Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I really like both those schools. A lot.

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Great! Congrats!

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My D21 has nut allergies (mainly peanuts and some tree nuts). We were told by her pediatrician that it was OK to get the Pfizer or Moderna but were also asked to keep the Epipen just in case there was an anaphylactic reaction. She & we have our vaccinations scheduled for April 23rd. I agree with you on getting the vaccine despite the allergies. Which vaccine did she get?


Passing an essay off as your own that was largely written by a high-priced private admissions counselor is just as dishonest as embellishing your own personal history in an essay that you wrote yourself. But for some reason we are more concerned about the latter than the former because “that’s just how the game is played”.

I expect that most highly selective universities are sophisticated enough in their admissions processes to know the differences in both cases. And, in any event, that is the sort of thing that admissions interviews should be able to quickly detect.


Got a YES from BU! Midd gave a No, which was not unexpected and I would’ve questioned it. We have one left to go…next week. Congratulations to all! Me and S are very excited about all the options.


My D got Pfizer. She’s not 18 yet, so Moderna was not an option. We did bring her epipen, her inhaler, and my husband came as her support person just in case. I was getting my vaccine at the same time. I also have type 1 allergies, so we were all very prepared for any situation that day! D and I both did great. She needed her inhaler after about a half hour, but fine otherwise.


@mozwo123 CMU prioritizes it’s WL? If yes, what a great idea.

Ugh. Pardon the grammar. Again, very excited! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Um, yes, it’s just as dishonest and I’ve ranted about it on this thread before. You’re preaching to the choir.
I’m sure admissions people think they can catch it, but of course they can’t every time. Just like I think I can spot plagiarism in student papers, but I’m sure plenty get through. It’s weird to me that people are okay with this but then hate the idea of standardized tests.


S21 just got into Case Western with $21k/year merit! It had fallen down his list; I’m curious if he’ll reconsider given the $$.

He still has 4 decisions to come but they are all ~5% acceptance for RD so not expecting much there.


Our S has severe peanut allergy and has taken both Pfizer shots with no probs at all


WL bar buddies: be sure to check the fine print. How Wake plans to plow through the waitlist:

If you are accepted off the Wait List, you will be notified by telephone and asked to make an enrollment decision within 24 hours. Notification will be followed by a formal letter.

Kinda brutal, yes?

Seems that Wake is limiting its waitlist field to those who visited pre-pandemic and those willing to enroll without hesitation despite not having visited.


@123mom123 Great choices and hopefully more to come. :crossed_fingers:t3:

Wow, that’s terrible. Why are they only giving 24 hrs? Is that normal?

Agreed, @SammoJ ! The time with D19 was absolutely the silver lining of the pandemic for me. It was so much better than her senior year when she was still very focused on her friends, her EC’s, and all the senior traditions. There was the bittersweetness of the end of high school, the anxiety about going away, and all the unknowns of her being our first to launch.
The time with her this year was different. She was more relaxed, appreciative, confident, happy to slow down and be with family.


Son in at Middlebury! Congratulations on all the acceptances today!!


Looks like Kobe Bryant’s daughter may be attending as her mom posted NW letter of acceptance. :purple_heart: :yellow_heart:


I wonder if they sit around thinking of ways to make this year even crappier for high school seniors :wink:


Oh no, the other, other purple school! :rofl: (I have a few NU alum in my family, whom I sure will be boasting about this the next time I seem them, LOL.)