Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

@MorseLewis I’m a wussy transplant in CA now, but UW/Seattle isn’t that cold (but we’ve had a ton of snow the last 4 years for some reason. I think in 1996/1997 they canceled class for snow day and it was the first time in like 20+ years. Now it’s every year, it seems due to amount of snow). But the fact that it is far away is definitely daunting. For us, driving 6 hours to SoCal from NorCal seems sooooo much more palatable than east coast schools right now.


I was up till 2 AM last night reading online everything that I could find about the school that my kid is inclined towards (and has been accepted in). Its ironic that just as they start to become more like a close friend they have to leave. Hang in there!


I want my daughter to go to TAMU which is an hour and fifteen minute drive, but, she has her eyes set on either UF (Gainesville, FL) or Wellesley. At the end of the day, just like @NateandAllisMom said, we will end up supporting her choice!


I’m excited too for him to think of the opportunities. So bittersweet already! I had zero interest in returning to the area my parents chose to live in. I can see that happening here. Ack


@BertieMom Congrats to your daughter! As I am sure you are aware, Colby was VERY competitive this year with a tremendous surge in applications. Colby is undergoing a lot of changes, new programming. I would not rely on its prior reputation since its acceptance rate this year will be in the single digits. My D‘24 is a dancer so I am interested in what you find out. For continuing dance training, right off, Barnard, of course. Good luck to her!


I wish you folks would stop talking about vaccine distribution. I think I’m in Phase “86C” here in my county. I’m sure I’ll get my chance somewhere around the time my D21 graduates Cal Poly SLO. :upside_down_face:


Once you win the vaccine appt. lottery, it seems that the organizations have their ducks in a row.

My wife is a pharmacist here in Ohio. She’s getting tons of people coming in from western Pennsylvania. We’re both fully vaccinated and D21 and D22 both had their first shots. I wonder why PA is lagging.

@Tribegiant Wow! We are by-county and CA public health is very strict about that. But as long as you have the vaccine, needles in the arm is key!

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@dw_108 I did that last weekend. I couldn’t sleep til 5am (but it was also due to the milk tea drink I had). And worse, I’ve got @Seabass927 pulling double duties to get the scoops for me!!

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That is such a shame ! Truly, no excuses given how many other states have handled things differently enabling shots to get into arms more quickly.

Florida opened up vaccines for ages 50 and up this week. I got DH on the county waiting list then in the afternoon I had some time to play around searching the other options. When I searched the next county over I found two openings for the next day - I couldn’t believe it! So I booked on Monday and on Tuesday DH only had to drive 15 minutes away to get his first shot.

I am not 50 yet but Miami Dade county is opening for 40 and above starting next week. I will definitely try to get a spot but not going to drive more than 45 minted or so because I think appointments will start to open up pretty soon.

Down in New Orleans D19 has friends who have gone in and said they were smokers so they could get their vaccines. She does not want to lie so is patiently waiting for now. I thought D21 would get hers before us because she works at a restaurant - when I first researched it seemed like she would be in the second group but nothing yet.

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Bottom line is management and decisions being made by those in charge -

My D19 was set on UCSB, which is 7 hours from us. She had regents and an athletic scholarship. As decisions drew near the distance caused the same kind of feelings for her and she ended up happily choosing UCD.

I bring it up now so you know your S may experience the same feelings as you in the last few weeks. It took me by surprise with my daughter. She’s happy where she is now and is already talking about grad schools that are much farther away. These last weeks deciding are so emotional!


My kid had the same change of heart 8 months ago. Did not apply to any schools on the West coast (which was the original plan). Ended up applying to schools that are within 4-5 hours driving distance. We are in New England.


My D21 will be a 12 hour drive away. I told her to get to know MSP airport!

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Here’s a little insight. Our governor is a mess and only now is the DOH trying to figure it out. :woman_facepalming:


I’m not a fan overall of our governor (DeWine) but he has handled covid fairly well. Today, our illustrious legislature is voting to have the ability to override health orders! That should go well!

My elderly parents are in AZ and they just opened up vaccines to everyone over 50 and welcome out of state. We may go get it there. Like @sushiritto there seems to be no quick path to us getting it in SD county.

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My S shares my home office with me on his remote Wednesdays. We’ve had a lot of fun banter whether I’m more like Michael or Dwight to his Jim after binge watching The Office for some shared laughs during the pandemic lockdown. I will definitely miss him, and its hard to believe his future plans will be decided in a few weeks.