Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes I am trying to convince my wife to go that route. We are about 45 minutes from Youngstown and Steubenville.

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Great airport BTW

I hear you.


Finally have some good news to share—
D has been accepted at University of Toronto! I don’t think we have many folks looking north in this group, but she has dual citizenship and loves the school and the city.


You are cracking me up! I’ve also likened UCSD to Hogwarts (it is kind of a cool concept that they have I suppose)
 and the ‘slow roll’ with SLO
 we’ve lived this too!!
We are taking S21 for another looksee at UCI next week. I think it suits his personality more than he thinks (and has the mix of majors/minors that fit him) but he’s still wooed by UCSB (great place but for him it won’t have the mix of courses he thinks he is interested in
 but he loves the school and I get why)


I was driving past IKEA today and made a impromptu pit stop and bought 4 of those FRAKTA blue zippered bags
dorm move in preps commencing! I was talking to my husband in the car on the way home about blocking out the move in dates for his work schedule and other logistics and he says “Do we need a truck for the mattress?”
ummm, what mattress?! No honey, the dorm provides a bed and mattress and desk etc, we just need to buy bedding and other personal items :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Sorry the weather wasn’t nice for you. The grey can definitely make it feel a lot colder. We rarely get below 30 degrees and no one in my family owns a heavy winter coat, just a rain jacket will do.

The thing about moving away for four years is that they get a new perspective on how people in different parts of the country live and think. It was great for my daughter who went to college in Ohio, and it made her really appreciate her hometown. My son wants to go to college in the northeast!! Now that is cold :blush:. If he ends up going I will need a lot of advice about how you all dress on a regular basis. He only owns jeans and hoodies.


That is so nice! My sister lives in Toronto and she loves it there. And U of T is a top ranked school in the world. The college admission is more objective in Canada and not so subjective like at US. Getting a degree from U of T is like getting from an Ivy League here! She is so lucky!


Late to the party on this discussion - but I think medicine can be family friendly but only for certain specialties and often it requires making very specific choices about your type of practice, to the detriment of your academic/professional career advancement. I am in a surgical speciality that involves call and this was NOT family friendly. I think outpatient based specialties and private practice are much more amenable. Academic practice - it depends on the institution and specialty, but I had to leave academics to go part time. I had to delay childbearing and missed out on crucial moments in my kids’ youngest years when I had little control over my schedule. Now that I have school aged kids, I do work part time in a private practice like group. I gave up surgery/inpatient medicine which means I also do not have to work nights and weekends. But I also gave up a research career (hobby now) and any academic advancement after associate professor. These were my choices, and I have no regrets, but I wish there was more flexibility for men and women to choose part time, especially when kids are home. Medicine is extremely rewarding, economically lucrative and for those that have this calling, there is no other choice. But I would not say it is family friendly without significant self-advocacy and personal sacrifice.


This is one of the best posts and this worries me as my D wants to go to that field and either of us have no idea. We are chemistry researchers and so this post gave me a whole another perspective about how medical field is so hard for women.

It still is an amazing career. I don’t want to be discouraging at all. Like, literally the best job on the planet, at times. But I think it is so hard to understand the sacrifices until you are making them. And the gut wrenching sadness of pumping breast milk in a call room at the hospital, desperately wanting to snuggle your baby in that moment, but having no power to change your life is hard to endure. My kids changed me. I went from wanting to be chair and a nationally renowned physican scientist to just wanting to be home more to drive carpool and go to kids’ sports. So when it was obvious that I cared less about advancement and more about life satisfaction, I tried to adapt within my medical institution and it was not possible. Now I have crafted a lovely part time position where I have autonomy and I love it. But you have never heard of the hospital I practice now - and you definitely would recognize where I used to practice. Being forced to choose between all or nothing really hurt them and me both. I do believe the system will change, especially as Millenials and Gen Z play a bigger role. It was just change that was too slow for me.


They have to change. The system has to change. Women in general are called nurturing, but not given opportunities to nurture! It is so unfair as it is right now.


We checked 4 of those IKEA bags on our flight to move D19 in and I was so nervous they wouldn’t hold up but they all made it. There was a torrential downpour when boarding/loading cargo and the zippered parts soaked through so lots of wet things but that was true for our suitcases too.

They do get hard to find closer to move in dates.


Emory just announced that it will be 100% on campus with in-person learning this fall.


We used the Samsonite Tote-a-Ton duffels that we bought on Amazon. Great bags that have endured quite a few flights. Hard to carry, though, when fully packed.


Yes praying for Barnard! Thank you!

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Hi all. Just found this forum and am learning so much. The competition is crazy for the Class of 2025. Nice to know I’m not the only parent stressing out over this. I have a feeling the next two weeks are going to be brutal. My son was rejected from Colby. He attends a NE private school. Colby had emailed my son twice with a request to submit additional information. Of course, he never responded. Ugh. Congrats to those who got in, great school.


Do you think it’s because Florida is moving fast, or are there are lot of anti-Vaxers?

My D has been asked to go to Florida this summer with a friend’s family and I so want to say yes
she has been almost completely isolated (and all-virtual) this year. Wish I had a crystal ball! Of course, it would depend on whether she could get vaccinated in time, and the state of people from all over flocking to Florida (and mutant varieties). Eek! It’s time to make decisions already

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@Ozzie19 UCSB is #7 public school in the country if it makes you feel better :grinning: