Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I never had any luck with the other ones and a few times as I tried to get the 2nd dose, the 1st dose would get claimed. But, I just kept refreshing and lucked out 3 times! Good luck.

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@MPT3D This is infuriating! You’re Phase 1A! S21 is a Phase 1A volunteer and they had plenty for us on the NorCal county. I’m sorry it’s so frustrating!

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Thanks for all the kind words
I am stalking all the sites after midnight and before 6 am. I was initially on a list back in Jan, but then got covid so was told to wait 30, 60, or 90 days depending on who you ask. I just saw a study that said vaccine can decrease persistent symptoms and I still don’t have taste or smell, so I am game for any shot at this time. My D18 received both doses at Pitt as a hospital volunteer, so I am very grateful western Pa has it figured out


Saw on a facebook group that someone waitlisted at RPI was offered admission today. Let the games begin!


@MPT3D Have you tried contacting any “vaccine hunters”? I am also in Pennsylvania - Harrisburg area, which has been very slow to receive sufficient supplies of any of the Covid vaccines. I am also group 1A (72 years old) and was also having no success on any of the hospital and pharmacy sites. I heard of a woman who found appointments for over 100 people. She was able to find appointments very quickly for both me and my 47-year-old son, who has cancer. PM me if you’d like her help.


There’s a NJ facebook group. Someone here (Chicago) I know what looking for a vaccine for her MIL and was able to find one by getting on that group and using that. If you need info for it, let me know I can ask her. Also someone else I know in NJ who was helping me at the time find places for her was also giving me a bunch of locations to send her.

If CVS is an option there, there is a workaround for finding them at CVS. Start off by clicking some other random state like Louisiana (I used that to find one for my husband) and then when you get to the question that asks what location you want, put in an actual city, not zip code. I put one about 90 mins from here and was able to get him one within an hour. That was last wednesday and he had his first dose yesterday. Walgreens is also releasing them at all times, most people I know have had the best luck lately on the app not website. I actually had gotten one there for my husband closer to our house this Friday but we’re going on a college visit tomorrow and Thursday and didn’t want to rock the boat we would get stuck plus this way he will be fully vaccinated sooner!

Good luck. Also see if there is a Vaccine Finder group by you. Tons of people willing to help if you give them your name. Just don’t give anyone your social.


They are still on 1A in Maryland as well. I’m just hoping we will get the shot before June.

@TwinMom0419 where in MD is still only 1A? This week MD has moved to Phase 2. My county had been a bit behind for a while and was still only at 1B at its county run sites while MD state run sites were at 1C, but my county caught up and moved to Phase 2 today along with the MD sites. I didn’t realize there are still areas still only in 1A?

Montgomery County

Update: Actually, just looked and they are now at 1C, Tier 1. Still a long way to go, unfortunately.

Fortunately Hogan today finally approved the mass site in MoCo so as soon as that opens, they should move fairly quickly through 1C. I’m not eligible until Phase 3 and just hoping with the higher amounts of doses being received and the new mass sites opening, I won’t have to wait too long once we finally get to Phase 3.


Me too!

Thanks for the CVS tip. I booked vaccines at CVS for D21 and S22 immediately after reading your post. Turns out that 12 midnight to 1 pm was the perfect time make the appointments.


Texas just announced that anyone over the age of 16 is eligible to get the vaccine starting this Monday.


Yes - that seems to be a magic time. A friend of mine had her D in CA make an appointment for her as it was only 9pm her time (and way past us old folks’ bedtime)!


I’m surprised that some of you are having to hunt for second doses. Both my husband and I were scheduled automatically for our second doses when we got the first, and we went to different vaccination sites (he went to Walgreens and I to a hospital mass clinic). Seems irresponsible of the sites not to schedule the second doses and leave people dangling.


The waiting is driving me crazy! S21 has more of a “whatever” attitude.

S21 got his first shot Sunday! There was a clinic for teachers and a couple of his friends were volunteering there. He got a call from them - it was looking like there would be some vaccines leftover (too many teachers saying, “No thanks” :slightly_frowning_face:), doc didn’t want vaccines to go to waste, offered to vaccinate the volunteers and anybody they could get hold of who could come over right away.


From an article in the local paper today for those of you in NY, NJ. PA

Text “vax” to 912-361-6763. You then provide your zip code and Vax will message you information about an available appointment in your area. Since March 1st, Vax has sent more tan 45,000 texts.

You will still need to be quick and ready to fill out the online form to confirm your appointment — requiring a bit of tech-savvy and fast reflexes — but patience and pre-filled information help.


You must live in my county lol. Hogan actually said yesterday I think now the county must follow the state in terms of phases and who is in those phases. I think the different groups is causing frustration.

But, yes, Maryland is in Phase 2A (60+) starting yesterday.

My 70 year old MIL had her second dose scheduled at the same time as her first dose. However, when the time came for her second dose, her appointment was cancelled because of a shortage at the site. We had to scramble around trying to schedule her second dose.

MoCo now has to follow the state in terms of who is in what phases and what phases they are doing.

That said you are much better off going to Walgreens or a mass vax site than getting it through MoCo. The mass vax site I will say we signed up my son who just got an essential job on Friday and we just got a text today to schedule it. I had already found one for him at Walgreens though.

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