Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Just curious, how long between when your son pre-registered at the mass vacc site and when he was contacted to make an appointment? Do you have to choose a specific vacc site when pre-registering? We live within easy driving distance of two current mass vacc site, and even closer to one of the new ones that is opening soon. I just want a “first available” appointment and don’t care which site it is but not sure if it works that way? I’m going to be in a time crunch (my daughter’s college graduation that requires a flight to get there) so most likely will end up trying for an appt at Walgreens, etc rather than wait to be contacted by state, but just curious how quickly your son was contacted. Though I know they are expecting a lot more doses so things should move more quickly, since I’m phase 3, at that point the floodgates are open so not sure how quickly it will go once the entire population over 16 is eligible.

He registered on 3/18 and was contacted today, 3/24. You pick a first choice and a second choice for the sites. His first choice was the one in Charles County simply because I had heard there is better appt availability in that over Six Flags.

Honestly the difference in dates between what I got for him at Walgreens and what the mass vax site was only 3 days, but that said I managed to score a holy grail appt at Walgreens in my own county, which is pretty much impossible. I had to travel to AACo to get mine at Walgreens.

@skkm0906 That’s actually pretty good, time wise. I’m planning on a little getaway over on the Eastern Shore LOL. I’m planning on trying for appointments at Walgreens. My family has a vacation home near the beach and so far, a lot more availability of appointments there, probably b/c most locals are retirees who have already gotten vaccinated and many of the rest don’t plan to get vaccinated. I also like the fact that you can see which vaccine they have before making the appointment - would like to get Pfizer b/c our youngest is 16 and that is all she can get. It seems fairly easy to get pharmacy appointments if you check regularly. We live in a pretty central location to all of these places that seem to pop up at pharmacies. Even Easton is too far a drive. Dh easily got an appointment in Centerville, MD earlier this week which is an easy drive but had to cancel when he realized he is 2B not 2A. My 16 y/o is also eligible before me due to her job (i think she is 4/15 or whatever the last group is before Phase 3) but most likely just going to wait on her and try to get hers, S21 and mine all at same time if I can. It’s crazy to think that in my family of 6, S21 and I are the last ones eligible! Three of my four kids are eligible before me due to their jobs (my older two are both in college in two different states but their jobs make them already eligible - my oldest got her first dose a couple weeks ago).


I will try to register on Monday for the vaccine when I become eligible. I don’t anticipate being able to get an appt anytime soon. S doesn’t turn 18 anytime soon, so no vaccine for him at this time.

Pfizer is good for kids 16-17 in age, that is the one my son is getting.


Yes, but TX is opening up for 18 and older :weary:

This article says TX is opening up for 16+ as of March 29 Texas COVID-19 vaccines open for everyone age 16 and up starting March 29 | The Texas Tribune

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I’m starting to get a little bit emotional about S21 leaving the nest soon. :pleading_face:. It’s getting real as the answers come in and I picture him living in these places. Not having to strategize so much and I guess this is filling the void.


Yes. same.

As much as I hate everything about the last year the one bright spot is we’ve gotten way more time with him than we would have normally. But I’m going to miss seeing his face every day.


The local county said 18+, hopefully they are wrong and it’s 16+.

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Fingers crossed all the counties go 16+!


I hope with the vaccines that we get to do the traditional drop off and maybe even parents’ weekend :crossed_fingers:


Texas is opening up the vaccines for 16+, shouldn’t the rules be the same in all counties?

I got my notice to make an appointment yesterday, I will be getting the 1 dose J&J tomorrow, one and done :grin:! I guess they are randomly allocating vaccines to people who are not in 1C already. I was not expecting to get it this week, I was fully expecting to wait till they open it up to all adults like they did yesterday. I think registering early as soon as they opened the waitlist helped.


My D21 doesn’t turn 18 until May, so she got the Pfizer. Moderna is the one for 18+.

It looks like the county just clarified yesterday it’s 16+ because there was some confusion due to gov saying “adults”,yay!


Great news! My husband said it was so easy. Just a little crowded when he went because they’re doing many people at once but they had a check in he only had to show his ID and he got in a line and that was that. Also set his second time up when I made the first one. I also didn’t have to set up the cvs account for him which was so much better than when i did my parents at Walgreens!

Also they send you a text about 15 mins before your appt so click on it and they know you’re there.

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I’m feeling the same way. Getting anxious about it. Went to UW to visit. When we got to Seattle, it suddenly seemed so far away and was such a big, cold city.


I will support his choice but man, the ones that are only a four hour drive are looking really good to me right now! :wink:


I feel the same. I can 100% picture my S at the school he is leaning towards, but its an 9 hour drive away. That feels so far! I keep reminding myself that many kids travel even further - opposite sides of the country or even internationally. But still, it will be a huge adjustment. Good thing our family likes road trips!


Well western pa does not exactly have it figured out. Certainly UMPC has been giving shots to its workers and volunteers and teachers were able to J&J vaccines the last week or two. But otherwise WPA is still only on 1a. This as our neighbor Ohio is going to all folks 16 and older next week.