Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

My D will definitely not like the idea of taking a bus. That will mostly eliminate UMich for now unless scholarships come through and tip the scale. Thank you for letting me know and helping me think through this from this perspective. As now of now GT and UVA in top places. I am sure colleges also discuss about candidates like this!

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More reason to have one more shot - now to enjoy!

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Not drinking on the denials - those have already been deleted from the spreadsheet, bookmarks removed, ā€œlike it never even happened.ā€


Congratulations for GT!

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Not in California.

We are at 5 WL. I wish the more you had the better the chances of getting a hit but I guess itā€™s more like buying lottery tickets. :slot_machine:

At least Notre Dame says they will wrap up their waitlist business in May so youā€™re not wondering all summer.


The forum of people experiencing long haul symptoms after having COVID itself is huge as well.

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Oh thatā€™s good news. At least thereā€™s a May deadline. Wonā€™t leave you hanging into summer.

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A soon-to-be freshman at Michigan has roughly a 40-50% shot at being placed on North Campus, not Central Campus or The Hill.

All the engineering, architecture and dance/theater classes are taught on North Campus.

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Fun, Wow. Child, I know you are a month from AP exams and senioritis is in full swing, but the next obstacle on the course is waiting. Please write several LOCI, asap.


Not yet, but he did eliminate Purdue with the COE at Michigan in hand. The last half of the day ended with yet another waitlist to Northwestern which is pretty typical for us. Actually I think we just figured either reject or accept there and didnā€™t even consider waitlist. Turns out a lot from our school waitlisted and canā€™t tell if anyone was even accepted. Itā€™s close to us and usually a good number go there but maybe itā€™s still some yield protection as their wl isnā€™t even due until April 15 or so.

Things at least are finally coming into some perspective.

Yep re: NU. Just said the same thing to my son. Especially in light of the number of kids they waitlisted from his group of friends, all applied to engineering there. We usually get about 10 kids going there, so the yield protection makes complete sense for them to see who is waiting on Ivyā€™s. I bet a bunch will pull out on April 6 and many will move up the waitlist.


Horrible right? Seniors wonā€™t even have fun summer break before going to college after not having any fun because of covid. Really unfair!

Wow even to get WL at either of those law schools is a feat in itself!! Sounds like she has some choices and good ones at that, so even if she doesnā€™t get off the WL she will be in good hands!


Still canā€™t order swagā€¦ boooo.


The busing at Michigan is because the Engineering campus is part of North campus which is about 10 minutes North of main campus and there are some freshman dorms up there but not all freshman dorms. Kids have classes all over campus. This is one of the things my son isnā€™t that keen on about Michigan either and thatā€™s itā€™s big but heā€™s also looking fro the best program/fit for him so eliminating schools as he goes along for the better programs.

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Iā€™ve got last call at the WL bar. D21 waitlisted at Michigan, Northwestern and Wake today. Not sad- we look at waitlist as saying- you can do this, we just donā€™t know if we have a seat for you. But, gosh. Cheers!


That makes sense. I am glad to know before deciding to visit the campus in person.

Joining everyone at the WL bar! S21 waitlisted at UMichigan. Not sure that heā€™ll take the waitlist spot though. He applied EA, wrote his LOCI essay after being deferred and had a great HAIL interview after that. Now heā€™s in a ā€œlove the schools that love you backā€ mode and might just cut his losses there.


One good thing about attending Northwestern or even Michigan is that they start later than other schools. Northwestern is on the quarter system and Michigan starts late August, usually starts in September but this year they wouldā€™ve started on Rosh Hashanah but they moved it up a week I believe which is still after most schools. So maybe they can have more of a summer. If my kid wanted to go to NU and gets in, itā€™s only 20 mins away, which would be the best, but not too sure he really wants to be that close.