rite Aid or a CVS? I’ve been able to secure them for multiple 65+ people in PA with some refreshing.

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Thanks! I’ll keep trying. They were fully booked earlier… as well as Kroger, Publix, CVS, etc., etc.