Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

So many things to think about. I din’t know about it. I PMd you after being able to reply to your PM. Just wanted to know as much info before the visit.

I’ve not been to North Campus at Michigan, but Central Campus, where most math, humanities, GE, etc. classes are taught is one large rectangle. From the MLB (Modern Languages Building) to East Hall, along The Diag just isn’t that big of a campus IMO. Berkeley just seems WAY larger and uphill.

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Do you mind sharing stats as I want to apply there for next year?

I love that you are using Rosh Hashanah as a marker of dates! I am Jewish and know what you mean, but wonder who else in our wonderful community has a clue as to what you mean?! Either way, it’s awesome! Hope you have a nice start of pesach tomorrow😊


@123Mom123 congratulations! So happy for you!


Is the WL Bar going to be a thing every week for the next couple of weeks? I was reading UVA and then someone’s flight home and I swear I thought WL bar was a thing. A real bar. I think I still have my “Pubs of Charlottesville” UVA t-shirt from college (went to UVA to visit a friend one spring break). Anyway, catching up now.

Next week there will be a few notifications. I’m sure I can make up the shots it missed this week.

Going to UCSD and UCI tomorrow with 4 boys. Road trip will be fun. I got a room that has two Queen beds and a Queen sofa sleeper and I’m not afraid to use my Febreze Air Effects (teenage boys have a smell and it’s not necessarily BO).


Week after next the WL bar will be on Tuesday the April 6th unless you want to do it on Friday, after the Stanford results!


D21 in to Wake! Congrats to all of the other admissions and hugs all around for denials; hang in there, WL crew!


I live in MD - UGA is very popular here, as are many big Southern schools. My older two kids went to a small private high school - out of D17’s class with about 120 kids, 4 of her classmates are at UGA. S19’s class was slightly smaller with around 110 kids and at least 2 from his class are sophomores. All 6 are girls. Judging from their social media posts, they are enjoying it. I will say, they are all in sororities. That kind of college experience seems to be a big draw from my area and not being Southerners, they haven’t seemed to have any trouble fitting in.

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@anaray Next week is USC and Vanderbilt:). Things will go down next week. Each week starting in March lasts actually 3 weeks.


@2Devils Woot!!

The UM is much more expensive than Purdue for OOS w/o aid. Do you consider that at all? I thought Purdue COE is very very good.

Son and DH visited Humboldt State, U of Oregon, Lewis & Clark, Reed, and Evergreen State this past week. Only Humboldt and Reed stayed on the list he’s considering, and Reed kind of just barely.

I think his decision is basically between UCSC (Ecology and Evolution major) and Humboldt State (Biology with Ecology/Plant Science emphasis). He liked the Humboldt area a lot and their admissions zooms are really friendly. I plan to visit the UCSC area with him for a couple days in mid-April.

Our county is rolling out the 50+ vaccines a little early, so I have an appointment for March 28 and will probably be able to get April 12 appointments for S17 and S21.


My older daughter attended Rutgers in New Brunswick which is also a huge sprawling campus like Michigan. Students had to take busses to get from dorms to classes but it was not a big deal really. Busses were generally quite frequent and class scheduling took travel times into account.

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Argh! I was gone for 2 days at a critical time, and I ran out of my Daily Likes before I got through all the posts. Congrats to everyone!!!

S21 Accepted to Oxford/waitlisted Emory. So now just waiting on Duke.

@dw_108 “It’s ironic that just as they start to become more like a close friend they have to leave. Hang in there!” This is so true. S19 is home - again - for a few days, and we keep staying up late just…talking. I am so very glad he went to a school close to home - and honestly, more time with him this past year has been a silver lining of the pandemic.


Congratulations for S21!

D’21 has declined all of her offers except Smith and Bryn Mawr, hopefully opening spots/$ for others. Still waitlisted at Bowdoin not sure if she’s going to stay on the list. Waiting on some IVYS. Even though Bryn Mawr gave her more money she’s likely not to go as she can’t go see the campus, and we didn’t make it there pre covid. It’s also further from home. I think in non covid times it would have been an easy decision and she would have ended up there. This sucks!


Purdue engineering is awesome. A T10 program. But, if you have a student who isn’t totally sold on engineering (or CS), Michigan is stronger in their non STEM offerings. While Purdue was the right choice for my D and her #1 (even over Michigan), I can totally see students, where cost isn’t an issue, choosing Michigan.


That’s too bad! Is the campus closed for tours? I live not too far from Bryn Mawr and it’s in a lovely area and the campus is beautiful. Bryn Mawr has lots of shops and restaurants and Philly is a short train ride.

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Apparently completely.closed, can’t even walk around :frowning: