Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

D waitlisted at Wake. Can I join you all at the WL bar? It is Friday night and all. It’s not a 2021 experience without a WL!

It’s fine. We are a little surprised but over it in about five minutes. Davidson and Middlebury tomorrow. We definitely expect a no from Midd. Not sure about Davidson.


You are only allowed at the WL bar tonight if you do a shot for each school your child is waitlisted at. Uh oh, better make that a sip of wine per WL…


No, I don’t think it won’t be a game changer at all, and I expect a vanishingly small percentage of students and parents will throw away admissions to any top school over something so trivial. They will make a lot of noise perhaps, then quietly cave. How many kids are actually going to throw away admissions to their top choice school? And waste the year trying to transfer or do community college or whatever to get into some other school that doesn’t require the vaccine, when that “some other” school might well end up requiring it as well as policies can and do change.


Ty! Please send me a PM if I don’t reply to you tomorrow about DC, etc. (I have a lousy memory.) I am very excited by your D’s choices!!!

Hmmmm. Today that works for me but by next week I’d be scared. Can’t hold my liquor like I could back in college.


We’ve also been done for a while, with ED1 to Hamilton back in December, but here I am, on this forum every day, cheering others on. This is a great group!


Not undergraduate but can I join you at WL bar as my D18 got waitlisted to UMich and UT Austin today?

Not a big surprise as law school apps were way up this year. I don’t know that she will hang on to waitlist as there will be no money at either of those schools and she has full tuition scholarship at ASU and UF which are both top. 25 schools. They are clearly not Michigan or UT but the difference between tuition free and paying between 160-210K for those higher ranked schools doesn’t seem worth it.


Full tuition scholarships at two top law schools already in hand? You’re buying! :tropical_drink: :dolphin:


Ha…Blue Dolphin for you right? Do I also have to get the clove cigarettes?

And yes I understand D18 is in a great spot. Not complaining but of course the kids tend to want to get accepted to the higher ranked schools. The one we are still waiting on is Vandy which she loved when looking at undergraduate but got waitlisted. However I think she will get waitlisted there as well and of course no money.

But obviously she has a couple of great choices.


Congratulations. Does your daughter have any top choices yet?

For those at the Waitlist Bar I will tell you some schools have already started to move. Son got into Virginia Tech tonight off the waitlist—way sooner than we were expecting to hear.


I am sorry.

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Till now the top choices were UVA and UMich. UVA was her top choice followed by UMich. Now she is so confused after GT came through.

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Tuition free all the way! That to for top 25 schools!

I am in for 6 shots today! And do we get 2 shots for one rejection? Then 4 more added!


Sure. I will tell her to sign up for it now and we have to remember to confirm it after April 15 once all the college results are out.

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That is a big one! Top 20 wow! Congrats!

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Thank you!

Those are some awesome choices. Obviously GT in city and UVA and UMich in a couple of awesome college towns. Also much different weather in Ann Arbor, Charlottesville and Atlanta.
I saw both UVA and Michigan and the one thing I did not like about Michigan was that many freshman have to take a bus from dorms to the main campus for classes. Other schools like Duke and BC have similar situations and folks say not big deal but I just dont like the idea of a freshman not being able to walk out of his/her dorm and walking to classes. I have never been to GT so I can’t say anything about that school.
Again great choices to have

Sure. I will PM you tomorrow. Thank you very much!