Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

It’s so discouraging, and I can’t help but wonder if Cuomo would be opening things up this quickly if he weren’t embroiled in a scandal. I hope the rate of vaccinations speeds up asap.


Only reason is wait to compare the financial aid. You can negotiate if you get a better aid from another school comparable.

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This is so funny! Now moving onto next week’s waitlists!

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on to

Sorry! Same here!

All of theses waitlists are incredible! S is on 2 (Villanova and GWU).

I’m wondering if this year ‘waitlist’ is just the new ‘deferral.’

I’m predicting plenty of May/June, “OMG, D was just offered a 6th spot from another of her waitlists!”


“Equity grading”? Is that like Communism for the educational system? :rofl: If you don’t mind, what area do you live in?


Rejected from Vanderbilt. It’s been the most simple relationship. Minimal essay requirements. Rejection. Clean break. All relationships should be like this :smiley:

Who’s on the USC train tomorrow? I feel like these are just stalling tactics before 4/6.


NJ is opening up pretty quickly, too, so I don’t think the scandal to blame, but who knows? It’s been hard to figure out some of the restrictions for a while now.

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California. It’s only being discussed at this point.

Very nice list of admits! Good luck with your decision!

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My D accepted to Brandeis, GWU and American
WL @ Northeastern and WashU
Guaranteed transfer at BU
Waiting for NYU but not optimistic based on BU.

She wants a city. Haven’t traveled but will be double vaccinated by end of week.

Thoughts on Brandeis Vs GWU for Psychology? (Thinking we can’t count on WL)



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One good news we heard: My daughter got close to full tuition from GT. Only expense is room, boarding and personal expenses.


If she accepted the spot and you paid the deposit, it seems like she and you have committed to UVA, so there’s no reason at this point to hold onto other acceptances and declining them will possibly help someone else sooner than later.

If she’s afraid to let them all go then it’s probably not the end of the world to keep one other until May 1 but once you make a deposit you’re committed and really no reason to hold on to the others barring something unusual happening to change it.

Congrats on her acceptance. We just visited on Thursday and it’s still in the running for mine.


All states are opening up quickly and they’re all starting to open the vaccine to everyone over 16 much sooner than expected just to get the shot in as many arms as possible at this point. The younger generation 18-30 are supersreaders and at this point need to get it asap so that it can stop spreading so fast. Giving it to a 60 year old who doesn’t party like a 30 year old at this point doesn’t make sense when you can cover more ground by giving it to a 30 year old that may go out and socialize more and thus be spreading to to multiple people and way more than the 60 year old might spread it too.


I keep getting confused with the initials GT. To me, it’s Georgia Tech, but can also be Georgetown. Could it be spelled out? TYVM.


Sure! I will spell it out from now! Georgetown is what I meant.


I’m all for opening up vaccinations to everyone 16+ asap. Having lived through the pandemic in NYC, hearing constant ambulance sirens in my generally quiet neighborhood and seeing refrigerator trucks parked outside our local hospital to serve as temporary morgues, combined with the current uptick in cases here many of which are coming from highly infectious variants, I am surprised that formerly cautious, follow-the-science-listen-to-the-experts Cuomo, is now ignoring the advice of Dr. Fauci and the CDC. “The United States faces “impending doom” as COVID-19 numbers continue to rise and more states loosen restrictions, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, said during a news briefing Monday.” Coronavirus & COVID-19 Overview: Symptoms, Risks, Prevention, Treatment & More


Most states are now setting dates to open up the vaccine to anyone 16+. It’s not just NY. My daughter goes to school in NY and is getting her second dose on Wed and had no problem getting in for the first dose. People need to get it any time they can get it because the more shots in arms the better. My state too you can get it in certain areas already 16+. My 18 year old is getting it on Friday hopefully, and he is the last of my 4 kids to get it. Texas where my other daughter goes to school is open to everyone where she is also. The problem is where the people are that don’t want it.

But I do agree that states and it’s all states are moving to open everything too early and throw in the towel, but they’ve been saying this for awhile now that there will be a 4th surge and it’s about to hit, which is why they’re trying to just get as many people as vaccinated as possible.

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